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Everything posted by Keith

  1. At this point, I just want the damned DVD's released here, then I'll worry about movie retellings.
  2. Or maybe Suedo is a character from Monster Rancher...
  3. I watched this first set last week. And while I agree with some complaints I've heard about way too many training episodes, I'm really liking the show so far. It reminds me of my favorite parts of Nadia & Escaflowne meshed together. As for the OVA & movie, Funi's pretty much said it depends on how well the TV series sells.
  4. And was also suedo explained by Ocelot's father being The Sorrow.
  5. I would include matches to burn every print of it!
  6. Honestly, the game has already exceeded my expectations with the previews that have been shown so far. And for the record, I really enjoyed MGS2, and MGS3 rocked my socks. The only thing Kojima Pro. has ever done to dissapoint me is not release Policenauts over here, and not do a kickass remake/sequal to Snatcher. If by chance they manage to cram those games into the 50 gig BR, all the better. More than the stealth aspects, I really enjoy the convoluted stories Kojima concocts, so I don't mind the long cut scenes & codec conversations.
  7. Someone actually already posted this in the "Now Watching" topic a month or so ago. But it's still a cool find.
  8. You're talking like Metal Gaer is Xenosaga or something
  9. Damn, I was really hoping I'd finally get the chance to play with the original Japanese voices. But if the Japanese release does have english subtitles, I may import it in addition to the U.S. release.
  10. I liked the recreation of the original SFII title screen.
  11. Ok, I'll admit it. After seeing it in motion like this, I don't hate it nearly as much. Though asthetically I'd still prefer something much more like SF III, or Guilty Gear, it does at least look playable.
  12. GoW nothing, that should be a Char themed PSP!
  13. A ready to burn whatever DVD's are encoded to file.
  14. Don't we have any members with a few gigs of server space, & some extra bandwidth, that can put up a ready to burn file somewhere?
  15. You sir fail at life.
  16. Wait, the Macross Nexus forum is gone? Where will we go when MW goes down?
  17. Meh, I don't trust HD!
  18. Here's a question. I've been hedging for months on picking up component cables for my PS3, but I'm getting ready to finally get around to it. What I'm curious about is if there's a major difference between using the official sony component cables, which appear to plug into the A/V slot, or picking up a 3rd part HDMI port to Component cable. Mind you I'm still using a 27 inch CRT, so I don't expect wonders, but...
  19. Totally forgot it was on, though it appears that there was no big loss.
  20. Hmm, only show I care about there is house. Though I can't help but laugh about the bionic woman, hopefully hollywood will have learned an important les...no, it'll still be the same old garbage next year...
  21. Days later was ok, but weeks later just pissed me off with its stupidity. If he needed a key card to get into his wife, then how the hell did he get back out once he was a zombie? Are we to believe the doors just "stayed open" ? Sean of the Dead has my vote for best zombie movie.
  22. Hmm, so where do Knight Rider 2000, Team Knight Rider, & Knight Rider 2010 (aka Mad Max rider) fit in now?
  23. Yes some characters did bulk of for the Alpha series, but "none" of them looked like incredible hulk rejects like they do here.
  24. Which part? The bulbus out of proportion bodies? Pug ugly faces? Or huge hobbit feet?
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