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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I'm sorry, but what??
  2. Now now, if Shadow Chronicles was up to Last Starfighter level of CG, then Shadow rising will most definately be up to Van-Pires or . Maybe if they get a little extra funding, they could even get it all the way up to Reboot season 1, or Beast Wars level...
  3. Oh my god, they got Shadow Stevens to be in the sequal!
  4. Maybe they're taking the time to study breast implants, so they can get the huge & motionlessness down perfectly!
  5. At least you can get that close, I'll be damned if I can grasp the concept of videogame drifting...
  6. Valgo was dead, but Natter Valgo basically served as a "booster" for Gabil, and in that, it would stand to reason that a biological one would have worked better than a mechanical one. As for the Zentradi & SA, as the Macross 5 fleet prooved, Zentradi alone are pertty ineffectual against a direct PD attack. Their hard wired fear would have kept them away from the Varuta system with just one Protodevelin awakened, let along backup from the Varuta fleet. Recalling the SA wouldn't have been all that dangerous.
  7. Journey to Jaburo was lightyears better than crossfire, and I HATE j2j.
  8. Come on, it's not like he's fat old Steven Seagal, where they have to shop the same old head from the cover of Under Seige onto a new body for every new film he does.
  9. And don't forget about the final chapter "Robotech: Shadow falls." Wow, a 2009 release...with the low end effort that goes into the animation, just what takes so long?
  10. From what was shown of the Protodevelin, they were hardly limited by their subjects for their technological knowledge. All indications show they took what existing technology was their, and upgraded it to suit their needs. Spiritia collection devices didn't exist prior to the Protodevelin, their battleships were pretty badass in and of themselves, especially considering that they were derived from the Megaroad 13 fleets technology, and they developed a whole line of variable fighters based off of the VF-14 & VB-6. Assumedly, their mind control technology was original & somewhat unique from anything the Protocutlure had. Hell, the only thing I would have really liked to see in 7 that wasn't there, would be the Protodevelikn recaling whatever scarce Supervision Army forces there were out in the universe, and adding them to their Varuta forces. Though I can understand why that wasn't done, since that would allow Basara to recoup real samples of Protoculture citizens. Though that in itself would pose an interesting question. What's the life span of the Protoculture? And how would the SA perpetuate themselves? Would they use Zentradi cloning technology? Procreation? Test tube babies? But considering the Protoculture's bio-technology was for all intents "alive," it doesn't seem like a feasable resource for the SA to use. Anything living at that size would almost assuredly be preferably used for spiritia consumption & discared, rather than used for combat. There's also the issue of Natter Valgo. If the Protodevelin did previously have the technology to create bio-weapons, it'd make more sense for them to create a new biological valgo, rather than a mechanical one.
  11. To get your 5 minutes back, send $1 to Happy Dude.
  12. Uisng Wing Zero definately bored the hell out of me, but I'm anxious to see the Turn-A. I probably will end up buying it (edited for realizing I was posting in the 360 topic)
  13. Also, apparently Blockbuster has decied to stock Blue-Ray's exclusively in-stores, and only carry HD in the 250 stores that they were test marketting both in.
  14. I'm totally downloading that tomorrow...I love not having to wait for 10$ magazines to play demo's.
  15. Why even pretend, 5 disc is the only real option
  16. Oh I dissagree. Going by what's seen in Macross 7 & the two SA ships seen in the oriignal Macross, I'd say the SA used older Protoculture technology "upgraded," much like the Varuta fleet in 7. The only bio-technology they had were the Protodevelin themselves.
  17. Considering how together the gameplay footage looked, I wonder how long it'll be until we get a playable MGS4 demo on the playstation store. Hopefully by TGS.
  18. Nope, wouldn't work with the SA, if they had the ability to generate spiritia, then there would have been no need to tear up the galaxy for the Protodevelin.
  19. I'm pretty sure this is by the same creative team that gave us the american Sonic the Hedgehog, & Megaman cartoons...
  20. Meh, I love all those aspects about metal gear, and at the same time, splinter cell bores me to tears
  21. Who cares about blue-ray, did you watch the Metal Gear gameplay footage?
  22. And yet one more mystery to throw into the mix. Did the Supervision Army somehow pick up on the sleeping AFOS?
  23. Oh my god, if I hadn't already just bought a PS3, I'd run out the door & buy one right now.....I fear the awesomenes of MGS4. I don't even want to think about what the Gekkou fight's will be like. My favorite part, using porno mags to recover Snake's stamina after spinning in the drum.
  24. Probably won't be any colonies yet, not until they feed back into the beginning of the U.C., even though they say they won't, I just see sunrise wasting the opportunity. BTW, at Gunota, there's news that the original Gundam movies are being released in Japan with their original audio track in a new set. Cross your fingers for subtitles!
  25. just as long as they don't look like those ugly ass leo's from wing...worst grunt mecha ever! (and yes, worse than the ones in southern cross too).
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