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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Face sculpt is terrible. That is NOT Nono.
  2. Yes. You can also just buy a PSN card for the desired region, make an account for that region, and dowbload the game
  3. I'm thinking more along the lines of Mylo/Ben forced himself on someone, and the mother got rid of the unwanted child. But I also like the female Anakin clone purposely placed there by someone theory too.
  4. We have over 30 years to play with. That can just as easily involve fathering a child at 12-13, making Rey easoly 17-18. Theory #2: Rey is a female clone of Anakin. Perhaps comissioned by the Knights of Ren, Snoke, or even Luke. It's way too simple to assume she is simply Luke's child, especially with her inheriting Chewie & the Falcon. Rey is seemingly recognized as a part of the family by Han & Leia, but never plainly or specifically. There'a something too off about her existence and exile. If she's Ben's, then I could see an interesting cknflict with him raging about her power level. If she's a clone of Anakin, then she'd pose as an interesting rival for Kylo over being the next Vader (in his eyes). Luke had thar light saber for a while, and mever once freaked out about it. Rey being Anakin, or from a bloodline seperate from Luke could explain why she reacted as she did. It's also been readily assumed she was waiting for her father to return. It could just as easily been her mother who left her there, with no intention of teclaiming an unwanted, or potentially forced upon child.
  5. Current theory. Rey is Ben's daughter. Either her mother or mothers family left Rey on Jakku. Just doesn't sit right that Luke would abandon his kid on a desert planet, and or, not with Leia. The circumstances of Rey's conception may be why Ben was sent away to train with Luke, and likely wouldn't have even known he concieved a child.
  6. Considering it involves the planet with the first Jedi Temple, Luke's wherabouts for the past decade, important introductions, etc, yeah, they need to pick back up there. Anything less would be akin to ending Empire on Degoba when Yoda grabs Luke's ration.
  7. Not just that, but this film ends on a scene that will almost assuredly have to be picked up immediately in the next, or referenced in a Flashback. None of the other films ended on unfinished scenes.
  8. That's why I serioisly hope Luke has been researching a path more balanced than Jedi and Sith. The Clone Wars perfectly displayed how powerful a balanced force user can be. Kylo stopping that bean mid air reminded me of catching Anakin's saber in that episode.
  9. As long as it's within their territory, they can put whatever they want on their releases, as long as it's not the robotech dub.
  10. Well, Yoda got knocked around pretty hard, in addition to losing his light saber. It could very well be that Palpatine beat all of tye fight oit of him, or critically injured him. Obi-Wan in a similar vain seemed to lose the will to fight after maiming Anakin. Plus, he probably knew damn well he coulen't go toe-to-toe with the emperror. Things may be along those lines.
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