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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Wait a minute, what's that, and which games support it?
  2. Small my ass. This is Gunbuster, it needs to be as big as possible! Either a full front, or a full back graphic!!
  3. I can't wait for the next. BTW, was Mark Hammil Hannuka Zombie in the Tie Fighter?
  4. I just started playing it this week. Haven't started the Zeon side, but I'm nearly done with the federation side. Right now I'm stuck on the extra mission version of "threat of newtype." Using the Sazabi, I can get all the way to the Nu & Sazabi (Quin Mantha usually mops me up a bit though), but by the time I get to Amuro & Char, then trash me with their damned funnels... Still better than Royale's extra missions though, those things were just cruel.
  5. Is the AC5 flight stick wireless? How exactly are you using it with the PS3?
  6. Psst, Macross didn't have a resolution either, sure Misa & Hikaru "did" definatively end up together, damn near everything else was left open. The same is true for Plus. Kawamori doesn't do finite endings, and I respect his decision in doing so.
  7. I definately love the love story/music/mecha aspects equally. Macross 7 being my favorite musically.
  8. Someone posted a semi-recent article, with Egan Loo interviewing Haruhiko Mikimoto, in which he expressed a very knowledgable opinion on the U.S. rights issues. So I'm sure Kawamori is quite aware too.
  9. Meh, Gurren Lagann was able to transcent dimensions, so there!
  10. I care...I just didn't notice you posted them I know it's newer art, but my favorite is the 4th on the top row. Though I'd easily buy any of them, provided they sell 2-3X sizes. BTW, any word on who won?
  12. I'm pretty sure it was just those 2. Though from what I recall, both did pretty well with their translation.
  13. The most likely explanation, if the U.N. kite is indeed gone, is a very simple one. The U.N. Spacy represented a United Nations group. Earth has been sending out so many colony fleets, that it's no longer an issue of nations, but planets. Perhaps the new sybol is to represent the newer Earth born Stellar Republic. -Space Management Society? -Super Macross Suburbs?
  14. Nope, I meant Bandai Visual. Since they release the DVD's in Japan, and are a huge freakin' monster company, they'd be our best bet for an R1 release. Sure it'd be expensive, but it would also be well worth it. http://bandaivisual.us/
  15. My only gripe with the Gattai movie is that most of the good fanservicy parts have been snipped. But Gunbuster remains Gunbuster
  16. Start buggimg BV now. I have!
  17. Kawamori always leaves wide open unresolved endings. Probably always will.
  18. The frontier fleet seems to have many different colony ships. Both Megaroad & New Macross Class can be seen. There have been no specific #'s Mentioned.
  19. I Loved it. The perfect culmination of the story. Basara moves his mountain, the PD don't destroy the galaxy, & accoustic Totsugeki Love Heart!
  20. If the logo change is because of HG, I hope they're happy... Bastards!
  21. It's a stylized lowercase r, otherwise there wouldn't be a bend at the top. Frontier
  22. Mospeada is pretty good, SC not as good. But really, spending $50 for 48 episodes of entertainment is a freakin' steal.
  23. Actually, they were both restored, and look pretty good considering. I'd definately pick up both, as it's not too likely they'll get released again in the near future.
  24. I think it's the opposite. More likely, everyone else is too busy/not interested in joining in. And Kawamori was never "just" mecha designer, it's my understanding that the majority of the original scenario was his.
  25. Telegraphed as it was, Physica did have a great death scene/epilogue. The shot straight through the cockpit, the burning music box, and then his wife having moved on before he even died. Truly one of anime's alltime great deaths!
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