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Everything posted by Keith

  1. How can go "that" horribly wrong. Klan has been called many things, but MILF is like calling her a banana. Worse yet, reading that has apparently rotted my brain, all my gramerical cohesiveness apparently dissapeared for a post.
  2. Bonus, or perhaps a time paradox!
  3. Actually, Macross Frontier opened a huge window to make II canon, II would still need some minor tweaks, but the whole independantly funded colony fleets, multiple Macross class ships, NUNS, & what not are enough to make me finally accept it as a very likely possability.
  4. Yeah, but then we'd have to deal with Evil Robot Bill & Ted. Can we really count on Station to build Good Robot Bill & Ted when home improvement stores are a dying breed?
  5. And worse yet, what if Nomad, V'ger, & the Borg all combine to form Unicron!
  6. Have none of you seen Chobits? More than the above features, plus they can go on the internet & download porn for you, best of all worlds.
  7. If you ever doubt your opinion there, track down a little TV movie called "Invincible," which features Billy Zane in his finest form, including such scenes as "hanging around in the background & eating an apple." Speaking of the 1996 movie, I know for a fact that I actually went to see that with my father, but to this day cannot remember a single thing about it. I actually blocked the whole experience out of memory.
  8. That fancy chipset won't save you from shotty american engineering! RROD BEEEAAAAMMM!!
  9. About the audio pops, they actually are in every version of DYRL, the HD remaster just brings them more to the forefront. I've compared with an ancient fansub VHS, FX DVD, AC/MI DVD, HD Remaster, & theatrical print disc. Mind you I never noticed all those damn pops until the HD remaster, someone at Bandai/Emotion needs to learn a thing or two about audio mixing.
  10. I hereby curse you to RROD next time you power up your 360!
  11. I think they should have gotten Aiko to do the voice :: dudges things being thrown by those who got the crosstopic referene:::
  12. You'd never make it through an import super robot wars with that attitude! It's 3rd from the bottom.
  13. No plug in play jokes, but her general attitude leaves me to believe it must have been time for her monthly update
  14. To hell with that, I officially declair home as fail!
  15. Which is exactly why it has yet to sue him for sexual harrassment. Although, if you build your own robot, and have sex with it, is that incest? Will he start his own organization? NAMRLA?
  17. If he'd waited another year, he could have made her look like Grace
  18. True, but 20,000 gives him a lot more access, and a lot less herpies & aids. ::starts humming Chobits theme::: lol
  19. There's no such thing as a good day for a dub, watching crappy acting that ruins the material doesn't equate to watching something.
  20. They left out the good part. Apparently, just as she was cast in the original series, she had to sleep with the producer for her part...eww
  21. Exactly, time is a valuable commodity as is, I'd rather spend it playing a game, or watching anime. Walking around in a suedo game, doing nothing, and spending money on nothing isn't my idea of fun. But then I've never been one of the sims crowd. Now if they let you have a sniper rifle in it...
  22. I agree, home is pretty damn week. Or at the very least, it's not even remotely tailored to me with its twilight trailers, bowling, & micro transactions for clothes. The one thing I don't get however, how are people distributed? There couldn't possibly have been as few people online as I saw, nor did I see a change server option, so are people just randomly strewn about?
  23. I heard a rumor they were coming up with some kind of software solution/download/upgrade for the gimped PS3's to play PS2 games, any news on that? I grabbed a 60 gig right when they knoced $100 off the price. The only thing I regret is that it puts out more heat than those newer models, aside from that I love it.
  24. Robotech has some of the worst fanfiction in all of aci-fi
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