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Everything posted by Keith

  1. PM for link for NSFW?
  2. I think you're overthinking things a bit. The Anti-Spirals are the final outcome of a person like Rossiu, they're exactly the type of evolution that a person who thinks like that leads to. Overanalyzing/rationalizing a situation without any sense of blind hope. They became the way they did simply because they believed that it was the only way for the universe to continue existing. They penned up the spirals because they wanted them to feel the same level of despair, and accept that the anti-spirals were right. Why else contain them rather than destroy them when they were at their weakest. Absolute despair was a fate they rationalized themselves to accept, and as such, believed everyone should accept as well. Just like Rossiu, they couldn't comprehend a minute probability solution that would allow spirals to continue flourishing without destroying everything. As for Lordgenome, Viral, & immortality, the only reason Viral was granted the ability was so that he could chronicle events. You'll note that Viral's immortality didn't equate to absolute power, didn't allow him to defeat Simon, and didn't do much else but prevent him from dying. The rest of the Beast Men were created with limited life & no spiral energy abilities because they were nothing more than toys & guards for Genome to keep himself occupied/the planets inhabitents under control. They weren't meant to be a true new species to take over.
  3. No, I'm pretty sure he is Rossiu's dad. Also, it was the Anti-Spirals that forced the innevitability of confict. They believed that Spiral evolution left to continue ended in absolute destruction. Nope, they've been doing it since the very beginning with Wings of Honneamise, & Gunbuster.
  4. Funi just announced the license around new years, no release date yet.
  5. I think Ace Frontier actually handled things dead on, it just needs more songs, more singing pilots, and more level variety. Some beefy current gen console (ps3) graphics wouldn't hurt either.
  6. No sh!t, that's crazy. While I haven't bought the mag since well before sushi-x left, I still read it of of magazine racks from time to time. What will become of Seanbaby!
  7. If it looks like a duck & swims like a duck...
  8. Nope, definately that thing I ssaid Lin Minmei (family name) & Lynn Minmay (stage name) are one in the same person Neither spelling belongs to that robocrap bastardization. Also, Reba West was the non-union stage name of Rebecca Forstadt.
  9. Said the guy with the Nanase avatar...
  10. High quality scans of said images can be found....?
  11. Gurren brigade can kiss my ass, DAI GURREN DAN FOREVER! With that said, I've bought both releases, extra's & that awesome box, plus the original Japanese credit ops & ends on the sub disc's make it all worth it.
  12. Online multiplayer hand drawon or really well cell shaded Konami style arcade games. SOMEONE MAKE IT HAPPEN!
  13. No, Minmei & Minmay are the same person (family name & stage spelling subsequently), Rebecca Forstadt is a hack is what you meant to say
  14. I envy you in your first viewing of the series, mine was on youtube over the course of 48 hours. I'm about to start my 3rd go through soon, and can't wait to go again.
  15. Correction sir, Blondie is "NOT" Debra Harry, Blondie is the group as a whole.
  16. Solution, play with MW'ers on PS3. also, play some MGO damnit!
  17. Just remember Graham, that movie was "not" Nadia, it was some horrible abonimation posing as. Specifically, unified humans building a tower to reach heaven, god says "hell no, you can't touch me, and just for that, ya'll nigga's won't be able to understand each other now either" for good measure. Had nothing to do with being "productive," it's just a story instilling the belief that A:you can't touch heaven if you ain't been invited," and B:god wants you to be ignorant. Crazy religious parables. As for Nadia, technically it wasn't a super laser, just a highly mis-used comm tower.
  18. Crazy, I'm super out of the music loops these days, too many crap bands. I'll stick with Trailer & 1977 then.
  19. Did you try resetting the display settings on the PS3 (hold the poewr button down for a few secodns extra while booting up), it could just be something changed in a firmware update that's now conflicting, resetting may correct it.
  20. I'd pay good money to tackle Sakura
  21. Do I speak for everyone when I say WTF?
  22. No, the second one won't be about E Honda, it'll be about Dee Jay's time on the Jamaican bobslet team!
  23. Not a clue how, but it would have aired roughly the same time as Teknoman (Tekkaman Blade).
  24. Well, at that point Marie was going to end up with either Sanson or King, and they went the less disturbing route. As for future Eva isms, the one that stood out most to me was Adam, as well as Neo Atlantis's setup barring a striking resemblance to Seele. Perhaps I was a little vague, but much of what went into Nadia evolved into Evangelion. Red Noa/Blue Noa being the arc's that brought life to Earth share a lot in common with black & white moon eggs of Lilith. Full scale assault of the Nautilus & same on Nerv. Many story element parallels between the shows. But Gargoyle turning out to be human was one of the alltime great plot twists. And it's just too bad Ritsuko couldn't shine as brightly a character as Electra. I just wish Nadia had gotten the 4 brand new movie remake treatment instead of Eva, as Nadia really could have benefitted from story streamlining & updated animation.
  25. Technically, since the next part of Shadow Chronicles is at least a year late, and showing no real signs of being in any kind of production, it's a failed sequal too.
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