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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Gigil died because it was an awesome plot point. Great scene, and really, where would he have fit in on the 7 fleet? Basara didn't demand the possessed bodies back because it was too late for them. Extended periods of possession make it impossible to seperate one entity from the other. It's the same reason the EVIL bodies wouldn't have been able to be given back. Why did they bring back Gamlin? They already killed Gigil in Kinryu, losing Gamlin also would have negated the triangle amongst other things.
  2. I 100% disagree. That's more like something that would happen in Robotech. Kawamori loves the characters to begin with, which is why they weren't continued in inane ways. To kill them off would be a slap in the face to everything that's already happened. If they did re-appear (which btw I doubt they will, I just said so jokingly), they'd be older (maybe), possibly the same age as they were when they disappeared (time space hoo-ha's & what not), and would likely only be used sparingly.
  3. The funniest surprise would be if the Megaroad-01 actually did re-appaer. That'd be the ultimate Kawamori "gotchya!" Say, where is Mari these days anyway....
  4. "Love Drifts Away"
  5. You're not the boss of whether space bugs have ears, cockpits, or radio's!
  6. I wasn't able to snag a MAC/AC set before they started ripping the FX set, so I'm not a 100% sure how good their subtitles were, but I do know they also weren't up to fansub quailty. That's actually the strange thing about the FX disc's, while there is a good share of HK gibberish, for some reason all of the important episodes are subtitled properly. It's almost like the rest of the gibberish was intentionally thrown in... Though I've always held a theory that HK's were moderately tolerated on the basis that they have crap subtitles.
  7. I like how the fast pack VF-25 looks VF-4-ish. I'm also glad to see a little Macross 7 reference thrown in too.
  8. I've been saying that for years. There's absolutely no reason why we shouldn't have a DS Snatcher port/remake!
  9. Then he'd be a super-elite Macross fan with a rare trailer only logo
  10. And hopefully somewhere along the course of the show, that lead will get a better haircut...
  11. Since the legal troubles were over far more than just the U.N. Spacey kite, I doubt that's the reason for the change, if there is indeed one. The name Macross would still come up as an issue in licensing.
  12. Next ep previews aren't subtitled, and and ops & ends aren't subtitled either, but all are present. The only strange edit done to the FX sets are on the Dynamite episodes. For some reason they decided to clip the "to be continued" portions.
  13. Back to the 2 fleets thing. Mayhaps it's a combined fleet due to necessity. If the space monsters took out portions of two fleets (F/G), it may have necessitated a combination for survival. Something else interesting being that none of the scenes so far have shown much of a military escort for these fleets. The bulk of what's been shown have been colony sections. Perhaps it'll be one of those "rush the kids through flight school 'cus we're short on men" type situations.
  14. Even with blonde hair, I don't see it. But then casting hasn't cared too much about appearances yet... Should we take bets on there being a scene with Spock chasing Kirk around after hittin' his mom?
  15. That could just as easily refer to them being the 25th fighting somethingerother squad. It's not necessarily directly tied to their fighter.
  16. Just for entertainments sake, let's all remember the Macross that thankfully never was. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oteF36gyhc
  17. Placement is usualy where the U.N. Spacy kite always resides, so being a logo isn't too surprising. On the issue of the VF-17, while it could definately be just an upgraded 17, it does have enough changes to be a whole new fighter. It's at least as different from a VF-17 as a VF-5000 is from a VF-1.
  18. Nothing wrong with it being a logo. Makes sense for trainers to be designated seperate from the military proper. It may be some elite school emblem.
  19. And that is why they fail!
  20. Nope, it wouldn't take years at all. All of the colonies are connected via fold communication. That's also how the Galaxy Network works. All communications are for all intents in real time.
  21. Correction, it looks like SC "should" have turned out, if HG actually had any money to put into it. I can't wait to watch this show, hell, I think I'll start badgering BV US now about licenisng... Sure it'd be more expensive, but we'd get R2 quality DVD's (or blue ray or whatever), and since they're essentially the same as their Japanese parent company, they'd be the most likely company to be bold enough to take on the licensing B.S. I hope they do include this trailer in with the 25th anniv DYRL set. Since they stuck it up on the internet around now, it would be silly not to include it with next months DVD's. I haven't been this excited about Macross in quite a while.
  22. Except that we're dealing with Shoji Kawamori here, if he's done with something, he's pretty much done with it. We're talking about a man who hired Arihiro Hase to come back as a rapist & laughing space monster, rather than having Hikaru re-appear!
  23. Unfortunately, Dynamite was pretty specific about the "Fire Bombers Final Concert" thing, so I doubt they'll pop up...well Maybe Basara, I don't see how Kawamori could resist at least a cameo there. And yes, I know a lot of you hate him, whatever, let it go. As for the space monsters, it may very well be a gunbuster like "you've spread out too far, you're a disease, we're going to kill you" type deal. It could be the final evolution of the AFOS's defense program, or something completely unrelated. I'm leaning towards a PC relation though, as the SA shouldn't even remotely be a major player anymore, and Zero left far too much setup to just drop the subject entirely. Although enough time has passed in the universe for an unrelated to the Protocultur species to rise up. Perhaps they're not giant bugs at all (at least not autonomous ones), but an advanced Dunbine like technology with humanoid piloted bio-ships that look like bugs.
  24. I don't think that's a fold booster in the nose of the VF-25, those window things look more like the Ghost-X9's camera's. The VF-17's are definately awesome though, Kawamori clearly loves that design more than he let on, and it looks like that love will flourish more finally. The character animation reminds me of Dynamite for some reason, not sure if it's just the designs, but I get a definate "Dynamite" vibe from seeing the characters move. Not sure how to explain it. Perhaps it's just the hair? The CG definately isn't as pretty as modern hand drawn would have come out, but it's nothing that will hinder my enjoyment. As for this taking place in the 2070's, I'm kinda sad it's taking place so far away from the 7 era too, but then Kawamori seems to like leaving hefty gaps between shows & leaving character stories open, so it's nothing unexpected. Though the new blonde idol does look a bit like Flower Girl And sure there's fighting now, but don't think for a minute that there won't be singing later on. Lastly, Yokko Kanno + Macross (well, anime in general) continues to equal awesome. I can't wait to hear more of the soundtrack. I sooo want to run over to rt.com & tell them to suck it right now.... Shadow Chronicles indeed!
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