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Everything posted by Keith

  1. They're definately totally re-animated it. No stitched together movies here.
  2. Sorry guys, this one's my fault. I made a joke about a live action Thundercats movie the other day, and accidentally put the idea out into the universe...
  3. Hmm, "Watashi no Kare Kano wa Piloto" I'd watch it
  4. You're missing the obvious one here, it could be a U.N. Spacy academy story.
  5. Jim & Mint are definately a couple. But mind you they also live in a post semi-apocolypted world where Mint had already been with older men, and they'd both traveled along together, fought aliens, etc. It's an understandble coupling under the circumstances, though most any o ther time Jim would have been locked up!
  6. While I doubt it will happen too, the fact remains that the option is still there for them to pull a "hah hah, we blew up all our mobile suits, went into space, and started the U.C. era right after this show" trick at the end. The name 00, until further defined, just seems too suspicious.
  7. Free my ass. TV is paid for by advertisers, who in turn get revenue from people who purchase the products they see on TV.
  8. I find it funny how none of the metaphysical stuff in Plus is acknowledged, simply because it was being performed by a computer
  9. Excellent, here's hoping for a big gang up large scale grand loose end tying up series! Earth Vs Remnants of Protoculture!
  10. If Minmay did possess Anima Spiritia capability, then she didn't develope it until pre-Megaroad-01 launch. Minmay's effect through out the TV series was little more than Culture Shock, which is why Kamjin finally threw it back at her, and why she at the end of the series leaves to find a "real" emotion to put into her music.
  11. They aren't shown on screen at the same time with him, so there's no means of comparison.
  12. The first 2 volumes are now up for pre-order at rightstuf.com
  13. DVD 5's won't be so bad, since there won't be more than 4-5 episodes per disc.
  14. Thanks Graham, I was trying to think of what those character designs were reminding me of. So far, I'm open, as I've watched damn near every other incarnation of Gundam. Though I can't say I like the spinning top on the back of the main Gundam, or the big jewel shaped main camera's.
  15. I'm actually a little dissapointed they're abandoning C.E. Is the rumored SEED movie still in the works?
  16. I still say Ivano Gunther was female, taking on male physical attibutes only because of the melding with the larger Gepelnitch body. Look at those hips! Besides, the character had Sayla's seiyuu. Mylene was definately Anima Spiritia, just not as strong as Basara. Though in general, anyone should have the potential to switch between spiritia types, as it has more to do with the effort/passion you put into life, than any specific task. Unfortunately, Exedor is the only giant sized Zentradi on screen at any given time, so there's no real way to get a descent size reference. Refer back to DYRL since he was playing himself in the film. The effect of Minmay's songs were indeed nothing more than culture shock. Even she realized that by the end of the series, which is why she left to find a true emotion to put into her music (achieved apparently within a year for the Megaroad's launch). In the end, it wasn't Minmay's singing, or the culture shock that saved humanity. It was humanity's willingness to openly share its culture with the Zentradi. i.e. The 3 spies experienced life aboard the Macross, shared their new experiences with their crewmates upon return, and spread like wildfire across the Britai Adoclas fleet. That's why Britai finally made the decision to defect, realizing Bodolza would consider him contaminated anyway, he went with the better option for survival, as well as the wishes of all the men in his fleet. What Basara sought to achieve was a more direct means of achieving that, sharing emotions/experiences directly through song, not just confusing the enemy with hit & run tactics.
  17. The DVD release has all new next ep previews for the chronological order narrated by Yuki. The original broadcast next ep previews are included as extra's, and will be used in their proper place for the Kyon order disc's.
  18. Since I pre-ordered online, I didn't go. Despite being invided by a very cute clerk a week before. On the bright side, I did pick up the MG Strike Freedom there.
  19. Sorry, meant the second volume. The rundown is: Vol 1 -Haruhi 1-4 Vol 2 -Haruhi: 5-8 -Kyon: 1-5 Vol 3 -Haruhi: 9-11 -Kyon: 6-10 Vol 4 -Haruhi: 12-14 -Kyon: 11-14
  20. No, Haruhi order is the chronological release, Kyon order is original broadcast order. Disc's 3 2-4 of the LE versions of Haruhi will have both, the regular editions will only have chronological order.
  21. Clone wars has been covered sufficiently. It'd make more sense to cover the post oriignal trilogy territory, with the supposed original VII, VIII, & IX parts of the story. CG/animation would solve all problems resulting from actor's being too old.
  22. Now see, I hated 0080, but loved G, so there! SEED is a pretty harmless place to start, if that's what your library has, I'd check it out (pun intended). Though if they had the original 0079 movies, that'd be the best place to start. As for Cromartie, go for it.
  23. Meh, I don't regret importing, and I'll very likely pick this up as well.
  24. Best Buy can suck my left nut, But no, the LE's will be exactly the same everywhere.
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