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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Nope, wasn't me. Though I'm pretty sure we were all on for HG's stance on the licensing.
  2. A little latle, but since we're throwing out whacky theories, has anyone proposed that Ranka is actually a Vajra found/captured during that colony incident, and Ozma's leaving the NUNS has something to do with taking her in? It just seems odd that the Vajra would be specifically targetting her when she sings, over anyone else.
  3. Supposedly, according to HG at least, they're no longer laying claim to all things Macross, saying that it's Big West who is preventing U.S. releases somehow. Regardless of the situation, our best hope for testing the waters would be Bandai Visual.
  4. Besides which, if anyone U.N. Pilots were letting themselves get distracted by Basara, that's due to lack of discepline, not anything Basara may have been doing.
  5. I was having so much fun playing with snake's features, i forgot to look for dog tags... I've also ceased sucking quite as much in general, can't wait for the full game.
  6. Wait a minute here, not only is Basara like John Lennon, but Sivil sings a lot like Yokko Ono!
  7. I actually liked it better than Grozny Grad, though it does seem to be more of a sniper level than anything else. Just something fun about picking snipers off the roof's of buildings right when they get positioned. And after 3 days, I final raised my sniping skill to level 2...
  8. Dubbed anime should have been dead years ago. This whole scenario would be much more appealing though, if Japan didn't bone themselves on DVD/Blue Ray prices. Though 7 years ago they were at $99 per disc, so maybe in a few more years, they'll go down to normal levels.
  9. I just hope they add an octo-camo element to the online play, as it would add some stealth back into the mix.
  10. AnimEigo got their audio from Big West, and by appearances, did it behind HG's backs. ADV just got whatever HG handed them.
  11. I officially suck pretty hard at online shooters, but the good news is that it's a good primer for the control changes in the actual game.
  12. If they could build a PS3 that doubles as an airconditioner, as opposed to the current heater models, I'd totally buy another one.
  13. The only other online shooter I've played is Portable Ops, so I don't have too much to compare it too, but very awesome so far. I didn't like the control changes at first, but I've gotten used to them. I find myself sniping more than anything else so far. All the controls shown in the game are pretty easy to pull off. Jumping into first person, rolling on your back to toss a grenade, etc. I can't wait to see how Snake handles though.
  14. I think it was on the old forums, back when robotech.com first launched.
  15. Did we run him off? I think he only made 2 posts tops, seemed to be of the survey variety, and then off he went.
  16. :::Disclaimer::: I know this topic was forever forbidden to be spoken of again, but in the interests of comic timing, I have to mention it just once.... No, he got pied!
  17. Robotech will never be able to topple the awesome power of Tuna buns!
  18. That was so almost my new wallpaper... As for Gurren Lagann, it's Bandai Entertainment doing the sub only release. Bandai Visual are the ones releasing Macross F in Japan, and they're already no strangers to sub only releases in the U.S. SRW, Gunbuster, Diebuster, and several others have all been sub only releases. The trick is in getting them to bring F here period. Supposedly the big hault on Macross being released over here (according to HG), hasn't been HG themselves, but Big West being wary of working with R1 companies (due to Tatsunoku & HG). But given their great relationship with Bandai Visual, I don't see how they'd refuse a license from them.
  19. because the last time something macross got licensed in the U.S. was almost 15 years ago, and it'd be freakin' awesome if we could import legit releases & have them all ready to go with subtitles?
  20. I'm a little behind all of you, waiting for crunchyroll to put up the episodes, but I'm also loving this series so far. As someone said, it's nicely rolling everything that came before it, all into one, plus more. It would be an incredible shame if this series doesn't get licensed here, and at this point, I'm hoping Funi picking up Aquarion is a preview of things to come.
  21. And with Bandai, we're sure to get "Gurren Brigade" instead of "Team Gurren."
  22. 40$ per disc, and the quality would be much better.
  23. Those better be two disc sets, even Tekkaman Blade only pushed 7 eps.
  24. Hi-Nu for thw win!
  25. Nope, but I can't wait until Gundam Vs Gundam comes out on PS3, not announced, but it has to be an eventuality.
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