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Everything posted by Keith

  1. If that's the one with the big Zentradi ship at the end, take out all the smaller flying pods & regults before you take on the big ship. There are 2 main types of missions in the game. Ones where you have to kill the boss ASAP to get an S when they show up, and ones where you have to take out every small fry in the game before taking out a bigger ship. How do you tell the difference? If it's a big name boss, then go at them ASAP, if it's a noname big ship, do the other. The only real exception is the mission where you have to ignore Kamjin, and go after Milia when she shows up, then hurry back over to finish off Kamjin before he runs away.
  2. You can use gerwalk to carry boxes, you just can't transform when you're holding a box.
  3. Solution, Bandai visual "should" include the english subtitles with any Japanese bluray release, they'd be insane not to. Luckily, they do include subtitles whenver they re-release the Gundam movies.
  4. It's a PS3 game, there's no reason that it shouldn't have both Japanese & english audio. With that said, I'm not touching the game until I find out
  5. Wouldn't it be funny if it wound up one of those straight to DVD G-Savior quality pieces of trash. "Let's make a live action Gundam movie in Canada," how could we lose!"
  6. That's another little annoyance about the EX missions, no matter how much you level up that pilot, their skills & levels stay stock for that particular stage. At least Valkyrie tune points still increase, but not enough to dominate it. Right now I'm levelling up all the Frontier pilots with full hearts (just need Macro Klan, Miclone Klan, and the two Vajra), hoping once everyone for all era's is maxed out in hearts, it'll unlock something.
  7. Have you seen the Electric Fire DVD? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qAn9jgptJw
  8. If you see a heart & 3 music notes over your HP, dash away from them ASAP. Basara/Mylene's attacks are proximity based. Once the speaker pods are in, if you dash away the singing won't affect you.
  9. Nope, like I said, stopped shooting him a while ago. Right now he usually gets either taken out when those to nasty large vajra in the 3rd wave attack, or when Brera lets loose. And the rare times he survives past Brera's first missile strike, I usually don't
  10. That was a really tough question, actually love the whole damn soundtrack. Funnier yet still, I'm listening to "Welcome to my fanclub's night" while answering," but there's just something special about "Iteza gogo kuji don't be late" that evokes Frontier, and not just because it was the first song we heard, and as much as I love every other song, that's still my top choice. Seikan Hikou being a close second Hell, at this point a better poll would be "Frontier: Kanno's best soundtrack?"
  11. Nope, that's the older version just using the newer label. The whole HK bootleg scene never ceases to amazing with its randomness sometimes.
  12. And again, you've yet to point out exactly "why" Big West should make any concessions with HG. Big West is 100% in the right, while HG is compounding Tatsunoko's wrong.
  13. I wouldn't say the missions don't follow the story at all, there's actually a lot going on in most missions that occurs in the shows. For overall fun though, I'd say Ace Frontier beats the PS2 game, though I love the PS2 game as well. This may be a biased opinion since I already love the Gundam Battle series though. As for tune points, don't expect a change anytime soon there, there's a good reason why it's the way it is, besides, it gives me something to do while trying to get full hearts on all the pilots. I haven't saved many replays but here's one of Gepelnitch taking it in the face from the Macross.
  14. He always dies in mine too, I though he finally stopped getting in my crossfire a while ago. Usually either the 2 super large vajra get him, or brera does. Stupid Alto.
  15. You're damned right it is.
  16. For more go to the licensing topic, but the short of it is this. BW owns Macross, why should they give HG money? HG doesn't own Macross, they just own the distribution rights to the first series outside of Japan, how does that entitle them to anything more?
  17. I don't know any of those guys, I just know the Macross fans who still can't get any of the recent shows in official R1 release because of equal parts stupidity & green on the side of HG.
  18. For those who've managed to get an S/SS on the EX verison of Sad Sniper....how the hell did you do that? Right now I'm stalled at an A, and I'll be damned if I can either get Alto through alive, or kill Brera before he gets me in the same playthrough. Was keeping Alto alive a requirement?
  19. When in single player hanger, go to the very last tab, highlight the save/load options in that tab, and the bottom option will let you enter passwords. Quite awkwardly placed yes, and likely a last minute addition.
  20. It's a Macross bike, as long as you're not Hikaru, you can fly it home
  21. There's a new password for the next EX mission out. -IGYSU And for those who missed the first one. -LAMGV This new one is pretty easy, just Glabil, Gepelnitch, Vajra Queen, Bodolza, & a Zentradi Soldier. All taken out quite easily. Nothing unlocked from it either, but now my mission percentage is 97%
  22. Hmm, so should we take bets on what will materialize first? Robotech movie, Voltron movie, or Thundercats movie? I'd throw Dragonball in there, but that's actually been filming.
  23. Yup, definately glad I got a 2000 last year, sucks that there are problems with the 3000 screens. Back to the game though, the more I play it, the more I'm convinced it's the best Macross game ever, and I think I already said this, but even in this early of a build, I think it also tops the Gundam Battle games. I heard a lot of complaints about using the gunpod to shoot anything the first week or so this was out, but now that I've gotten well into the game, i don't even use missiles that often, meelee attacks are even better. I actually hope they take some of the engine changes made to this game back into the next Gundam game.
  24. My favorite part "Oh here he is, he's coming back...PSYCHE!" Well played HG, keep that carrot dangling!
  25. No, the Shadow Chronicles must be finished, so that the Robotech fanbase can get the full brunt of what's coming to them. If it's not finished, they'll keep up hope of the franchise somehow getting better, or conitnuing in some kind of positive direction, basically, what will never happen
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