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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Dynamite had the dual role of having an environmental message, and being a precursser for Zero. On the surface it's saying hunting for sport/resources is bad, but if you look a little more closely, you'll see yet another one of the Protoculture's "tests" that have been in play since 7. Macross 7 had its test of "taming" the Zentradi if you will. The only reason that the Protoculture computer/remnant spoke with the 7 fleet was because Mylene was present, and a being born of both human & Zentradi blood. Dynamite had the Ginga Kujira, who's organs were harvestable as fold engines, and were drawn Zola, a planet which also had Protoculture intervention. With Basara's help they were able to charge up enough to break the cycle they'd been stuck in. Zero of course had the AFOS, and humanity just "barely" passed its test of evolving past strictly warlike tendancies. As for Mylene in Dynamite, her minor plot revolved around her continuing to be naive, and in trying to go off on her own, getting herself into more trouble. Basically, before Fire Bomber officially disbanded, Mylene went off on her own solo career, ignoring the lessons she'd already learned, and getting caught up in the idol side more than the music side. It wasn't so much about her nearly getting raped, as it was about her not realizng she still needed others.
  2. Second box just came out Tuesday.
  3. Exactly. People may complain out the wazoo about Bandai Visual's pricing, but they're delivery the goods to match. Can't wait to see what they're going to do with MS IGLOO.
  4. Funny thing is, the thing that got me truly interested in checking out Haruhi, was hearing about the Macross 7 reference in one of the next episode previews.
  5. Luckily, I hadn't seen robotech in so many years, that I pretty much did walk int o Southern Cross fresh. And while I did enjoy it, there's just something about Mospeada that I liked a lot more.
  6. If you want to pick it up, I'd snag it sooner than later. Pretty sure it's OOP.
  7. But what kind of pie would be the official pie of MWCon? I vote banana cream!
  8. If that's in regards to me, I'd say I was more goading than arguing, but even then, not seriously.
  9. Scared nuthin', I'll bust out my guitar & at you!
  10. If you ain't never been to MWCon, don't never come to MWCon, 'cus you wouldn't UNDERSTAND" MWCon. Straight outta MWCon! Damn, I wish I was going this year, not for to pie anybody, just to hang out. Isn't Mari coming this year?
  11. I demand pictures of semi-nude valk-girl....STAT!
  12. I actually do think you went about this all wrong. Perhaps a wedgy would have gotten your point across more clearly
  13. Until the new Macross series is out...yes.
  14. Why would they admit fault? Considering that they actually went through all the time to make what they did, it should be somewhat reasonable to assume that they liked what they did. Food for thought. I can understand your general perspective, but then I also have a wider overall perspective in that robotech has never been, and never will be, anything with a "pure" vision, driving in any specific direction. It was always a general kit-bash if you will, one with many hands in the cookie jar, and as such, no specific general guiding direction to begin with. You've always had your animation fans, novel fans, comic book fans, rpg fans, all with decidedly different takes on the storyline. If anything, the one coherent thing HG has done in the last 20 years is hire someone to attempt to nail something firm down. Stranger yet still, they hired someone who was in themselves an apparent fan of the franchise. And that is where the true fault lies, fans should never, ever, at any point in time, be allowed to work on franchises that they are fans of. They almost always without fail run off on their own interpretations, ignoring an original creator's intent. Hell, look at all the fanfiction out in the world. Do you know how awful most franchises would turn out if those fanfic writers were allowed to work on anything legitimate? But again, since Robotech was never anything with a firm orignal base of its own, no harm, no foul, especially if they're going to make attempts at creating a firm groundwork henceforth.
  15. What exactly do you expect them to do? 99.89% of all companies would sooner ignore their fanbases idea's, then let them share in the creative process. When it comes right down to it, they're being paid, you're not, stands to reason they'd want to protect their paycheck and "not" farm the general fanbase. That's not withstanding legal issues to boot. Since the Yune's took root at HG, they've always practiced their own special brand of information control & lack of originality, I'm pretty sure it was in their resume's But to be disgruntled because they're not open to your idea's when it's their idea's that are being contracted seems a bit silly. The simplest solution would be, if you think you can do it better, then write your own original story, & do it better. Look at the guys who did Exo-Squad, clearly Macross/Robotech inspired, but with their own takes on it. The only thing you've sufficiently achieved by pieing someone would likely be the opposite, if anyhting Yune's going to be less likely to stop & chat with people now, and more likely to gesture over grunts to help shoe him out of potential trouble.
  16. I hate to say it, but it really is kind of a "duh" situation in this case. HG has always been like that, hell, go ask battletech fans how they feel on the matter I guess I'm still just not getting it, as the writing & story in SC seems pretty consistent with what was done in the original rewrites for Robotech, no better or worse.
  17. I got one of the first (& only) responses form BV about the Gunbuster audio replacement, though since that time they seem to have become a bit more tight lipped.
  18. In all seriousness, no insult or ill-intent implied. Exactly what was it that made you finally decide to hit Yune with a pie. I realise you may not be happy with the direction that "The Shadow Chronicles" has taken, but at the same time, it's the first real attempt at a "true" Robotech production ever. Even Sentinels relied on stock footage, & some Macross "inspired" (as loosely as they did come) designs. Who's to say any of your dissagreements over the outcome of SC are any worse than cobbling together a show out of other shows with some bad dubbing & re-writing thrown in. If anything, I'd think you'd appload the attempt at originality, even if it is heavy on the re-used Mospeada designs.
  19. "Macrossworld: Where they'll rip you a new a$$hole, but won't assault you with a pie." Can we make that our new official motto?
  20. If anyone happens to come across a Bandai Visual (not Bandai Entertainment) booth or panel at any upcoming cons, run up and ask them what their stance on releasing Macross in the U.S. is, since they've just starting bringing properties out over here, and put out the DVD's in Japan.
  21. Hopefully ADV won't wait until 2008 to start their release, as someone who hasn't been downloading the series, I'm just as anxious to see it.
  22. I'm sorry, but HG staffers + disgruntled Robotech fan + pie = funny in my book. Sure it's assault, sure I wouldn't do it, but after years of suppsoed robotech fans calling Macross fans nuts for not liking robotech, for one of them to go assault one of their own is total comic irony.
  23. Pictures? BTW, I finally got my Bandai Nono, and I actually like it a whole lot more than I thought I would. I'm still going to get the Bome too though.
  24. It still has one bit of redeeming value, i.e. jiggly geena.
  25. Honestly, the more I actually see footage of the movie, the less apprehensive I am of it.
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