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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Why is this even a discussion? As others have pointed out, Future Chronicle (which came with the R2 OVA release of Plus) relegated II to a "Parallel Universe" status. I know, I've seen it! The only clues as to the origins of the Marduk are briefly mentioned I believe it was when Ishtar was re-captured & speaking with the Marduk Emulator Priestess chick. There's a bit of dialogue about how the Marduk were once like humans who had a conflict with the Zentradi, but instead of adapting them into their own culture, dominated them instead. I may be getting that mixed up with an Ingus scene, but I'm pretty sure that's what was said. The major problems with II aren't just how it doesn't gel with the after Nue cannon, but also how it fails to mesh with TV, DYRL, FB 2012, or any combination of the 3. The U.N. Spacy's rampant use of Zentradi ships as building materials flies in the face of the reconstruction we'd seen going on. The "Boobytrap" didn't exist in DYRL, which II supposedly takes after, and as such the mis-firing of the cannon when the Marduk enter orbit really doesn't make sense. Hell, even if the Boobytrap had occurred, it was fixed early on in Macros TV, and should the problem have arisen again, sure as hell would have been fixed within 80 years. It's just not a good idea to have a beam weapon randmly discharing in a theme park! There's no sign of Earth colonization, no sign of any real advancement at all outside of a moon base. There are almost fewer Zentradi in Macross II's future than there are in post Macross Robotech. The Themepark too is a bit troubling, since DYRL's depiction of Earth after being rained down upon was so tore up it's doubtful those stone artifacts would have survived where steel buildings did not. But the biggest problem of Macross II was completely re-using DYRL's scene struction & base story, without having a pre-exisitng fleshed out TV series to rely on.
  2. THANK YOU! I've been trying to tell people that since the damn thing came out! The original (R2 at least) actually is uncompressed PCM.
  3. Ammo box is the complete Votoms series in a tin ammo box.
  4. It could be argued that Kawamori was just being arbitrary by saying he never saw it and as such had no opinion. The sales numbers & budget snip of Macross II is pretty hard to dispute however, as episode 5 see's an immediate drop in quality that lasts through episode 6, something that only happens when OVA's flop. But as the story goes, Big West sad over their 10th anniversary flop coaxed Kawamori & Nue into doing more Macross, at which point 7 went into production, & Kawmaori's AVF story was re-written into Plus.
  5. I'm still amazed a new project is even being worked on this year, the timing just seems very odd.
  6. I totally dissagree. The fight with the 14th Angel was far more awesome.
  7. Basara never cared about anyone understanding him, or painting for that matter!
  8. Or easier yet still, someone around MW has to have a DVD burner & a copy, just have them make you one.
  9. Just to spite you guys, I hope the next Project is all Basara & yet another one of Mylene's sisters!
  10. Psst, Macross, & about 90% of all anime is about magic hocus pocus, get over it!
  11. If it's anything like the SD Nadia shorts they did (which we didn't get in the U.S. release), then I don't think there's much to worry about.
  12. Honestly, Gainax hasn't done an animated work that i don't love, so I don't doubt this will be entertaining.
  13. They're not magic music beams, they're passionate scientific music beams!
  14. God damn you, I was perfectly content in not spending money tonight, and then you had to post that Nono statue! At least it's on backorder, so it won't charge for a little while...
  15. AFOS could very well have been the anima spiritia tool against the Protodevelin, or at the very least one of them. As for the Ginga Kujira, take this into consideration. They got their energy from Zola, a world tampered with by the Protoculture. The inhabitents had an overall cultture & art style similar to the Mayan of Zero. Just seems too coincidental for the Ginga Kujira to be naturally occuring.
  16. The Ginga Kujira weren't just a usable resource, they were usable fold enignes! Definately Protoculture created!!
  17. It's been announced to definately be a prequal, and will also feature Chirico.
  18. Gigil & Valgo were early models, large heavy battle types. he giggling twins were also likely of the same class, though refined a bit, a first production model if you will. Gabil/Glabil was likely a first attempt at size reduction, a lager scale fighter with detachable small scale detachment abilities, for smaller battles/less power usage. Sivil seems to be the 100% refined model, all the power and capabilities of her larger brothers, but with a more compact size & asumed power usage. For all intents capabilities of all these models are similar, large scale beam cannons, fold capability, barrier shields, etc. All major components of Protoculture technology. Gepelnitch is the hard one to figure out, as whatever original capabilities it had seem to have been heavily modified by the possession. Perhaps the original design called for the creation of a black hole to whipe out large fleets as some sort of last resort weapon. But it could be assumed that this type also has the same capabilities of all the other Protoculture, but its hard to tell considering we only see space fold being used by it. Unfortunately, the closest thing we see to un-altered Evil series is the Ginga Kujira, & AFOS, both of which share similar characteristics, minus the possession & energy obsorbtion. Although considering the Ginga Kujira do absorb their life energy from Zola, it could be assumed that they were developed after the Protodevelin were taken out, with some of that technology being borrowed back.
  19. Who the hell is Gamjin? Is he related to Bukkakezaki?
  20. Perhaps the delay in getting the series out to wider distribution is to hav ea fixed release....not even remotely likely, but we can dream.
  21. FB 2012 was essentially the fullfillment of Minmay's promise at the end of the TV series. New animation was freakin' awesome, and considering the mid 80's were rampant with music video's in general, I thought the montages were pretty good. I've always had a softspot for FB 2012 though, so I gave it a 5.
  22. b!tch, we're in the future, mp3's!
  23. What are you talking about? Macross 7 was 100% pure fleshed out character stories & background, aside from Basara, who is left intentionally a mystery.
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