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Everything posted by Keith

  1. My Ratchet & Clank download was taking forever too, then I paused & resumed a couple times, & it picked right up. And as expected, Ratchet & Clank is teh awesome, I can't wait for the full game. Hell, I wish the demo was a little longer, should have at least let you finish the stage.
  2. And the most un-hidden easter egg on a DVD award goes to...
  3. No, I'm asking that if the software emu is bunk (i.e. not worth supporting), and as such not included in the 40 gig, then what about all the people who are buying the 80 gig.
  4. Hmm, so do any of the 80 gigs use the software/hardware hybrid? If so, those are the customers that are really boned.
  5. Bah, I didn't read the whole damn thing, otherwise I would have voted for Yamato!
  6. I think the purpose is a lot simpler than that. I think Nue just wanted to combine an AT-AT iwth a Ball (Gundam), and that's exactly what they did
  7. A good indication will be if the FB 2012 footage at the end of DYRL will also be remastered (which hopefully it will be). Only a couple months until we find out.
  8. What a crazy future we live in... In order to have Sonic & Mario together, it must be on a super console that incorporates both "Blast Processing," & "Mode 7" into a wonder machine!
  9. Definately worth the somewhat long wait between seasons. Although i had already resigned myself to its cancellation. Now the only question is, where is Venture Bros. season 3!
  10. What I don't understand is why the 40gig can't do software emu. But whatever, I'm glad I got my emo 60 gig when I did emo...
  11. I also like how they aged up the characters slightly.
  12. Oh I can't freakin' wait for this!. And if I recall, the new content for broadcast is just supposed to be previous episode recaps, but I'm not 100% on that.
  13. Kawamori & Nue are professionals who turn out professioanl work & in turn get paid so that they can focus on it. And in turn, they got into the business because they were anime fans. You'll also note that Kawamori & Co. come up with their own "original" works, instead of biting off of other peoples.
  14. Did you watch the TGS trailer? Metal Gear looks damn near done, and it's already had 2 delays, so I'm inclined to believe the March date. Hell, I highly suspect it was Kojima who forced Sony to settle that rumble deal so it could be included in the game.
  15. The PS3 launched November of last year, MGS4 will be out in March. How does that makei t 2?
  16. Since I refuse to shop at walmart, I'll pass on the origins thing, though I take solace that it will be up at youtube soon enough.
  17. Meh, Ratchet & Clank Future is out at the end of the month, and if TGS was any indication, that should be the start of good things coming on the PS3. Besides, if I recally correctly, the 360 also didn't have a lot of hot titles its first year out, no system does.
  18. You can't blame sony for 3rd party release delays, unless it's an approvals issue. Besides, better a delay,than another Madden 08.
  19. I don't remember the HK set having stereo. but even if it's listed as stereo, it could still be mono
  20. Don't hate on Super Robot pilots, without burning passionate SR pilots, it'd be a boring world!
  21. Metal Gear will be the PS3's savior, I know I wouldn't have gotten one without it.
  22. You'd honestly think that since they were going through the effort to replace the heatsinks & whatever other defective components necessary during refurb, that they'd give each system a quick diagnostic & clean up while they were at it...
  23. Being a Macross fan is an excorsize in patience Graham, you should be used to it by now.
  24. Haven't both of these been posted together here pretty recently?
  25. The Ratchet & Clank Future demo is up at the PS store tomorrow. How early do they usually put those things up? Scratch that, just found out it's been delayed until the 11th...bastards!
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