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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Leon has officially f*cked up. At the same time Grace I can't wait for the subs, as I'd love to know what the hell Alto was thinking in I also assume the Macross Quarter was Definately good stuff coming up.
  2. It wouldn't be Bandai Ent if they didn't have a major defect batch of disc's at least twice a year. I mean, it would be crazy for them to use Bandai Visual's manufacturer now that they've been incorperated into the company...
  3. I still want a PS3 Port of Ace Combat 6 so we can blow people out of the skies on PS3. I'm jonesing so bad I'm even considering picking up the upcoming tom clancing fighter game.
  4. Only way to switch from lower to upper was to restart it. Just send a join, and I'll add you back in.
  5. I don't think we want to get into the whole issue of Iron-Futa...just crazy enough to work!
  6. lol, I loved the behind the couch montage
  7. MGS4 is pretty much the only console game I play these days, and is very much worth it. MGO!
  8. Nope, that's me pointing out the superiority of sexy hardsuits to any given version of iron man's armor.
  9. I totally agree. I had little interest in this game before playing the demo. Now I'm all geared up to snag it. I just wish slicing into storm troopers/rebels chopped them up like it did slicing into droids. Maybe the full game will have a more body part flying friendl option.
  10. Come to think of it, there was already an anime version of Iron Man/Blade Runner/Terminator. it was called Bubblegum Crisis, and it rocked the socks off of all of the above.
  11. Dude, she totally replaced that guys shoes with smaller shoes. Movie villains don't get more evil than that!
  12. That's hollywood speak for "Morgan Freeman has been cast as the narrator that spews exposition at you every 3 seconds"
  13. Yadda yadda, more on topic, less feeble attempts to draw away from the fact that dubs suck.
  14. Yes we would have, tv dub anime has "never" been popular in the mass media, less so than retail anime.
  15. Just remember this. Dubs are the reason that there's no Macross Frontier license in the U.S.!
  16. This topic isn't going to get closed... But until it does, the answer is without a doubt "subtitles." Dubs are low quality re-writing garbage that kills the baby jebus & sodomizes your mom until she anally bleeds. Subtitles on the other hand while not always 100% correct, preserve the original material & the original acting. If american dubs were so good, we'd all be hanging out on some forum dedicated to some garbage american cartoon.
  17. Can we change it to "Faster Klan, Kill Kill!"
  18. Crap, we need to patent it before HG steals it!
  19. Yeah, but imagine the shipping!
  20. Does anyone else really want a 1/60 Yamato now?
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MGeRSwIQKE
  22. I don't know, I think the absence of any info there may lead in the opposite direction
  23. Almost forgot the most important question about this episode.
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