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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You know, Sean Connery was originally going to play Ice Cube's role in Friday.
  2. Shyeah, the U.S. anime industry is so strong, that companies keep dropping left & right. Macross has never been dependant on the U.S. fanbase, and robotech fans don't even begin to make up a fraction of Naruto & DBZ fans. Never have, never will.
  3. It's not like this fleet is newly launching from Earth either. Besides, it's not unheard of for individuals to leave their colony fleets for other planets/fleets, thati s afterall how Sheryl gets to the F fleet. With Fold, it's no biggie. As for the fleet officer, she & Sheryl may even be the same person, Sheryl/Sharon...hmm. We also don't know how long she's been with the F fleet, she could be a new transfer herself.
  4. Yeah, I think it is. Though on par with casting white guys in makup as native americans, or Sean Connery as everything under the sun, including Russians.
  5. B.S., without Robotech, Macross would be in much better shape in the U.S., with Funi, Bandai, & ADV fighting over who licenses what over here! Also, if you don't like robotech bashing, go to robotech.com. This is Macross town!
  6. Call me old fashioned, but I don't like it so far. I like my 2D fighters in 2D damnit! But I'll wait to see it in motion.
  7. I don't even know what to say about that but wow....I hope the actual movie is absolutely nothing like that trailer
  8. Damn that'd be funny as all hell if it turned out to be her. In fact, with the new 2059 date, it could easily be... And thanks Graham, I've now found the picture, and I'm all for the fanservice in this series!
  9. I think part of it has to do with the ability to say things, and the willingness to say things. Most english words that get mangled in Japanese have to do with their accept not really allowing for porper pronunciation, than a lack of will to do so. While English speakers mangling other languages has more to do with an unwillingness to learn how other dialects work, but even that is a large generalization. Personally, what gets to me more is Hollywood's habbit of casting random asians for specific culture roles, and not carring who's actually from what country.
  10. Damn, I knew I was missing something.
  11. Wait a minute, where is this fanservice trailer at???
  12. Was the recap episode still on the R2 release?
  13. They've also confirmed it'll be a 6 disc release!
  14. A combination of sources. The "Lynn Minmay" spelling didn't actually appear until after she became an idol, while the "Lin Minmei" spelling was indeed on her door. Reference matrials regarding her family & Kaifun also use the "Lin/Linn" spelling. The Macross 7 serial about her used "Lin Minmei" as well. Basically, the only real times you see it spelled "Lynn Minmay" are autographs & show posters.
  15. That is nice, but I still like the original release cover better.
  16. I pronunce it "Mah-Crow-ss" at all points in time! As for inconsistant spellings in the original series, both spellings of "Minmei/Minmay" are actually correct. Real name: Lin Minmei Stage: Lynn Minmay
  17. There actually were some decent subtitled sets coming out for a while. And then the major busts started, and those who actually cared what they were doing either got arrested, or bailed at the fear of getting arrested. Freakin' cops couldn't wait until AFTER Galaxy Express had been finished!!
  18. Right now I'm finishing up getting S's on the Zeon side, and I'll be there (sped through so I could see the Nu). Though I'm scared that there's something in the game that can humble the Quebeley...
  19. Looks like they are going to use the R2 covers, the one linked to above was just a placeholder cover.
  20. They should have renamed Chronicle from Gundam to Quebeley. Talk about super overpowered!
  21. They're HK's, duh!
  22. Don't think about the shipping costs, it makes the baby jebus cry
  23. Hard work & guts?
  24. Milia is 100% the canon Macross spelling of her name, anything else is wrong! Check out the side of her VF-1J in the later episodes, look at her election signs in 7. M-i-l-i-a!
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