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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I've played through HD remix single player now, and honestly, not impressed. Went straight for expect difficulty, and apparently while putting the engine back together, someones idea of "hard" was boosting AI speed past player imput speed, and last time I checked, turbo was about equally balanced speed imput. That, and apparently Bison is super gimped for some reason, I had more trouble with Vega (using Ken) than him.
  2. OVA's are only on DVD & OOP, if you can find them, get them, end of story. The R2 & R1 gzttai blurays are exactly the same, so go for whichever is cheaper.
  3. Not all of them, Vs XIII which is being done by the Kingdom Hearts team is still an exclusive, as likely KH3 will be.
  4. The only fault with the PS3 is that this happens to be the most @ss backwards video game generation to date, with U.S. publishers putting out the most product. As far as me goes, since I'm not big on FPS, I don't really see much reason in having a 360. The only exclusive games to date I'd want would be Katamari & Ace Combat 6. Stranger yet still, perhaps because of the nature of the Japanese market, I've been getting a lot more handheld than console games, my PSP & NDS libraries easily dwarf my PS3 library. I mean hell, who wouldn't kill for a PS3 incarnation of Macross Ace Frontier, all it needs is a graphics overhaul & more content. Online multiplayer? Someone run over to Bamco & make them do it!
  5. I heard Carl Macek comes from the future to bring us all chicken mcnuggets!
  6. It's harder than everyone says
  7. Jetfire is a fabrication of the liberal left wing, it never truly existed. They've even gone as far as to implant memories in children of actually playing with it as a child.
  8. Ok, now I've actually watched the trailer This game actually looks way better than i imagined it would. After seeing this, I don't mind the idea of that CG movie sequel.
  9. And the last time that happened, the XBOX got a super glitchy MGS2.
  10. I just found it strange so many MW'ers beat that damn mission on halloween night. I wonder if it had more to do with nothing better to do on a holiday than skill
  11. Don't hate on MGS4 because you can't handle how much awesome its packed with!
  12. Pardon me, you can change the pilot skill before, but it still won't apply to the EX mission. Do me a favor, go into EX Sad Sniper, intentionally lose, then compare the pilot stats in that lose screen with the actual pilot stats you have for Michel, and you'll see they clearly don't match up. Better than that, equip Max World as a pilot skill, then try to use it And I never said you can change pilot stats like tune points, just that levelling up a pilot won't reflect in their EX mission, they'll revert back to their stock stats.
  13. I call shennanigans, I want documented youtube video showing that you can raise the pilot stats and switch the pilot skill on the ex missions. I tried many times, and the Michel stats shown in Sad Sniper most definately did not reflect my levelled up version for regular missions. Hell, it blocks you from changing his pilot stat in the hanger for that mission.
  14. Buy it, its worth it at original MSRP, less than $40 is a steal.
  15. Ewww, isn't the disc too sticky to read when you try to play it after?
  16. The new maps are pretty nice, and while Mei Ling is the most obnoxious thing on the battlefield, Liquid is pretty awesome.
  17. That's hilarious on soo many levels. the hard part is not waking any body up laughing right now.
  18. The ADV trailer had the same effect on me until I watched Gunbuster for the umpteenth time, realized what a huge Anno/Gainax fan I was, and proceeded to track down all the remaining shows I could find. Unfortunately, at that time Eva was out of print, so I decided to check out an HK set. After a few episodes, I tossed out that HK set, and went about tracking down the 2 collections ADV put out, a couple weeks and a bit too much cash later, I found both brand new with the soundtrack disc's included. The musical cue's alone in Nadia will scream proto-Eva at you, it's such an awesome show. Considering ADV decided to re-release both sets at a reasonable prince, and removed the cancerous tumor that was the movie as an extra service, you owe it to yourself to snag the series. It's 85% pure gold, and 15% Island & Africa episodes that were tacked on by the network to increase the episode count. That resulted in Anno leaving Gainax (the first time), but thankfully the end of the series had already been fully set up, leaving epic win after you trudge through the late mid series muck.
  19. That makes sense, tune points awarded, not applicabale, and pilot stats definately not applicable nor awarded.
  20. As much as Jung is proto-Asuka, Electra is proto-Ritsuko, with the Nadia & Nemo relationship also sharing much in common with Shinji & Gendo. Hell, the situation with the Blue Water & Nadia's mother also heavily mirrors that of Eva-01 & Shinji's mother. Fuyutski is like a negative (or positive if you will) version of Gargoyle, with Neo Atlantis & their goals being not to different from Seele. Nerv, including its fate, mirrors much of what happened to the Nautilus, and I suppose Misato would most closely resemble Grandis. Much of what made Eva great was built up from Nadia, perhaps it was Anno trying to save what would have been his masterwork in the only way he could, by taking the base framework & re-using it in something that was more under his control. Looking at Anno's other works (including the live action ones), we know he's perfectly capable of telling other stories, I think it was just that he wanted to take another stab at telling that one, and did so in the guise of making an entirely different show. Which reminds me, I really do need to get around to watching Shikjitsu.
  21. "Metal Gear Solid 4" BTW, for those who have home, how much space does it take up? I've yet to upgrade my HD, and only have about 19 or so gigs left.
  22. Nadia was definately far more of a proto-Evangelion, hell, it even has Adam. I'd love to see Anno take a new stab at Nadia, without any of the meddling that hampered the TV series (island episodes, africa episodes, etc). Despite all the sabotage, it still stands as a beautiful series.
  23. I tend to be warry of shareware, especially ones that involve my internet connection. Hell, I'm not even on bittorrent. Right now I'm hoping Sony brings over the Japanese PS3 adhoc hub to the U.S.
  24. I played Sad Sniper more times than I care to remember, both before & after trying to level of Michel. My regular levelled up michel had significantly different stats & selectable pilot skills than the one in the EX mission. The various end of mission fail screens showed a bare bones unleveled pilot, but let me max out the tune points on the VF-25G. No matter how many times I played that mission, there was never an increase in pilot stats, nor did it show a reflection in the increase in Michel's pilott stats, or pilot skill changes that I did in other stages. Just what are you basing your assumption on?
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