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Everything posted by Keith

  1. To me the PS3 means 2 things, Metal Gear, and easily played import games. As long as it delivers on those fronts, I'll be happy. I am a Saturn owner afterall
  2. Me thinks you're forgetting the giant aliens.
  3. Only problems I've heard from using Amazon Japan come from them shipping through DHL, and DHL dancing on the boxes.
  4. I agree, the HK Macross dub was far superior to Robotech, even with lines like "NOW WATCH JET JOCKEY!"
  5. I say whip it out, show her your goods. If she stays, it was meant too be. If she runs or screams...run.
  6. Except that Global wasn't American, it was Italian. Besides which, the character design doesn't even look Russian.
  7. I'd glady live in a country with the Gurren Dan logo. espeically if "Minna no Peace" was the national anthem
  8. That's much older than letters to cleo.
  9. I'd love to have it before christmas, but that would be a tad on the optimistic side.
  10. Don't hate on 7 just because it's too hot blooded for you!
  11. It was actually one of mine too... Haven't gotten around to playing Alter Code F though.
  12. Unless no one knew she was virtual There is the interesting scene of her in the transport with the ghostly image.
  13. Yup, a Japanese release PS3 will play it.
  14. I was thinking something more akin to the relationship between Myung & Sharon. Sheryl may be a virtual idol.
  15. Flaming pile of dog crap in their return slot?
  16. While the AFOS had it's own AI, its decisions were definately based off of Sara's interpretations of what was going on. While she was in a trance state while pilotting it, she was still in control. It'll be interesting if the AFOS actually does re-appear in Macross F. Maybe the bio-weapons attacking are something akin to the buster corps in Diebuster, pieces of a larger AFOS system that's there to issue a final test.
  17. Chances are it's not significantly different looking. Asthetic changes may be as minimal as those between the YF-21 & VF-22.
  18. Shin Shoryuken was the perfect super in III, and needs to be back for IV. It's the move that finally made me choose Ryu over Ken.
  19. It would be funny to see Mylene still chasing Basara & Gamlin though...
  20. I've been keeping up on Guilty Gear too, but visually, it's still not surpassing SF III.
  21. Except that the technology exists now to have perfect seemless 2D animation done. I want a 2D fighter that looks just like freakin' anime, is that so wrong? SF III was very close on that path, and now this...
  22. I was just about to say the same, that b!tch has money, she needs to eat!!
  23. Oh it's sexy, and just like a women, it will raid your wallet!
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