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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You're worrying too much about specifics, & not enough about the awesoness of what's going on. Without Yamato 2, Star Trek III wouldn't have had the Excelsior sabotaging/Enterprise stealing scene to rip-off. Pick up the Japanese version, and watch the awesomeness that is the end of this series. The Comet Empire doesn't go down even remotely easy, and the events are a marvel to behold.
  2. The solution is simple. http://www.shopanimedvd.com/product_info.php?products_id=833 And while you're at it, pick up the 1st & 3rd sets as well. The subtitles aren't perfect, but still pretty damn good for HK sets. As for the story, its actually been a few years since I've watched, but as I remember, the reason she didn't help out further was because the Comet Empire already kicked the crap out of her planet before the Yamato got there. Or perhaps she was already dead & just a shadow of herself. Hell, what do you want, she resurrected Shima, what more can you ask? Although if I'm remembering correctly, towards the end , but like I said It's been a few years, so I'm a bit fuzzy on that. http://www.shopanimedvd.com/product_info.php?products_id=832 http://www.shopanimedvd.com/product_info.php?products_id=834 Looks like Voyager's official page (starblazers.com) doesn't even have the movie box up for sale anymore, but you may be able to find it used if you search around a bit.
  3. I assume it's a genetic predispotion to a mind control frequency type dealy, or more to the point, the AFOS is tuned into their brainwaves.
  4. I enjoyed the ending, but then these days, any Kawamori ending that has more closure then Arjuna is a good one
  5. it's before the external shot. During the disintegration of his inner chamber (from bottom to top), it starts with a red shot, then it goes progressively green, & finally grey.. It then cuts away to another part of the ship disintegrating, then the fully disintegrated chamber, then a splice to the begininng of that part, with it fully intact & red again.
  6. I kinda liked the Burnout Paradise demo...
  7. While I did enjoy it, it pales in comparison with its main inspiration, i.e. Gunbuster.
  8. You kids are so spoiled today. Back in my day, you had to spend $25-$30 for a 2 episode tape of a show that you weren't sure if you'd like or not. 25 episodes for $25 is an absolute steal!
  9. Badger ADV before the release, not after! http://www.advfilms.com/contact-adv-films.aspx
  10. The reason for the open domes is more obvious than it appears. When the City ships enter a hospitable atmosphere, the barrier can be turned off to let in real air/sky. I'd also assume it would make it easier to convert the City ship into a real city, though how the dome would be ejected has yet to be seen. The dome itself being there in case the barrier should absolutely fail, or an out of the ordinary occurance, like the City ship heading into a sun should happen, it provides a larger degree of Protection. I also assume allowing for a real starlit sky has something to do with it. Also, Focker, lay off Alto, he's barely been around for an episode, far too soon to beat on him. We don't even know much of his family history/situation yet. Though off the bat, he does remind me somewhat of Shin. Possibly even a little bit like DYRL Hikaru.
  11. Cloning in Macross refers to a more general genetic engineering process, rather than straight copying. Taking the Zentradi specifically, it would appear rather than being straight generational copies, cloning applied to them would be more akin to creating genetic test tube babies, possably still created from mixing genetic mateiral, or posibly some other PC process of randomizing pre-existing DNA, who knows. It just doesn't make sense to create & destroy entire bodies for shrinking/enlarging processes. For one thing, it'd be way too wasteful. Reconstructing & expanding/removing materials would make more sense.
  12. It looks like the film masters for DYRL haven't been treated kindly in the last 24 years, i.e. grain.
  13. I don't think micronizing/macronizing is so much dissolving & copying memories, as it is a biological representation of whatever iti s star trek transporters do.
  14. It doesn't make sense that the Megaroad-01 would colonize Eden, they're pretty much one off colony ships. Spotting it & moving on is likely yes, colonizing it, then moving on to colonize elsehwere not so much.
  15. I thought it was that the Megaroad-01 spotted Eden, and a colony fleet was later sent there.
  16. It almost seems like it was intentionally done, the question is why? I'll forgive them though, since they cleverly hid whatever layer change was there.
  17. Sweet, I'll wait for the next updated version then.
  18. Well, Spiral Energy & Anima Spiritia are pretty similar...
  19. I still say Max & Milia's aging is due to being Macronized for the filming of DYRL. Since Zentradi live longer, only stands to reason it strengthens their bodies.
  20. I just checked the FX release earlier, and all of the audio pops & noises were there too. Since that's a rip of the older release, it looks like these are just part of the audio, made clearer with whatever slight rematering the audio has gone through in the new release. The out of place couple of frames of Bodolza's chamber decintagrating, then skipping back to the beginning of that process is definately a new problem though, and a very odd one at that. This was definately the remastering B-Team. Also a question about the subtitle burning faq, I read through it a bit, and the one thing I didn't see answered, was whether or not the burner drive had to be region hacked first. I know there's a limited amount of times you can change the region on a drive, but does this process bypass that at all?
  21. Little popping noises in the audio track.
  22. No sir, I don't like it. This does not look like a fighting game made for fighting game enthusiests. It looks like a fighting game made for DBZ game fans.
  23. I forgot about Mari beng at last August's concert. Can't help but wonder if she'll pop up anywhere in this new series. Even if not as Minmay, since she's accepted her popularity in Macross for what it is, it'd be nice to see her cameo again. Hell, she did the Milky Dolls songs in VFX, maybe she could turn up as a Minmay impersonator.
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