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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I'm starting to get more of a feeling for the Vajra that my first hunch was right. I think they're going to turn out to be a leftover PC security system that's hiding sometihng big/bad at the center of the galaxy. I think the fold distortions are part of that as well, probably an intentional inhibiter left over from the PC.
  2. That teaser trailor is awesome. I'm actually going to go against my better judgement, and believe this will be a good movie, despite being a disney sequal.
  3. You know, I think I'll take the off the wall gamble, and say I think Brera is the one who will die in the next episode. "Bye Bye Sister" indeed.
  4. Yeah, but we already have that system, it's called the DS. I'm fine with my bulky ass UMD's.
  5. All of the passwords have been leaked early by some means or another. This is a chart someone made that's "mostly" correct, though there are a few errors in it. Just reference the actual password, and it's easy to fix. With all of these out, the Hi-Nu is now unlockable. I've only played with it for a few minutes, but it easily seems to spank the quebeley, which makes the Hi-Nu the uber MS of the game.
  6. Young Tron my ass. Send in Captian Sheriden with a fleet of those bigass ships Zark used to mop up the MCP. As for the Tron ride, it wasn't so much a ride, as it was a large screen view of light cycles & such on a wall in a tunnel that the gandala's passed through before (or was it after) passing through the inside the body ride (replaced by star tours) and various other attractions. It was a nice little park easter egg, and I'm sad to hear it's gone.
  7. "The Galaxy is Calling Me" established the concept of wave motion energy in Macross. Something about the energy given off by all living things flowing through like ripples of somethingerother. This seems to be an extension of that. Can't wait for the subtitles, I want to know just how Basara & the Protodevelin were referenced. Brera is also fighting quite nicely into his Kaifun role, which means we can expect to see him drunk throwing things at Ranka within the next 8 or so eps
  8. That sounds like some kind of gay battle cry "FIGHT THE VAGGIES!"
  9. What, did they take the Tron part out of the gandala ride? That was the only freakin' reason to ride that thing!
  10. If they started selling games on memory stick, then idiots would accidentally erase them, cry, and flood sony with calls. Not going to happen.
  11. If you didn't get the joke after "Jake Lloyd", then I can't help you!
  12. I nominate Jake Loyd for Vicious! .... Samual Jackson as Jet, and Hayden Christianson as Spike!
  13. Strange, they may have changed some of the requirements for unlocking then, though I'm not sure what they'd be. I've played through all of EFSF, and while the missions are 90% the same, there are definately some tweaks to the stages here & there, not counting the new mobiel suits added.
  14. This may sound like a silly question, but is your firmware up to date?
  15. Didn't even notice it there until right now. I haven't played with it much, since its first main weapon is missile based. I'll have to level it up a bit later to check it out, but it doesn't seem to move as well as the quebeley.
  16. Actulaly, all the suits I had unlocked popped up as soon as I finnished both sides 88 & 93 campaigns, I just finnished up 0079 Federation last night, and I'm most of the way through 0083. Actually, I'm using the same save files & re-doing all of the above missions to fill in the gaps, or have you started a new character? Only strange thing I've noticed, is that so far in 79 & 83, none of the new pilot slots have unlocked yet, I'm getting mostly S's & some SS's, but nothing yet. Maybe all missions have to be completed first. Or it may require more passwords for Extra missions, I think 5 are out so far.
  17. Which makes sense, since the base Nu is still underpowered compared. I can't wait to see how s uped up the Hi-Nu is. The F-91 is insane to control in its flight mode though, these games really need bigger maps. BTW, haven't played through 0079-87 yet, but it looks like there are more slots for pilot characters than were there before. If so, then there's a plus for getting S ranks all over again.
  18. Did you format your memory stick first? That may be the problem, it may not have the proper folder structure to save. Port your movies back over, try formatting, and see if that works. With that said, I recently got an 8 gig Sony Pro Duo with the speedier loading deally, and that works pretty awesome. I've yet to find any programs to convert movies & such, but I'll get around to it. As for the Quebeley, its still pretty powerful. I'm using the standard white right now to mop up S's on Neo Zeon CCA, and its still kicking ass.
