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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Ressurection was garbage. Burnable trash.
  2. Meh, I both enjoyed the trailer, and like the current series direction. Far better than anything to come out of Voyager or Enterprise. But, hater's gonna hate.
  3. Probably a tax evasion tactic. Still in the family, so business as usual.
  4. I think he just wants them to call so he can say "no."
  5. I just hope it'll be one of those rare occassions where the Blu-Ray release gets subs in Japan. It's bad enough we have to wait out the theatrical run, waiting the usual year from the Japanesw release to get one over here will be murder times 3.
  6. Worthy payoff for the season. I give it 3.5 out of 5 Gunbusters on the tearjerker scale.
  7. Unless they retool for an actual production, the benefit of a 10 minute demo reel doesn't fit the cost.
  8. Godmars on Crunchyroll.
  9. Definately the second one.
  10. Divergent timelines.- Kyle Reese is in time flux while John Conner is being turned into a nano-cell Terminator. Because of this, he attains memories from two timelines. Assumedly, this Kyle Reese wasn't from the original timeline anyway, and was from a B / C / D route after the events of 2 or 3. We know this isn't the Salvation timelone since the meeting of Reese is different. In this timeline, Skynet rushed nano developement to blitz attack Conner. Reese travels back in time along the new route created as he was leaving, not the one he was born on. At this point, conjecture based on inference makes me think that Terni-Conner & Skynet both see an importance in maintaining a certain extent of previous events, but wish to skew things a bit more favorably, so they: - Send a T-800 back in time further to kill Sarah Conners parents, and raise her even tougher. (Note Pops with the RPG as he was walking to retrieve Sarah from the docks). - Send a T-1000 to 1984 to raise the danger level / ensure Reese still meets Sarah & fathers an incarnation of John. - Use Pops to ensure the original Skynet & Judgement day don't occur. Send Termi-Conner back to create a more dominating version of Skynet in 2017, and possubly break the cycle of Skynets fall. You'll note that social media controlling Skynet wouldn't need to immrdiately missile strike to take over, skipped over T-600 & T-800 dev, and atarted along the path of liquid metal to likely move into nano machine dev. I think this time, Skynet planned to turn all of humanity into machines like Conner, but, we'll see if this storyline gets a follow up. But basically, that's how John Conner can exist in a world he wasn't born into, and why Reese can remember both.
  11. Oh I don't like that rendition of Honey at all, there's zero Go Nagai in the design.
  12. Yup, then I remembered the licensing issues, and felt sad.
  13. Nope, I just uploaded the wrong image. Thought I put up my full of stars meme, stupid memes!
  14. Now fixed, with proper awe of booty response!
  15. Very timely too.
  16. Yup, so wxcited we're finally getting to these events.
  17. If it doesn't result in Quiet being a selextable buddy again, you will have literally broken my heart!
  18. I copy pasta'd my response from elsewhere. This is apparently supposed to be a prequel project.
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