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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yup, the U.S. & Japan are indeed in the same region. One of the single smartest moves made since region coding/lockouts came about. I just wish Sony would disable the region coding on PS & PS2 games. Although I'd settle for a suped up PS3 Gundam VS game, preferably an all universe one that uses the newer AvZII Plus crazy speed & beam attacks + GVZG's "awakening" abilities, all with hugely detailed PS3 Gundam models....someday!
  2. You have to have a certain amount of faith as a fan that it will do well (of course that can alway be dashed later if it doesn't turn out well), but it's always good to be optimistic.
  3. That wasn't hallucination, that was pure "Kudun" vision! Pehraps a variatin on Spiritia detecting, i.e. instead of just purely reading power level, reading the emotional intent of your surroundings.
  4. You know it's sad, but I just realized why I love the Turn A design so much. It's got all the best features of the RX-78 & Gelgoog perfectly blended together.
  5. Oh I agree, but when have video game companies ever learned anything from the past. The simplest solution would be to pump some more cash into decent game developement to make some actual "must have" games, take a bigger hit in the PS3 by contining the $499 veriosn, then recoup that cost when said "must have" games start selling to players who pick up those discounted systems. It works everytime, but is continually forgotten.
  6. Novermber-ish it should be out in 2 versions. Disc's only, and limited edition with figures (same as released with the R2 box).
  7. It's not too surprising considering how sales were on the 20 gig model, it's sly yes, but not shady, considering it is beneficial to both sides right now (sony who want to clean out their stock, and consumer's who don't want to pay $600 for a PS3).
  8. The characters look more like their EoE versions, fuller & rounder. I'm actually surprised Gainax stuck with the same overall style, not dissapointed, but surprised consideirng their current design trends. Although in watching this again, I can't help but want to see Nadia redone in 4 new shiny movies
  9. Sony should have marketed it as a game console, Blue-Ray player, and space heater....and coume out with an airconditioning model, which I would have preferably snagged My game library has jumped to 3 now though: -Resistence -Gundam Crossfire (I know, but it's Gundam) -Blazing Angels (since there's no new Ace Combat on the Horizon). Also downloaded the DW Gundam, Gran Tourismo HD, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo's, as well as the new E3 Metal Gear Trailer....awesome trailer!
  10. Just out of curiosity, how much heating up is normal for the PS3? While I haven't had any waarning light blinking or shutting down problems, I've noticed all exhaust vents seem to heat up decently, as does the upper casing.
  11. It's a form of taking responsability for their actions, the PC finally coming to their senses after millenia of constant war.
  12. I'd seriously doubt a theatrical release. Though the upcing R2 Evangelion box set has listed amongst its extra features footage of the "upcoming" live action Eva movie, so that thing may not have completely died yet.
  13. Stupid $100 price drop + emotion engine....I've now officially jumped on the bandwagon, even though I swore I'd wait for MGS 4 first. Only game I have so far is Resistence, and I probably won't set the thing up until tomorrow or so. As for MGS4 being exclusive, I remember how half assed Konami's port of 2 was for the xbox, so I wouldn't get my hopes up there yet Here's hoping Namco doesn't take too long with Ace Combat 6, while it may be a 360 exclusive now, I can't imagine it being one forever. And damnit, it's about time we had a decent game that would allow for MW custom squadrens.
  14. It's explained in the pre-credits epilogue.
  15. And even then, I'm willing to bet far more enjoyed 7 than are vocal against it.
  16. That's the newer AD Police, the original was about 3 episodes, and tied in with the original BGC.
  17. In Retrospect, the movie seems far more Beast Wars inspired than it does G1, which isn't a bad thing, since BW had more of a cohesive story. Megatron specifically looks a lot like Dinobot.
  18. Can't believe I never noticed that was Peter Cullen, for shame.
  19. Very cool, now I'm sure this will be awesome when its done. Freaky rip attack from the 4th angel indeed
  20. Sooo tempting.... don't know if I can resist if the price drop does happen.
  21. I don't see Kawamori doing a reboot at this point, if that were the case, then likely he'd just do something entirely different, or just straight up walk away (as Tomino did), but we'll see. As for those still complaining with Kawamori's direction for Macross, I say again, if you want Macross to be an average mecha series, then go watch an average mecha series.
  22. That's just it, the Protoculture by that point knew they were on the way out. They left tests to clean up any potential messes they left behind, should humans follow their same path.
  23. I haven't really been keeping up on things. How bad is the emotion engine-less backwards compatability?
  24. Honestly, I don't see why they didn't just go the extra mile, and throw G.I. Joe characters in too, but overall, it was an enjoyable fanservicy movie. Finally a north american production than can wash the taste of G-Savior away.
  25. Pretty sure it's still available form AnimEigo.
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