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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Just another case of launch sickness. The time when "all" companies completely forget everything they've done before, and start over from scratch with amaturish crap. There really is no reason crossfire couldn't have been a prettied up Battle or Vs game.
  2. That does sound overly optimistic....but then that MGS trailer is just so cool!
  3. From what little research I've done on such devices for any system, they seem to do far more longterm harm than they do short term good.
  4. If you haven't already, head on over to the Kojima Productions site, the new MGS4 & MGSPO+ trailers & info are up. http://www.konami.jp/gs/game/mgs4/en/ Slight spoilers which are revealed in the trailer: BTW, the Dual Shock 3 has now been officially announced. it'll hit Japan around November, and the U.S. early next year. Developwers have already been given access to it, and it's already being incorperated into games as early as the new Ratchet & Clank (& MGS 4 as well, can't help thinking Kojima had something to do with Sony finally settling the court case). The only thing that could possibly make me more excited, would be the MGS4 demo popping up on the playstation store in the near future. Things are definately looking up. I think I already knew Phil Lamarr played Vamp at some point, but it didn't hit me until now. Considering his part in Pulp Fiction, it's extremely funny that he can survive even headshots in MGS
  5. Funny, but funnier than Christopher Walken as Exedor doing it? hmm.
  6. Hopefully somewhere in the world, whoever does this things is prepairing to do an all Gundam version of Thriller, with Savior as Michael Jackson.
  7. No, you're thinking of the 2D Battle Assault games. Battle Tactics/Royale/Chronicles plays a lot like Federation Vs Zeon/Gundam Vs Zeta. Kinda like if Journey to Jaburo didn't suck.
  8. Yes, it's all coming together!
  9. The name came from Revell's marketting of the models before HG became involved. It was stupid then, and it's even stupider now. But it wouldn't 'make sense to go through the trouble of licensing a recognizble franchise, then change the name to something unrecognizable.
  10. From what I've been following, it seems to be the best choice. The reason for the repeated delays has been because of the disc encryption being used (something to do with it being a DVD-R and needing a special encryption for the licenser to allow it). There's a problem with the finalization, and IA seem to be going with a different/less popular method just to get the disc's out on the street. The box set disc's should have the less bad encryption when they're released.
  11. Hmm, why not just swap the HD's on the two 360's, give your son the new HD, and keep the old one. Also, how will Microsoft be handling repair/exchanges on the Halo 3 units? Considering it's a custom case made by them, it wouldn't be fair to ship owners a standard case, while someone else gets your custom ugly green & gold model.
  12. Not sure, seeing as Sayla has always been present in the Gundam Vs games. Though aren't the actual characters in DWG limited as is? Is Lala even in it?
  13. Maybe I'll wait until they do the newer remaster disc's. Though if BV could be convinced to bring out all these Macross remasters over here....keep writting those letters!
  14. I hope the script mentions the word robotech at least 2 times for every line of dialogue!
  15. Actually, I'd say it was Ramba Ral that snapped some sense into Amuro. But regardless, once he got back to space, he was cool. His father became a whacko who wanted to put junkyard scarps in his Gundam. Did Amuro cry about it? Nope, he just threw his fathers crap away, never talked to him again, and started killing Zeon like they were going out of style!
  16. I think you're on to something there with Emmanuel Lewis, an all midget robotech movie. They could have cute little SD mecha, it'd be perfect!
  17. No, that would have happened anyway. As is, I'm fighting to convince myself that I don't need to spend $700 importing Macross 7...
  18. Sure they can!
  19. Female gendo should be a myth to scare small children...
  20. Since absolutely no one has already. I'll split my vote between Metal Gear Rex & Ray.
  21. Ok, how about this. Prince as Max!
  22. That's true for everything. And hell, if he bought Macross II, he can sure as hell buy 7.
  23. Except that there will probably be something else Gundam to run against it, as there is almost always Gundam somewehre.... In the grand scheme of things, it's not that long of a wait. Hell, the 2 year wait is almost up since the announcement of the Futurama movies. We all sat & waited 3 years between Fellowship & Return of the King (though there was TT inbetween). And if you remember the Giant Robo OVA back in the day....talk about an insane wait.. Hopefully by that time, humans will have developed far superior technology to bit torrent.
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