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Everything posted by Keith

  1. It just goes to proove yet again that "P.C." stands for "Pure Crap."
  2. I still think they could have fine tuned it, and sold it as "MONKEY STOLE MY TACO"
  3. I don't know, I think it pretty thoroughly explains the level of spiritia pain this clip delivers.
  4. "MONKEY STOLE MY TACO!" should have been the name of the show And yes, I somehow don't hate SD Gundam Force nearly as much now...
  5. Watching this hurt my soul
  6. It was either an actual Protoculture citizen, or an A.I. of one.
  7. Actually, the war with the Protodevelin occurred within a year of Earth colonization, and the survey ship was taken out by a pre-Protodevelin, non-Zentradi, anti-PC faction of the PC. Hell, with a rare Protoculture on Protoculture attack looming, they must have known something was about to go down. I really don't see why you think there's room for debate on this issue however, it's pretty plainly spelled out that yes, the Protoculture did leave the AFOS behind as a safety measure, and in fact did intend to whipe out humanity before leaving. The only thing not truly clear, is whether or not this happened "before" or "after" the Protoculture conflict. After viewing 7, we know there were enough Protoculture left behind (just barely) to set certain events in motion (such as the ruins), and this excerpt from the compendium actually leaves a lot of breathing room open on the issue of a second Protoculture visit to earth: PC 2870 A Protoculture survey ship stops temporarily on "Earth." By genetically reconstructing the native life, it plots the emergence of a sub-Protoculture adapted to the planetary enivronment, "Humankind," to prepare for future colonization. During its return to its home planet, the survey ship is destroyed by military ships opposed to the Stellar Republic. Records of Earth and Humankind are eventually lost. [PC 2900] Here we know that records of Earth lasted for 30 years past the initial visit, as did remnants of the Protoculture. And while this particular issue isn't clearly spelled out, I believe that the "Bird humans" who came to Earth & evolved the "fish humans" were a second group of post war Protoculture, ones who found humanity to be jsut as violent as themselves, but gave them the option of evolving past it before exterminating them. The other piece of evidence, as you have noticed, would be the anima spiritia abilities, which weren't discovered until the war with the Protodevelin. This overall is quite a feasable theory.
  8. That'd be pretty interesting, especially with the ease of imports. An interesting note, I write Bamco about Beautiful Katamari, and AC 6. I got a pretty speedy reply too, though it totally ignored by question about Katamari, and as far as AC 6: "Thank you for contacting Namco Bandai's Customer Support Department. Thank you for your interest in our games. With regards to Ace Combat 6 being developed for the Xbox 360 - this was a business decision for the company. While it is true we published the previous Ace Combat titles for Playstation platforms, delivering Ace Combat 6 for one platform allowed us to focus on one technology to deliver a strong, robust game. We hope that you get a chance to play Ace Combat 6 on the Xbox 360, and thanks for your continued support. Please feel free to contact us again in the future as the need arises." Which is coorperate speak for "no," bastards!
  9. Considering the Brainwave interface was based on the Quadran Rau, i.e. Protoculture technology in the first place, it's quite feasable that the AFOS used something biologically similar, though the fact that it only interfaced with the Nome remains. As for the voice thing, it could have specifically chosen Sara's father as a template, but then he was also its previous intended pilot, so who know's there.
  10. It's not so much that they're on 360, as the more access to games the better, it's the exclusivity that bugs me. Hell, if there were a way to set it up so that there would be grand Ace Combat 6 multi-platform multi-player online matches, that'd be awesome.
  11. It is kinda weird that a mysteirous production problem would prevent a PS3 release of Katamari, especially in Japan where the PS3 would almost assuredly be more popular than the 360. Of course it's also weird that Ace Combat 6 would skip the PS3 as well, so perhaps Microsoft is just tossing mony Bamco's way to get a couple semi-exclusives, or even more likely, perhaps the release schedule got mixed up in translation.
  12. Exactly. The connection between the AFOS, & Sara/Mao was more than just Spiritia, there was an actual genetic connection, which is why only those two among all the islanders were unknowingly connected to it. It's not unreasonable to think that the Protoculture were genetically linked to their mecha, especially when said mecha were biological in nature. Another interesting note, The AFOS had the same voice as Sara's father.
  13. Here's the major flaw I find in your disbelief. You'll buy that the Protoculture would be so bold as to populate the entire galaxy with life that resembles themselves, and fight their wars through genetically engineered soldiers so as to not dirty their own hands. But you won't accept that upon their downfall, they wouldn't set into motion measures to ensure that life they manipulated didn't follow in their footstteps & repeat the cycle of war through out the universe? The whole Mayan creation legend is interesting in that it's pretty much centralized to the Mayan islands, even more so that the origins circulate around fish rather than sapians. I'd actually wager that the Mayans were evolved seperately from the rest of the humans on earth to serve specifically as guardians. You'll note the AFOS's question to Sara was specifically "are humans "still" fighting," which in itself precludes knwoledge of a warlike nature. Add into that the legend that Aeires professor mentions, in that the AFOS was ordered by the Protoculture to "sing the song of destruction" before leaving the planet, but instead chose to cut off its own head. Knowing that the AFOS's original pilot was Rooy Waka, Rooy Kanu's wife, and likely an actual Protoculture citizen herself, we can determine that she went against her orders before leaving, and instead left the Nome Shamen in charge of watching over humanity to see if they would continue down a warlike path. In effect leaving humans themselves to judge their worthyness to live, not the Protoculture. Take it as you will, but when you piece together the various Mayan tales told through out the OVA, you can get a pretty clear picture of what went on.
  14. And yet July 11th IGN also has E3 pic's of PS3 Beautiful Katamari http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/894/894962/imgs_1.html right after they're July 9th cancellation announcement. I wouldn't make too much of this until something more official is announced.
  15. Spiritia/Sound Energy went through as thorough a "sci-fying" as humanly possible in 7. Never was it portrayed as just magically there, nor was it portrayed much differently in Zero. Though it is interesting to contemplate how it will appear in the new series, but once we have the actual timeframe that it takes place, we should have a much better idea.
  16. He's messing with you.
  17. The AFOS has a human bloodtype, and we know from general history, that the Protoculture were the "only" major race originating from this galaxy during their reign.
  18. I don't think top 1 had any new footage, aside from maybe a pan or 2. And the new footage in top 2 was pretty sparse as well.
  19. One more question on heating up, then I swear I'll stop I've noticed that the top rear left definately seems to get pretty warm, and I'm assuming that's where the power supply is. Again, normal?
  20. I think the AFOS looked more like one of the Ginga Kujira myself...
  21. Yup, this will be 100% new animation, no stock footage. And there will be 4 movies, of which this is the first.
  22. Meh, my MGS Portable Ops casing wouldn't fit over that, so I'm fine with my classic model
  23. It's kinda like campaign mode on the early Gundam Vs games, way stripped down. There's no target lock on (that I've found), so it's kinda a crap shoot when you're trying to take out smaller magella tanks & such. I actually like the MS models, and as many others have said, if bamco would tighten up the engine and finish up the game, it'd actually be pretty fun. With a normal frame rate, more responsive controls, target lock, and a less floppy camera, it'd be quite playable Although as I said, I'd much rather have a suped up Gundam Vs game, or perhaps a 3rd person version of whatever that Gundam game in arcades is now that has all the crazy multi-player linkable cabinets, but in this case make it online mulit-player.
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