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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The second disc is the original theatrical cut of the movie (regular credits instead of the FB 2012 credits), and the 3rd disc is variouis extra's, including trailers & the DYRL game footage. BTW, not that I actually 100% expect it to be there, but has anyone heard about whether the 3rd disc has a Macross F trailer or not?
  2. Oh I know how it's spelled, but she''ll always be "fudgy" to me. Just the pinacle of a pile of bad idea's slammed together. Naturally Nadia's history of a circus performer made her the perfect candidate to be a news reporter...
  3. I haven't had any problem with the controls, mind you I switch the scheme up slightly to make it more like the verses series, but I found it overall tight. Though the environments "could" be a bit larger, as it is extremely easy to hit the edges.
  4. Sweet, thanks. And in DYRL news, still no shipment.... ::sigh::
  5. Are you asking for the truth of fiction???
  6. That could be the biggest summer blockbuster ever! Starring Kurt Russel, Bruce Campbell, or Bruce Willis, there's no way it could lose!
  7. That's because if there's one thing that american's can beat Japan at, it's being anal about the most inane things!
  8. Going through my mail earlier this evening, I relized that I actually god my Gunbuster/Diebuster christmas card from BV last week. Looks like they mailed it on the 12th.
  9. If Bruce Lee was still alive, he would have been Bill!
  10. Not too dissapointed in not picking up the 5 disc then. And to be honest, the 4 disc's packaging is what won me over, I love that cover, and probably would have gone with the 5 disc if they didn't use the bland logo on the box in the case.
  11. Except that Chun Li really should have been younger, not that there's anything wrong with Ming Na's age.
  12. The island episodes that drag on do so for one very good reason, they don't belong there Likely they would have been 2-3 episodes tops, just so Blue Noah could have been found, and then right on to Africa (sans the 3 episode interlude there), and the epic ending. Unfortunately, Gainax fell into pressure from the network to extend the shows run (as it was popular), Anno got pissed off & left the company (just as he did with Kare Kano a few years later), and someone else filled in those island episodes (hence the lower budget, and random stories). Taking that into account, the original plotted Nadia stands much stronger. Be you an Anno fan or not, that man know's how to do epic endings that bring the house down. Definately one of my all time favorite director's. As for the movie, that wasn't even done by Gainax...an I think characters named "fudgy" have been banned from all anime forever thanks to that horrible piece of garbage that looks ilke it was made here.
  13. But she doesn't have the hips to pull off a proper "SPINNING BIRD KIIICK!" And is in general meh, but sitll much better than the last movie's casting...
  14. Being spelled that way on the contest form isn't conclusive either, especially if Minmay herself decided to propegate that spelling. Though it would be a lot easier to solve if any of her other family had romanized spellings of their names in the animation. Incensative bastards!
  15. Can we get some scans of all the individual disc covers? Also, does anyone have a scan of the lenticolor card that came with the original AnimEigo 9 disc box?
  16. Mine too, unfortunately the chances of it arriving before christmas just lowered greatly... But it should still be in before New Years!
  17. It's a bit jarring at first, but more than livable. Far more acceptable than the "accidental" dialogue changes in Empire & Jedi.
  18. Hmm, maybe that's why, mine's through EMS, don't remember a FedEX option. I forget, are you usuing Amazon or CDJapan?
  19. I'd log into your acccount & see what the shipping totals are. If they're still charging you the cheaper pre-order price, I'm writing back (after it arrives) and getting a re-inbursement!
  20. Bah, mine hasn't shipped yet...I'm so impatient!
  21. There's a feedback option on the page that has the stream itself, and they also have a customer service form on their main website (advfilms.com).
  22. Hmm, I suggest everyone write into ADV about fixing that subtitle script, there's still plenty of time to fix it before release.
  23. Check your e-mail. I just got an update from them notifying me of a change in the pre-order shipping charge. Basically, instead of $92, it shot up to $125. They sent me an e-mail asking if I agreed to the price change, so likely it's the same in your case.
  24. Mine's getting ready to leave from CDJapan too...should definately have it before christmas!
  25. Children of Men bored the hell out of me, and I turned it off after 20 minutes.
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