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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Honestly, 0080 is one of my least favorites, along with X.
  2. Seanbaby is one of the great comic geniuses of our time, and I have no idea what you're talking about. Not everyone is big on Bush's military actions or religion!! Besides, have you never read Seanbaby's old Mr. T vs websites from back in the day?
  3. Kurt Russell as Big Boss would be so unbelievabl awesome....how is the Metal Gear movie going anyway? And say what you will about Escape From L.A., but it still had a totally Pliskin ending.
  4. Yeah, but he also just did Death Proof, he's still got one more in him.
  5. The only thing worse than an EGM review is a gamepro review...is gamepro even aorund anymore? And then there was Gamefan, the magazine so great that its editor wrote multiple reviews under aliases to suppliment his own opinions. That of course was when he wasn't on a drug binch slipping racial slur's through out the magazine...
  6. I thought Carpenter & Russel were going to do Escape From Earth? What ever happened with that?
  7. Now maybe if sega would pop up with a new PS3 Panzer Dragoon game.....
  8. I seriously doubt there will be AU Macross stories, as II proved, it just doesn't work. Besides, we already have Gundam. How many damn times do you want to see the Zentradi invade?
  9. As an albino, it's never been my friend.
  10. Speaking of Lunar II... Plasma rain, most awesome attack in an RPG ever? Or just something snug in by a super perv? Seriously, look at where it came from!
  11. Actually, it's original release date was in july...
  12. In this crazy age of global warming, it just doesn't make sense to go outside anymore.
  13. It always struck me as incredibly odd that game developers don't gear releases for those all important summer vacation months, when kids actually have time to play.
  14. Lunar Genesis/Dragon Song was when I finally accepted that Game Arts was dead.....worst RPG EVER! And I'm actually a little mad that I never got around to picking up Grandia 2. I tried playing Grandia 3, but it just bored me, and I hated the in game models (which is saying a lot, since played through FFVII).
  15. Blue-Ray may proove to have one very useful feature. If MGS 4 comes out with both audio tracks (English & Japanese), then I will truly praise the format
  16. I agree, while the Sega CD did suffer from some bad decisions (i.e. FMV), it also had some of the best games on any sega system. -Sonic CD -Snatcher -Lunar 1 & 2 -Popful Mail -Flink & a pretty decent console port of Wing Commander. And the 32X was cart based, but they did release a few (sadly FMV) disc's that utilized both the 32X & the Sega CD. Though the 32X remains as one of the most useless pieces of hardware in all of gaming, it did strangely improve the resolution (slightly) of pre-existing genesis/SCD games. Now if Sega had actually backed the Sega CD with something other than FMV crap, it would have done much better. Phantasy Star IV was screaming to be a Sega CD title, but sega was too foolish to port it. The 5200 was also far superior to the 2600, though the Joysticks did have a near 100% fail rate, and always burned out after a while.
  17. Back where I come form, we call it licensed fanfiction garbage!
  18. In the current state Manga is in, I seriously doubt they'll snag this license. Hell, I'm surprised they were able to get the movies the first time around. Manga did use most of ADV's dub cast though.
  19. I'm actually pretty torn on my decision here. While I do have PS3 that works as a BR player, I'm still not sold on the format....decisions...
  20. Looks like 08 will be the true beginning of the PS3 then, GTA IV, MGS 4, hopefully more good games...
  21. Even though the movies aren't done yet, I'm really surprised ADV didn't announce a license aquisition at the summer con season.
  22. As much as the thought of having the 5th disc with workprint sounds cool, not sure I can justify the space for all that extra junk...hmm.
  23. UK was the same as the U.S., i.e. a VHS dump.
  24. WOO, GUN'S OF THE PATRIOTS! I personally can't wait for the insanity that will assuredly take place in this game. Hell, i'm replaying through Portable Ops now in anticipation. After that, I may replay through 3, etc. Hell, though I don't plan on playing online too often, I can't wait to test out the new engine in MGO.
  25. Just saw it this afternoon (and loved it), and that's what immediately popped into my head during that scene. It just seems so blatant, I don't see how it can be anything but a nod to the last episode.
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