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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I pre-ordered from BBTS, and still haven't recieved it yet, every month it gets bumped to the next month. I'm not sure how common that is with these releases.
  2. The recklessness Gamlin was speaking of was in regards to Basara's safety. The only one who put Diamond Force in jeopardy was Gamlin, when he ignored orders to leave Basara be, and focus on his own objectives.
  3. Here's a question, my season 1 set didn't come with an insert booklet like the other 4 seasons, is that common?
  4. Can't beat the timing, I just picked up the whole series/movies last month.
  5. Again, fans are inconsequencial to music. If your'e playing music, and no one's there to hear it, there is definately still music. -Sivil saved Basara, Basara saved everyone else. -Basara did compromise on one thing, he eventually accepted the need for a military presence, i.e. Gamlin, and in return he only asked that the military not try to screw with what he was doing. -Basara never put anyone at risk through what he did, fact of the matter is, the military were non-effective against the protodevelin. When he went off to ressesitate Sivil, he did so because awakening the percieved enemy was part of his purpose all along. Basara/Sound Force was never a tool to be used by the military against the Protodevelin, had they been handled on those terms, it never would have worked, and they would have been just as useless ass the Jamming Birds.
  6. Everything everyone does is for their own selfrighteous satisfaction to a degree, just because Basara chooses to sing instead of shoot at people doesn't make him any more self righteous than anyone else, it just makes his methods different.
  7. Nope, Spiritia was never used as a superfuel.
  8. 7 was before Wing.
  9. You mean like the bad melodramaic voice acting, juvenile dialogue, lfood of narrator exposition, and the all purpose superfuel "protoculture." ?
  10. Hmm, that would definately seem to learn towards another future timejump. Perhaps 2100+ era?
  11. Asuka isn't in the first movie because it will only cover the events leading up to episode 6, i.e. before Asuka's appearance.
  12. Basara refusing to use violence doesn't even remotely mean that he doesn't care about anybody. It's because he cares about "everyone" that he strives to resolve conflicts withou violence.
  13. If you can track down the Macross 20th Anniv collection disc, it's got the video scenes from all of the Macross games except M3.
  14. While Gamlin's role was important, Basara is the one who saves everyones asses. i.e. no Gamlin, everyone would have pulled through some how. No Basara, the universe would be completely devoid of life. And 7 is my favorite as well
  15. http://www.animeondvd.com/forum/showtopic....tid/19471/tp/1/
  16. The only thing I don't like is that it's being done on DVD-R media, instead of factory pressed disc's. i'll buy it anyway, but in the meantime, I'll continue to see if I can convince them to use real factory pressed disc's...
  17. The Protodevelin aren't scary unless you're Zentradi. i.e. the fear isn't being marketed towards you!
  18. Was that before or after they started nuking the PLANTS
  19. Actually, I think I mentioned the title translation thing when it first came out, commenting something to the effect of BV believing american's weren't capable of "aiming for the top," or some such thing. As long as the original Japanese titles are there (which they are) I could care less what stupidity they choose to impact in their subtitle of it. Aside from that, and the rip van winkle thing, the subtitles for Gunbuster were great, as I hope they will be for Diebuster.
  20. I thought the Australian release was still missing some, only 43 or so out of 50 episodes.
  21. I don't know, sounds like Jebus to me. Walks on water, fly's a Valkyrie, same diff!
  22. Mahoromatic, & Melody of Oblivion also weren't parodies. At least no more so than Nadia.
  23. Considering this is the only game that I've ever considered playing on one. pass.
  24. Hopefully if it is exclusve, it's just one of those 6 month exclusives...
  25. Pre-orders are coming at around $29.99. Bandai Visual has pretty much stated their qoing with Japanese quality releases at near R2 pricing. Their eventual goal is to have simultanious R1/R2 releases. And assuming we don't have another Gunbuster audio incident, I don't see a problem as long as they maintain their quality.
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