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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Hideaki Anno has turned out nothing but live action gold. Love & Pop, Shikijitsu, & Cutie Honey were all awesome, and who better to work on a live action Macross.
  2. It depends on how much its tuned, and how hard you were hit. When you activate it, a little yellow meter pops up at the bottom of your HP guage, that shows how much PPB you have left.
  3. Looks like rightstuf shipped the bluray set yesturday. usually they stock BV titles several weeks to a month after they're out.
  4. Don't forget you can hold down triangle to charge your melee attack & do a PINPOINT BARRIER PUNCH! with the YF-19, YF-21, VF-19 Kai, VF-22, VF-171, & VF-171 EX.
  5. Mummy Curse of the Dragon Emperor & Smallville, were the independence day guys busy? lol
  6. Honestly, I've never bothered with any of that, and never will if it's only dubs.
  7. Macross 7 is cranked up far past 11, still my favorite series!
  8. Bah, they're dubbed? Not even if I had 11.99 "in my back pocket!"
  9. As long as the new timeline doesn't have borg popping up every five minutes, or preferably at all. Also, are the new nosforatu romulans the official design.. because ???
  10. S/SS on all regular & enemy (non EX) missions for all era's.
  11. I foundi t pretty fun, everything controls as it should, and if there's any shortcoming, its that there aren't as many missions as there could be, but then this is only the first game in (hopefully) the series. If you've played any of the Gundam Battle games, it's much smoother & more fluid than those. After going back to play Battle Universe the other day, I've come to the conclusion that despite the lack of energy weapons, Valkyries will top a mobile suit in sheer speed & agility any day. Even the fully tuned Hi-Nu feels like a slow tanker after flying any given fully tuned Valkyrie.
  12. Only reason I'm asking, those intro's, endings, & next ep previews haven't appeared in the U.S. since the original U.S. Renditions tapes. Manga's never released II in any other form that the run together movie. Here's hoping for an R2 bluray with subtitles!
  13. It should be one of the ooptions on the first screen (the one where you select between vs & co-op), I forget which though. It really doesn't take that long to downgrade stats though, the bottom option (right below paint scheme) in the mecha menu lets you revert to stock stats (you keep your tune points though, so don't worry).
  14. Yeah, but amazon uses UPS, I hate UPS!
  15. Does II have all intro's, endings, and next ep previews?
  16. All of this reboot nonsense (sans the uniforms) would have worked just as well if they'd just placed it in current era ST, with entirely new characters/ship. Since the intent is to draw in a new fanbase, why bother reusing anything that's come before, and just setup a new crew.
  17. That's not his mom's DNA, that's an A.I. that's the core of the ship that's deeply in love with him, and it was his grandfather! The only real question, will Kirk bother to hit the female half of Baron Ashura or not...
  18. You mean the Enterprise was secretly created by Kirks dying grandfather, using a lost ancient technology with the power to become either a god or a demon. When Kirk jumps into his mini shuttle craft & yells "Enterprise GO!" it attaches to the bridge & becomes the super starship Enterprise Z!
  19. If anyone's on the fence about the Gunbuster vs Diebuster bluray set, rightstuf is having a Bandai Visual sale this weekend. 35% off all titles, which brings it to 64.99 to pre-order.
  20. So wait, now young adult angsty Kirk just gets to stroll into starfleet, become captain of a ship, and everyone's good to go? What???
  21. Tonight I finally achieved all characters with maxed out hearts, and as expected, unlocked absolutely nothing for doing so....hopefully the stats will at least carry over to the next game. Next, I think I'll try to unlock all the pilot skills for all characters, and if I'm lucky, max out their regular stats at the same time.
  22. While he was generatign his own spiritia, that body was past its limit in punishment, death was the major factor there.
  23. Slightly related, does anyone remember the youtube video of the Japanese guy doing a crazy ballad of Bohemian Rhapsody in suedo kabuki make-up?
  24. It's actually been a few years since I've seen the series (awful subtitles scare my away from my FX sets), but I think it was Valgo (if not, then it was Gabil) that killed his human host body, at which point he took folded his EVIL body in, and kicked all kinds of ass. Point being, while he did still have a tie to the EVIL body, the bulk of his "essence" was in the human host body until it died. Assumedly, he could have also resolved the situation by doing what Gepelnitch did, in joining both bodies. Omaega kazeni narunara....
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