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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Another opportunity to overdub Jake Loyd with someone who can act, but will he?
  2. Now that the movie is finally out, everyone has seen it, and even I've given it an "it doesn't completely suck" review, I can finally post this again without getting accused of not giving it a chance! [attachmentid=40372]
  3. I dissagree. It would be a disserve to the franchise to treat it like Gundam, with a myriad of sidestories that have nothing to do with the core plot & themse of the story. Gundam is about Newtypes, not grunts, not Zeon loving kids, etc. While the sidestories there are fun (at least most of them), they do nothing for the core like 0079, Zeta, & Victory do (and Turn-A if you choose to include that). Macross most certainly doesn't need that.
  4. Oh my god, you're an Outer Heaven mercenary!
  5. Even me? I hate robotech! I just have a morbid curiousity with their sequel attempts is all....
  6. You're all wrong. Samuel L. Jackson will be Snake!
  7. Shhh,. you're going to blow the Invid's scam, they set the whole thing up to steal Earth's nacho's
  8. I sure you meant that in a nice way
  9. You always dissagree, so you don't count!
  10. Did she turn into a physical bird before an energy phoenix deally in Mospeada? I thought she just turned into the energy deally? But I'll have to check the animation again to check.
  11. Lucas didn't hand off the writing, just the directing. At all points in time, he was still in control of the story. Major difference there being, Lucas was "never" able to believably direct people. Kawamori, regardless of whether you agree with his plot lines or not, always produces interesting well plotted out characters.
  12. As I said, I rank this on a cheesey american sci-fi scale, not a true anime scale. I place this in my guilty pleasure animation catagory, along with Titan A.E., G-Savoir (Canada is in america afterall), and Rock & Rule. So bad it's entertaining. As opposed to Space Gandam V & The Sentinels, which fall into the painful to watch, but I have to own it because it has a Macross rip-off in it catagory. About the CG, I wouldn't doubt if the renders were handled by different people/groups. The capitol ship renders all stink of Jason Netter (formally of Netter Digital) and his B5 work. The Legioss/Alpha's look like they dug up whoever did the Last Starfighter renders, and the Haydonite fighters look like bad Japanese video game cannon fodder fighters. I'd be surprised if I wasn't correct on at least 2 out of 3 of those guesses. Animation wise, I think the thing that bugged me the most were the inside cockpit shots, it literally looked like animated faces were pasted onto CG bodies. That, and of course the lack of bounce in the huge titties. BTW, I loved Zero, both story & animation. But then I'm one of the few continuing Kawamori supporters around here these days, at least one of the fe vocal ones. In both catagories, SC didn't even come close to Zero. Complain about the floating rocks & space monsters all you want, but the regis with a bird body was one of the funniest damn things I've seen recently. If nothing else, watching this has just made me want Exosquad on DVD even more.
  13. I actually posted a newbie playguide right before that whole hacking incident a few months ago. Unfortunately, it was one of the posts that was lost.
  14. If you really want a series without Kawamori that badly, then why not watching something that "isn't" Macross!
  15. Why is it that every alien/non-human female in this film has pink hair? Where are the other freakin' colors!
  16. The end of 7, Dynamite, & Zero all hint at something big on the horizon. Besides which, as a general story, Macross has run most of its course. Through out the course of the series, humanity has gone through mopping up the Protoculture's mess, to spreading out into what could become a new Stellar Republic. I'd like to see the next big project being the U.N. Spacy going up against a huge interstellar threat, and walking out of it much better off than the Protoculture did. Blue good ole ambiguous Kawamori damn near spelled out what was to come with the end of Zero. The AFOS wasn't destroyed, and humanity just barely passed its test. The damn thing had to go somewhere. When you combine that with the Protoculture Ruins in 7, & the Ginga Kujira in Dynamite (who were tied to a planet that was definately protoculture influenced), it just smells of super big Protoculture test on the horizon.
  17. Oh I know, I've just been hedging on upgrading my DVD player. It's 7-8 years old, and still running pretty well. Though I've been eying those new fangled players that do both automatic region switching (have to manually set it on my) and PAL conversion. One of these days perhaps.
  18. I'm still voting for big explosive macross story finale!
  19. Madman Entertainment released an Australian Ulysses 31 box set, but it's R4 & PAL, double whammy!
  20. Is it just me, or does Greg Sneogoff sound like Adam West now?
  21. Despite the mecha, it's not very Mospeada at all.
  22. As near as I can tell from watching the Sentinels & the Shadow Chronicles, it's a robot that follows the teaching of the old with the beard & knock-off tribbles from the sentinels?
  23. Wait, what album is the Mari version on?
  24. May I post this link over at AOD? Quoting you and your site of course. Just so the naysayers can actually see what they're missing.
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