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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Who would maintain it? The SA themselves , as the Varuta where shown to do in 7. Considering the level of technology in general, it's doubtful it would've brokendow anymore than the other PC/PD tech More likely, any awakened PC would asses the situation, and realize their war was over. Then try to rebuild their sciety. Not go off looking for more fights. At the time the bulk of the Zentradi would be "cultured", and no threat. The PD had no reason to not release the SA, doesn't make sense to leve them roaming after 7.
  2. Why not? however they purpetuated themselves, all they'd have to do is maintain the control technology, and they'd have and endless military
  3. Assuming the same technology was used on the Protoculture as was used on the Varuta Expedition fleet, it's doubtful it would simply "war off" so to speak. All they would need to do is keep maintaining it. Besides which, if it simply "wore off" they would no longer be the SA, they would return back to being normal Protoculture citizens. It's doubtful that Protoculture would choose to worship the PD, though I suppose anything is possible. What you're basically pointing towards, is something much closer to the Marduk, and that quite ismply has been done. I was actually hinting more towards the possablility of them re-awakening to their original Protoculture selves, and possibly seeing Earth as some kind of threat in the galaxy.
  4. While some of the documentaries may be new, the unrated cut was released again after the criterian disc in a 3 disc set (with Robocop 2 & 3). http://www.amazon.com/Robocop-Trilogy-Pete...7314&sr=1-3 Note that, that version only had the unrated cut, of Robocop though, no theatrical version.
  5. Yup, that was Macek's (original?) idea for the ending of Robotech. And such an inane would I seriously doubt Kawamori would use.
  6. With the Protodevelin gone, would the SA even have a purpose to fight? Or better yet, what if the remants of the SA woke up to their original selves....
  7. I'm pretty sure the Megaroads were designed for one way trips. Assumedly they would contain of the necessary materials to set up camp so to speak, so it wouldn't make much sense to send them back. It's for this same reason that it's doubtful that colony fleets would have been sent out without Megaroads. Going by FB 2012 at least, it looks like Zentradi ships were sent out on support roles. It would have been cool to see a Megaroads remnant in Macross Plus on Eden, alhtough to be fair, I never looked to close at the wide panoramic shots, so it may actually be there.
  8. All things considered, the Gamecube was still technically more powerful than the PS2, the Wii being somewhat more powerful than that, there's absolutely no reason a game as ugly as this should exist on it. This isn't the freakin' jaguar!
  9. Though it only lists 13 Megaroad fleets, the fact that 1-2 fleets are launched per year, we can assume that at least 30 Megaroad's actually launched. With the first of the New Macross Class launching in 2030, and those fleets being significantly larger, production moved down to 1 every year or so, leaving the 7 fleet to be the 37th long distance colony fleet to launch in 2038. The New Macross 8-13 doesn't factor into the 37, as they were not completed or launched yet.
  10. I think we can all agree Gamlin as a fleet captain would be freakin' awesome.
  11. That's ok, I still haven't even gotten around to playing Xenosaga I (let alone II & III), Dragon Quest VIII, FFXII, Suikoden V, Okami, multiple wild arms, etc. Just don't seem to have the time like I used to.
  12. Pocket Fighters got released with the PS2 Street Fighter Alpha collection, if you want to retire your Saturn copy.
  13. All the more reason I'm sticking with DVD until there's a firm winner (or I actually get a high end TV, which ever comes first). Though this Michael Bay thing is quite comical, if not entirely nonsensicle. How exactly does seeing 300 on HD DVD change BR owners ire over not having a BD release of Transformers again? Does the HD of 300 look better than the BR or something?
  14. That is really fwcking awesome.
  15. It would be sweet, but I'll believe it when I see it. Unfortunately, this crossplatform thing doesn't seem to be much of a 2 way street so far. I'm still holding out hope that Katamari will still pop up at it's march PS3 release date for instance... Though I'm still sorely dissapointed about AC 6.
  16. You sir are the best secret keeper ever.
  17. Actually, it's on sale at rightstuf right now. Only 29.99
  18. Speaking of which, exactly why isn't Dead Rising being ported to the PS3 again? Way to slack capcom!
  19. Gundam + Sunrise = Super advertising machine. Considering this is a TV series, it's no big surprise that there isn't a ton of info out yet. OVA's & movies have longer production cycles, and as such need a longer lead time to keep up interest. We know (or at least have a general idea) Macross F has been in production for at least 4+ months (and that's actual production, not just pre-production), and will continue to be into production well after its premiere (depending on the episode count), so I wouldn't worry so much that info isn't leaking out yet, especially considering how much Kawamori likes keeping his plots secret. Hell, look how much info "didn't" spill out about Zero during its release.
  20. Oh yeah, Gamefan was always that way. It's also why it was imfamously late to press, since the staff was constantly screwing around. Don't get me wrong, it had great import reviews, awesome layout (near Japanese mag quality paper & ink), etc, but an idiot at the helm. Hell, I think he's on his 6-7th magazine now.
  21. Ouch, $20 for an xbox? I got $40 when trading in my DS to get my girlfriend a DS light, they must be doing atari math.
  22. I think it's more to do with the fact that hispanics didn't go through over 200 years of slavery + segregation, and there isn't a hate group that was formed to specifical hang, burn, shoot, beat, etc them (though at this point I'm sure they'd include them). There are only 2 groups of people in this world that this issue specifically apply's to, blacks & jews, both of which I coincidentally am Also note, I'm not crying racism here, just pointing out that it's a problem capcom would be better off avoiding, as they don't even need to add water to this to get instant flack.
  23. I'm sure I'm not the first one to notice this, but after watching the Resident Evil 5 trailer, I can't help but think Capcom has made a marketting snafu. A game about a white guy going around shooting black zombies probably wasn't their brightest move
  24. Customer service hurdles are easy to jump through, just get mad, tell them to fix it, and you're good . Once they have it, since it seems to be the norm to just ship the next refurb off the line, you're home free. Here's a question though, when shipping back, do they tell you to keep your HDD?
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