  19. I still say http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=623086
  20. Just saw it today, and to my surprise really liked it despite my hatred for Christian Bale, and lukewarm impression of Begins. Though CB's "Batman Voice" still sucked ass. I also wouldn't put it past Nolan to re-cast Joker if he really wanted to use him again. The only question is who.
  21. Finnished Federation CCA, and got through all the currently available extra missions, and so far, the Extra missions are much improved. Most are themed after special battles instead of total enemy pilot spam, and have some cool new playfields. Looks like the Hi-Nu isn't unlockable yet, but when they give out the codes ofr the rest of the Extra missions, it should hopefully pop up. There is a sweet armored Nu, as well as a standard Nu-type (pun) with fin funnels on both sides. As well as the Xi, & Penelope. I also unlocked the Mk-V & F-91, but haven't played with them yet. Actually, I haven't played with the Ex-S either, but it looks pretty crazy. I'd be really surprised if they didn't include the Unicorn somewhere, but then I haven't seen the Hazel yet either, so maybe next game. Actually, I hope the next one covers V & Turn-A, even though Turn-A isn't UC, they already have the Capool model in, so it'd be a waste not to ArtInk has done nothing but perfectly refine this engine over the years, so I'm really excited to see what happens with Ace Frontier. The only thing I'm worried about is the lock on switching. I hope its transform by flicking up & down, and switching target with left/right on the analog nub. Right now I'm playing through ZZ on the Neo Zeon side, and my favorite suit so far is the Ga-Zowmn. Its awesome firepower makes up for the overall weak Gaza-D.
  22. You could use guard, to aim, but that resulted in wasting any SP you had. Now SP is only used on flying Melee attacks, much improved. In general, it seems easier to move & target with the MA's/wave riders. As for the auto SP, it's pilot specific, and I think its their answer to the awakening skill in Gundam Vs Zeta, since its something this series has lacked.
  23. The solution is simple, buy both. Did I mention "PLU PLU PLU" ?
  24. Got my copy of Gundam Battle Universe this morning, and first the bad news. 0079-0087 are all the same missions from Chronicle. As far as I can tell, the only new time periods are definately 0088 & 0093, though hopefully there will be a good number of new extra missions. And the good news: Graphically, the mobile suits definately seem to look better, not sure if it's my imagination, but they look a little meatier in detail. Flying mobile armors, wave riders, etc, is fixed. No longer do you waste your SP trying to shoot while flying, now you can home in with guard, and safely fire away. Flying melee is the only way to use SP while in an MA mode. Actually, I haven't tried using the GPO3 yet, so that may still be broken, but the Zeta is much improved. All MS points & unlocked suits/characters carry over to the new game, as do your made characters & control preferences. Stage scores & pilot stats don't carry over, so you'll have to earn S/SS & raise your pilot stats all over again. I've played all the way through AEUG ZZ, and the missions were plentiful, "Plu Pllu Plu" is there in all her glory, as is crazy bum with a hat Yazan. Stages are a bit too recycled though, Moon Moon looks suspiciously like Jaburo. But so far the couple of CCA missions I've played have all new backdrops, and the Jegan is dead sexy. All of the guages have been cleaned up, and made more visually pleasing, and the support system works exactly as well as it should. Just hold select, pic your option, and your wingman is good to go. There's also a bit of a stat increase when you're near death, almost like the reivive special in Gundam Vs Zeta. With that, the Battle series has nearly everything the Vs series has. And a definate improvement is felt. Overall, unless there are more unlockables I don't know about, it's not as big of a mission upgrade as I'd like, but the engine revisions & new ZZ & CCA stuff definately make it worth it for me.
  25. I got more of the impression that Mr. Bilrer was someone who was aware of, and is opposing Grace's group. Making Alto undetectable to them once entering his house was the big tip off. As well as how the SMS have been a thorn in Grace's groups sides, complete with adopting the apparently unexpected VF-25.
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