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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Oh come on, no one would hold any grudges now.
  2. Hmm, while it probably won't happen, I'd find it pretty entertaining to see Isamu pop up as a flight instructor
  3. The VF-25 is definately pretty, character designs are cool, though it's how they look when animated that counts. I get the feeling this series will mirror the original in many aspects, all the right pieces seem to be there. The Nome name being used could just be mislead though, but we'll see. After months of nothing, I'm definately excited again.
  4. Pretty sure only the anime friend episodes contaned non-canon animation errors, the head laser that Roy used should definately count.
  5. No, I understood, my meaning was that while Mari was hot, Reba etc..
  6. Oh I don't know, I'd hit Reba...with a baseball bat! ::bazzing:::
  7. .............bleh!
  8. Not that there was any fighting shown, but don't forget Milia's VF-11 team in the Top Gamlin M7 Plus short.
  9. Fabricate much?
  10. I'd like to send out a hearty 'booo" to whoever complained about the pictures!
  11. Only if we get to see I loved that game
  12. Uh huh, suuure.... Latest round? You keep trying to drag me into something I never got into in the first place. If I wanted to waste the time systematically dissecting your "opinion" I would have, but like I said, there was nothing there worth bothing with. As for AgentOne, there was never any grudge with him, ask him yourself, he at least knew hot to discuss things, and aside form that topic, we were cool. Hardly anything that would be considered "bitter flame wars." If it's your intention to become the next A1 however, you're quite wasting your time. Not winning, or not badgering? You're not carrying on a discussion period, which is why I don't care to get into this with you. I'd also hardly call myself the one "getting mad," when you're the one drifting into the personal arena chief.
  13. That's erotically disturbing
  14. Now try speaking out loud what you typed!
  15. Fortunately nothing. Passing on the Mega/Sega CD, you missed out on Snatcher, Lunar 1 & 2, Popful Mail, Flink, & Sonic CD. All of which made the price totally worth it! As for SF, the Genesis ports sucked due to the weak sound chip. All the voice came out sounding lik ethe characters had strep.
  16. This is one of the rare instances of me being nice, so enjoy it. I could get into your somewhat blatant habbit of calling your argument "logic," & mine "theories," but nothing you've said has interested me enough to get into it with you. Base point being that your argument stems specifically from your dislike of the show, and though you may consider your "opinions" on the matter as logic, they still stem from a highly biased stance. And to the contrary I posed a "question," asking how many of you guys actually watch a bulk amount of anime, since damn near every complaint given about 7 stems from things which are long standing anime tradition. You took this as an opportunity to get into another one of your not so cleverly veiled attempts at demeaning pro-7 arguments. But like I said, I'm not terribly interested in getting into this iwth you, as nothing you've said on the matter has been of any real importance.
  17. Whatever, I big enough to let you think you're right if that's what you insist...
  18. Amazon.co.uk should ship to the U.S.
  19. Or maybe Dan accidentally kills Akuma in a random event, and with his last breath, Akuma posseses Dan, but retains his fighting style & both personalities fight for supremecy! Also, this game needs Sakura desperately!!
  20. I wonder if Nemo...er I mean Global will show up too!
  21. There's only one true choice for the last boss. Dan!
  22. If Emilia is any indication, then they will! As for 7 being coorperate, I'd say it's far from it. It breaks from the norms of the genre, was at its time one of the biggest musically driven shows, and even today, remains to be up there, and reflects Kawamori's concepts far more than anything a coorperation would churn out. While it could be argued that 7 fans just try to justify criticism with "theories," it could just as easily be argued that detractor's simply don't like it because of its out of the box pacifist nature, & 100% ready to go hero, who isn't screwed up in some way or another. I will concede that 7 is a super robot show, in a mecha candy coating, but given I love both genre's, I've no problem with that. Each Macross series afterall does take a different tone.
  23. I know it's still very early, but so far it just feels too Wingy to me. Mind you I love pretty much all Gundam, Wing included, I was hoping that with the choice in director's, there would be something a tad more unique about this series. Hopefully something will happen before the midpoint to distinguish the series. And damn, Setsuna really looks like Hikaru in certain shots, the scarf dosn't help, since it looks like Hikaru's uniform. Add to that the China dress chick, and I think this show is in serious need of a Misa.
  24. Yeah, Sagat was the original boss in the first game, but then, just trying to play that game was like fighting the ultimate boss
  25. I ask because most of the complaints about 7 are about elements that are rampant in most anime series.
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