From what was shown of the Protodevelin, they were hardly limited by their subjects for their technological knowledge. All indications show they took what existing technology was their, and upgraded it to suit their needs. Spiritia collection devices didn't exist prior to the Protodevelin, their battleships were pretty badass in and of themselves, especially considering that they were derived from the Megaroad 13 fleets technology, and they developed a whole line of variable fighters based off of the VF-14 & VB-6. Assumedly, their mind control technology was original & somewhat unique from anything the Protocutlure had.
Hell, the only thing I would have really liked to see in 7 that wasn't there, would be the Protodevelikn recaling whatever scarce Supervision Army forces there were out in the universe, and adding them to their Varuta forces. Though I can understand why that wasn't done, since that would allow Basara to recoup real samples of Protoculture citizens. Though that in itself would pose an interesting question. What's the life span of the Protoculture? And how would the SA perpetuate themselves? Would they use Zentradi cloning technology? Procreation? Test tube babies?
But considering the Protoculture's bio-technology was for all intents "alive," it doesn't seem like a feasable resource for the SA to use. Anything living at that size would almost assuredly be preferably used for spiritia consumption & discared, rather than used for combat. There's also the issue of Natter Valgo. If the Protodevelin did previously have the technology to create bio-weapons, it'd make more sense for them to create a new biological valgo, rather than a mechanical one.