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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Chrono, are you whathisname who used to hate DYRL for absolutely no reason but never actually watched it? Because you've got a seriously similar vibe! As for the love triangle, do you guys really think it'll be Ranka Alto & Sheryl? Though she hasn't done much in the first episode, I still think Catherine is a more likely candidate than Sheryl, maybe it's the heavy Misa vibe, but she's just sooo Misa-ey!
  2. Got mine today. It is definately a double edge sword of a release. More detail, but more grain. Less blue, but all other colors are a bit more subdued as well. The problem that bothers me isn't any of that though, it's the audio on the set. While the stereo for the most part sounds great, there seem to be audio pops all through it. Maybe it's only noticable if you listen witha decent pair of earphones, but it is definately there. Check out 9:41 seconds into the film (Misa yelling at Hikaru), and there's one of the most noticable audio oddities. More dissapointing yet still, Disc 2's audio is total trash. While it's PCM, it's totally unremastered, & sounds as bad as ADV's TV Japanese audio track. I just can't help but wonder why BV doesn't love Macross. While it doesn't do Gundam profit, it's still been good to them. Overall, while I'm still glad I got the set, the line art materials are reakin' awesome, & probably would have cost just as much, if not more, to track down artbooks with all that material, the HD remaster definately leaves me wondering why it didn't get a full lovingly supervised treatment. Maybe I just feel spoiled by the Blade Runner remaster, but I expected a similar level of attention here. I need to compare with my FX disc next week on the audio though. I just don't remember DYRL with so many audio pops in it. Would I buy it again if BV released it over here in the same shape with Subtitles? Yes, but more out of license support.
  3. Stop making me want the Plus & 7 remasters!
  4. This whole Shadow technology thing reeks of the hinted at 3rd season of Exo-Squad. Exo-Fleet adapts cloaking technology to fight off one enemy, then the originators of that technology come back & render its use moot, and bitch slap them at the same time. Hmm...
  5. Agreed. Why suddenly start worrying about an enemy that disappeared 50 years ago, and has shown zero sign of re-appearing despite 2 major conflicts occurring since. Unless they also secretly had a bearing on where the AFOS went, which is highly doubtful, since it bitch slapped the U.N. fleet before leavin. There'd be no reason to believe they'd suddenly randomly run into it. As cocky as militaries get, after tangling with both the Zentradi & Protodevelin, likely the NUNS (still want to call them Spacy) would consider themselves more than capable of dealing with a single AFOS if it were to appear. Besides which, what would place the Frontier fleet at a priority for having Sherly over the Galaxy fleet? Without knowing where it was, you'd think they'd want to pull Sheryl to Earht if the intent was to use her as some kind of defense. Its far more likely that the NUNS or a civillian expedition fleet secretly screwed with something they shouldn't have, ran away, and sent the Frontier fleet in to bait whatever it was out into the open. Whether that turns out to be AFOS related has yet to be seen.
  6. Oh my god open it! Who cares about collectable misprinted books, open that box & enjoy that moive!!! I use a modded Pioneer DV-525 that I buoght before the AnimEigo set came out. It's ancient, but still works like a champ. Though it doesn't like CD's much anymore, it's great with DVD's. I've always wanted to firmware my DVD burner, but have absolutely no idea where to start, and fear accidentally locking it. Don't suppose they sell decent pre-opened up DVD burners that are good to go out of the box? As for the comparison pic's, I keep reading negative reviews about the remaster & grain, but I'll be damned if that doesn't look both sharper & clearer than the old R2.
  7. Besides which, if such an extra existed, it'd be all over the internet, youtube, torrent, etc. More than B.S., I call shenanigans!
  8. This episode has a surprisingly large rewatch value. Kinda scary, don't think I've ever rewatched something so many times within such a short period of time. Mayhaps digital crack is hidden in it somewhere?
  9. Yup, unless they added a new logo at the beginning, everything should be cool
  10. Holiday shipping is slow all over, it'll get there.
  11. United Nations Space Agency.
  12. Chances are Basara's fame has long since passed. He never cared for the spotlight, and the popcharts are fickle. Though It would be awesome if he popped up during F.
  13. Looks a little Varuta like to me, crossed with the SV-51.
  14. Didn't say it was likely to happen, just that it'd be weak if it did.
  15. I just had a scary thought. What if the bad guys turn out to be an Anti-U.N. group who escaped Earth before the Zentradi trashed it. And their technology is nothing more than what they were able to backwards engineer from the AFOS...damn that'd be a weak plot twist.
  16. As long as it played like or close to the PS2 game, I'd be all for it. Bring on the merch! Hell, has "Don't Be Late" been solicited as a single yet?
  17. The more I look at Sheryl, the more she looks like Sara. The Maybe it's just the eyebrows, but when you combine that with the Nome last name, there definately seems to be something to it. As for the new enemy And back to the timeline at the beginning Hot new Misa (Catherine Glass) for good measure!
  18. Back to the timeline at the beginning. It should be remembered that this is a preview episode, and the animation there in may not be final. That intro sequence could easily change by April.
  19. Considering that most of what little Megaroad info we had came from the DYRL video game, fleshing out more in an actual series is more a practice of finally taking the time to fill in the gaps, and less retconning. I'll take anime canon over videogame canon anyday. The fact that Kawamori is finally taking the time to show the Megaroad 01's fate may me we will get a definate answer on the matter. Up until now, all of this had to be pieced together from vague resources, but now we are getting something firm to go by.
  20. I 100% disagree. 7 already established that due to the popularity of DYRL, it's treated as history by those who weren't there. And in fact, 90% of the flashbacks used in 7's prologues were DYRL based. As for the enemy
  21. Since this is 1 & a half episodes, they may show the full first 2 episodes on premier night, to match the original Macross broadcast. That should help ratings.
  22. This show is going to be freakin' awesome. If the animation quality holds, it'd be nice if Macross actually beat out Gundam in ratings for once. What I've seen in this episode far outclasses what I've seen of 00 so far. The VF-171 launch seen alone was insane. It's also nice to see that despite a clearly bishounen character beng present, everyone around him is making fun of him for it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he wound up with a haircut at some point. And I'm surprised that no one else has said this yet but.. My final analysis: Bandai Entertainment, Bandai Visual, ADV, & or Funimation would all be incredibly foolish "not" to challenge HG in licensing this show. This could be the one that finally brings back Macross to the U.S. Put a little marketting behind it, give it an uncensored late night adult swim slot, and it could be about as big as anime gets here.
  23. Your loss, all the line art from the goldbook is worth the shipping costs alone as far as I'm concerned.
  24. The old R2 subtitles should work, as the runtime should be exactly the same.
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