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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Subtitles with original Japanese language superior, english dubs inferior, end of story! If you want to watch somethign animated with english dialogue, go watch superfiends, or some other such garbage (Batman TAS excluded).
  2. Picked up the new mini-keyboard attachment, and it's actually pretty cool. It has a feature that lets you brush your fingers over the keys to act like a touch mouse that can be turned on & off.
  3. Nope, all dubs are that bad, if not significantly worse. Besides which, watching Gurren Lagann dubbed makes the anti-spirals win!
  4. It's not 100% official yet, but it looks like Funimation has licensed 1.0
  5. That was done a little too well, I'd actually pay money to see it if a real movie looked like that
  6. Fruedian slp jinai! It's a colloquialism damnit!
  7. Yo momma!
  8. That's weak, reading the title I thought PSN'ers were going to get to go up against MSL'ers for a true epic first.
  9. And she's got so many tentacles, she'll be compatible with just about any perhipheral.
  10. Actually, between Gundam Wing & Turn A. X didn't really wow me at all though, it felt like ZZ mixed with Orguss.
  11. Consider yourself corrected
  12. If you're going to start up a Gainax collection proper, then you need to track down a copy of the Gunbuster box set before it dissapears of the planet, Wings of Honneamise is a little pricey but well worth it, Nadia is well worth it, and Prototype Eva. But before any of that, hop on over to youtube, and look up the Daicon III & IV clips.
  13. I've watched it a couple more times than that, and have stood firm in mine
  14. I actually think that's one of "The Young Ones."
  15. Actually, it says that there's no time, so the episode is focusing on Shinji. As for who, it's the production staff.
  16. Because he's a transvestite of course!
  17. Nadia does start off pretty light, but as it goes into Neo Atlantis territory, you'll see more similarities.
  18. Eva Unit-02 didn't have an S2 Organ, so it wouldn't have worked. At that point in time, only adding the Adam embryo back into the Lilith body, or using Unit-01 would have worked. If Gendo had gotten his way, Instrumentality wouldn't havebeen able to start, since for it to work, humanity has to join with god. If he hijacked the original, and Yui left with as the new, that leaves no one for humanity to join with.
  19. It shoudl be noted that the whole conversations of "the I who exists in" happened "before" Everyone was combined into one being. As I said before, those conversations were akin to the scenes in the movie where the many Rei's go out & lower everyones AT fields. It was getting rid of the perception of individuality in everyone before combining them into one being. Proof, Instrumentality didn't begin until the end of ep 25, after those conversations. Again, it's not that humanity was reduced into imaginary friends, it's that humanity was reduced into Shinji, with no one else "real" to interact with period. Mind you Seele didn't likely intend for him to become the dominant ego, it was Lilith/Kaworu/Rei that decided that, and left him with the ultimate decision in the matter. Rei/Lilith/Kowaru/God (whatever you choose to call it) deemed him worthy of choosing, Plus he was the Pilot of Unit-01.
  20. Robotech with the SDF-2? lol
  21. And also, this is a Sheryl forum, you Ranka shippers better step in line!
  22. At the point Shinji & Asuka appeared on the shore, Instrumentality had been aborted. There really was no choice but for people to regain their individual forms, since the single form existence was no longer an option. And I'm "pretty sure" Yui said that they'd regain their forms in time, not if they chose to. As for that single form existence, again the point is that there were no real interactions period. It wasn't that everyone was having fun & whatnot, it's that everyone was literally Shinji, all placed together as a single being. Everyone shown there were fantasy images being interacted with.
  23. Because you suck, that's how! That angel was an interesting one though, they didn't actuall kill that one. They tricked it into coexisting with the Magi by making its only alternative to be death. But by evolve, I was referring more akin to human evolution, from one form into another. No matter what that Angel did, it was still a virus, just one that was lulled into become docile. I'm going to sleep now, but everyone who loves Eva owes it to themselves to check out Nadia, in a lot of ways, its the blu-print for what became evangelion, plus 11 or 12 network contracted epsidoes, but that's another topic.
  24. In or out were the only options. The alternate reality school was representative of the fantasy existence that would occur in the egg. Rather than a reality where goals can be achieved/shot down, inside the egg would be a dreamlike existence with no real substance. The implication being that happyness can't be achieved by automatically having whatever you want however you want whenever you want. That place looked ideal, but there was no actual interaction. With everyone being one, everyone was essentially Shinji. The other people there merely reflected his whims. Shinji decided he'd rather have real interactions with people, even if that meant pain came with it. I don't think Shinji & Asuka were the only ones to return, just the first to reform from the LCL sea. Before she leaves, Yui says everyone will regain their forms in time. The fact that Shinji & Asuka were still going at it shows that it's not a happy ending, just a realistic one. Again, you should really check out Nadia for an alternate take on the ending.
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