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Everything posted by Keith

  1. And even then, the movie is still better than most actual transformers episodes. And this is coming from someone who owns all the box sets. The original movie still reigns supreme though.
  2. As long as it'll play Japanese games, I could give less of a crap about other regiosn (aside from the U.S.)
  3. This would be a rare instance of a demo helping system sales. MGS has been a steady phenomenon for a decade straight, and helped push 2 previous PS consoles past their infancy.
  4. Hmm, Kojima is just being a tease at this point, hopefully Sony will sway them on that demo issue.
  5. You realise I blame you mods for me being so damn tame now right?
  6. A friend who steals your Macross DVD's is no friend! You didn't give him the lenticolor card did you?
  7. It should hit retailers in January, so don't feel too bad, and though it won't have the figure, it'dll most definately be cheaper.
  8. It's actually much prettier than I expected, looks like it iwll be worth the wait, since we easily won't get 1.0 for another year..
  9. What Sony needs to do is get Konami to release a playable Metal Gear demo, it'd be the perfect holiday system seller.
  10. Aside from episode 6, any news of any other new/retouched animation with the DVD release?
  11. Regardless, awesome freakin' show, I hope ADV doesn't sit on it for a year, those disc's need to be out ASAP!
  12. 7 years? I remember posting at AFM nearly 10 years ago! (ok, maybe 9). I've calmed down a bit since then though, beware anyone who posted fanfics or HG crap though, because I would jump all over them. And then of course there was the great betrayal of George Sohn...soo many memories I think it actually took me a year or so after MW went up to finall come over, and by that time AFM dwindled down to 3 or 4 regular posters, i.e. it was dead. And I may be remembering this wrong, but isn't Duke Togo "The Cat"? Here's a good one http://groups.google.com/group/alt.fan.mac...6b9fe65e4fb310a This is making me want to track down CavScout & give him a big hug
  13. And all I'm saying, is in a series where the technology exists to create alternate universes, throw planets at super robots that are even bigger than most solar systems, & immortals can create life on a whim, similar people existing with similar idea's under similar circumstances isn't too terribly unlikely. I mean hell, the Anti-Spirals were bassically Rossiu, & the Spirals were Simon.
  14. Considering the Anti-Spirals coincidentally knew every action the Spirals would take (aside from the very last), I'd say it's not too terribly far fetched.
  15. You know, I was going to wait for the ADV release, I really really was. Then I accidentaly stumbled upon the first episode of Gundam 00 on youtube, then the second. I don't trust torrent software, call me old fashioned, but that's just the way I am. After watching 00, my curiousity got the better of me, & I decided to watch Gurren Lagann. I knew I was going to like this show, which is why I figured I'd just wait for the DVD's (which I still can't wait to get), but damn. This was the perfect mixture of everything good in anime up to date, easily matching if not surpassing Gunbuster. Sure there's a clipshow episode in there, but even that can be forgiven. Even the Matsumoto ending was perfect, I just hope ADV markets this series right (it'd be nice for a change). The most surprising part for me was loving a Gaianx production this much without Anno being involved. I've yet to see a Gainax production I don't like (since the Nadia movie wasn't technically theirs), but this is definately their highest to date. It definately carries his spirit, along with Matsumoto, Tomino, Kawamori, Go Nagai, etc. It's very true to Gainax's tradition of being heavily inspired, without ripping off, beloved shows. I'd also be quite satisfied if this is all there is of this series. While it's left open enough, I really doubt we'll see a sequel. As for the beginning,
  16. Odd question, one that I haven't bothered testing, but can you hook up a PS3 to a PC using a USB cable, & use your HD as an external drive ( for backing up saves or whatnot)?
  17. 2D or nothing, the continuing popularity of Guilty Gear & the like should hopefully prove such to Capcom. Especially now that the technology exists to have super fluid animation. SFIII was awesome enough, but I'd love to see the envelope pushed further. Hell, I'd love to see Ryu with an even more evolved super than the Shin Sho-Ryu-Ken, which is the move that finally won me over from the Ken side of the hadu. I just hope all CG is strictly for the intro, any news on when screens are supposed to pop up?
  18. Meh, I've had mine since last thursday. And did you honestly expect them to fix the Brawl thing? Not until just before transformers 2 with the "extended" cut!
  19. I don't know about without a pilot, but Haro is clearly a backup pilot this time around
  20. I've always called him "Asian Conan Obrien," but I agree, he'd be a better choice. Though it totally boggles the mind why they wouldn't hire a Japanese actor...
  21. I love that, enchanted shield of virtue I can't wait to see the movies when they're done!
  22. I think they initially intended to include the ME in with the set, but axed it at the last minute. Likely someone also axed the wrong label.
  23. ::ignores Basara slander posts:: Infinate votes for Basara rules!
  24. There's absolutely no way they'll ever be able to top the original Dragon Ball live action movie, so why even bother? The Magic Begins
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