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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I've yet to see a Gainax production I don't like, can't wait for this one.
  2. Did someone say oldschool video games? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vipmROOQP2w&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ERuRjk_-YQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNrhKXBp3dg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j33BQXWkvUE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofZeMkgW_9g And this one is the absolute best. I'm not even going to ruin the surprise.
  3. You know, I never had much interest in watching this new series, but the current discussion is finally making me think of taking a look. If I have this straight, Cylons are no longer machines, by bio-engineered beings chasing after the Galactica fleet, who are also bio-engineered and don't know it, and are looking for the lost 13th colony (aka Earth) who are the last remnants of the original beings. And for some reason all that's currently happenings is the fullfillment of a biologically pre-set turn of events layed out for some reason by an earlier ancestor of some sort... Slightly Gall Force-ey. Or perhaps Votoms would be a better comparison with its use of the PS's to help awaken the true Overman?
  4. It shouldn't be too much longer before story elements come out.
  5. Note to those who want to buy the limited edition version of Haruhi Suzumiya, rightstuf.com is counting down on their available presales, currently only around 500 left, and you can get their extra bandai sale discount right now.
  6. That was an awesome version, too bad it's only been released on one single.
  7. The true coup would be if Bandai visual released Macross 7 here in sub only box sets...BOMBA!!
  8. Yes, I totally thought he sounded like Adam West, think I mentioned it a few pages back too.
  9. That'd most likely happen anyway due to all the "Protoculture fumes."
  10. This truly is a coup for microsoft. After all these years, they finally managed to snag a game I want to play! Though to be honest, I hope there will also be a PS3 port.
  11. OH I dissagree, the presence of someone who could actually sing on the battlefield would most definately send anyone from the robotech universe into an instantly stunned state, causing them to immediately surrender and pronunce Basara king!
  12. Sequel, we already had a reboot, it was called DYRL!
  13. The pure comedy gold of the attempt would be entirely worth it.
  14. :::::Basara fold's in:::: "Meh" :::Basara folds back to Macross universe:::
  15. Why doesn't MW allow nudity again? Aren't we all in and around our 30's? As for the picture, that's disturbing to no end The only way that could be worse is if it were that guy who dressed up as female anime characters wearing a modeled head. Oh, and I don't think that was forgetting to put away the laundry, looks more like a last minute attempt at covering the exposed door/window.
  16. You guys come up with the absolute most innane comparisons sometimes. I freakin' swear.
  17. I was totally trying to remember what that was called like a month ago. Thanks. BTW, didn't it have pre-borg like aliens?
  18. That would be a good explanation for the SA's name, and would coincide with the naming of the Varuta army, as they were the Varuta expedition team.
  19. If you don't think the original was geared towards a young crowd then you haven't paid enough attention to it.
  20. The mind control implemented in II & 7 are completely different. II's uses stimuli for pre-programmed results, and 7's is more akin to a persona swap. If you didn't want a response, you shouldn't have brought it up. Whenever the U.N. Spacy was backed into a life or death situation, they never hesistated to use them. Hell, they were the first thing that were busted out when it was first decied to fight the Zentradi. Besides which, it'd be much more logical to start using reaction weapons than to send up an underpowered vastly understaffed Macross! Even an assumption would require something to at least hint at the idea. Fact is barrier technology isn't present at all in Macross II. Omni, Pinpoint, or otherwise. It was never destroyed, Guld & Isamu just made their own small hole in it. Actually, Flash Back 2012 establishes that the TV ship was refit into the DYRL design. This leads to my next response. The overall Implication was that the Macross was something that hadn't been used in quite a while. While a refit including said features could be possible, one would think that said refit would include an upgrade that wouldn't destroy itself while being fired. Unless we're also to believe that siad refit was contracted out by cheap untrained Zentradi labor who took the money figuring the cannon would never need to be fired, and as such no one would notice their half-assed blow up in your face work. -Refits usually lead to improvements, not regressions That still wouldn't account for the lack of backup. Max does have Newtype qualities.... To be fair, the only battleship we see the YF-19/YF-21 come close to engaging is the Macross, and that's already after an extended battle depleting ordinence. While the SAP's pack beam cannons, so did hte strike pack's on the VF-1's. claiming any mecha in 2 performed even half as well as the 19 & 21 in Plus is just silly.
  21. I predict the new series will be the further adventures of The Jamming Birds!
  22. Macross II & Plus don't even remotely fit well together. Look how advanced the U.N. Spacy is in Plus, then look at II, the spacy of the time looks ass backwards by comparison. -No reaction weapons -No Fold boosters -No Pinpoint barriers equipped fighters -No Earth defense network -Macross II's Macross has TV colors, which doesn't exist in any continuity but its own -The Bridge in II is more similar to the TV bridge than the DYRL bridge -YF-19/YF-21 far outclass the VF-2J, VF-2SS, & Metal Siren. -Leg & ARMD cannons???? -Eden was one of many relatively close proximity colonies, don't you think said colonies would have detected the Marduk approach, alterted Earth, & sent backup? -Hologram technology in II isn't even remotely up to Plus's level. There's just no way you can pay attention to any Macross TV series or movie, then try to say II fits in well with it. That's like trying to stick Gundam Wing into UC, it just doesn't work...unless you go by the millenia passing Turn-A Bang theory, but that's a whole other matter. As for Zero, the Protoculture artifacts on Mayan are very similar to those seen in 7 & Dynamite, so yes, the flying rocks do fit in.
  23. Speaking of the BOME, has BBTS started shipping theirs out yet?
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