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Everything posted by Keith

  1. If Bandai Visual releases either Zero or F over here, or in Japan with subtitles, I'd even forgive them for ruining Gunbuster's soundtrack.
  2. I love Gundam more than the next guy too, but there's no way to sugar coat crossfire's half-assedness. If they gave that game another yaer of graphics polish, tightened up the control, added a decent number of mobile suits, and tightened up the control, it definately could have been something. But simply adding the feature to take out body parts, doesn't equate strategy to me. The Vs & Battle games are far far superior.
  3. It's inevitable at this rate, and the reason I'm waiting, is the hope that even if they're not released here, Bandai Visual will have the foresight to include some kind of subtitles finally.
  4. "Uncut...except for them!" If I didn't have this pre-ordered already, I'd be pre-ordering it now. Definately worth passing up the Voltron sets, though I did pick up that movie last month. Also worth mentioning, the rest of GaoGaiGar has been comfirmed for this August. We probably still won't get Final, but the rest of the TV series will be in a $30 set.
  5. I so wish I had $700 to burn, I'd be all over that Macross 7 set. And hell, I may consider it when it hits blue-ray.
  6. Haven't seen it, but I can almost assure you that the Japanese renmaster will be clearner looking, and the colors won't be as hot.
  7. Lazy making an anime related game you say? That's insane! Though seriously, the only two of the Genre which have come out decent were Saturn Rayearth, & the Gundam VS & Battle series.
  8. That LE box is sweet, can't wait until June. Only way it could be better, is if they included an Escape From New York Blue-Ray , or better yet, Snatcher!
  9. Psst, gamefaqs.com
  10. Even those are all scalped from earlier religions. I was referring more to the hopes of actual sequal movies instead of just re-imaginings.
  11. Only if they somehow combine Mac & Me with Houseguest, for the full Mcdonald's marketting blitz + Sinbad & aliens, you can't go wrong.
  12. Awesome, but I wish the re-imagining trend would die down.
  13. $5 says Will Smith will play the Steve Guttenerg role.
  14. Since you've already got the PSP, you might as well go for Jeanne d'Arc, & Metal Gear Portable Ops as well.
  15. There's already been a Bill & Ted gameboy game, cartoon, & tv series, so why not another remake...
  16. i've been playing it on & off for the past week, and I agree with all sentiments so far. Though is it just me, or does it feel like the some of the Xenosaga team came back to squenix & mated with the Kingdom Hearts team? I still prefer turn based too, but for what it is, it's a great game. Now if a PS3 FFVII remake were to pop back up with the original enigne, but complete redoen visuals/more cinema's, I wouldn't be opposed... Actually, if they made it into an Advent Children styled TV series, all the better.
  17. I thought that motherfvcker already died years ago. Good!
  18. The ending song just seems sparse, not enough super awesome Kanno influence.
  19. Just watched the intro & ending on youtube, and I actually really like the intro. Mind you it's not as dynamic as either of Aquarion's intro's, but it's still good. Can't wait to catch the actual first episode, though I may have to wait until the series hits the DVD fansub distro circuit, as I don't trust bit torrent as far as I can throw it.
  20. already got my saga 2 dvd, now it's just waiting until june! Getting a peak at the game engine with the MGO Beta will be nice though.
  21. The wait for the official airdate went by so fast. Definately a good time to be a Macross fan.
  22. It's understandable considering he's breaking in a new studio, one that apparently hasn't finished hiring staff to produce these films. Although I'd love to see him go back & refine Nadia, in addition to new material.
  23. I'm Keith, and I approve of this podcast. Not everything is right, but they definately get the heart of it.
  24. Man, I'd kill for mp3's of the Love Live Alive soundtrack...
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