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Everything posted by Keith

  1. More power to sony if they do drop prices, as long as they drop them in Japan too. I need some decent import software damnit! decent japanese RPG's are as scarce as any U.S. system in the early 90's.
  2. It'd be much more tempting if they included a figure of one of the chicks.
  3. ADV went broke, so that's long since dead.
  4. Masochist!
  5. Hmm, Bruce Willis would be fun too.
  6. All I'd really want from this movie, is an accurate recreation of the Grenbird scene where Spike & Vicious fly through the stained glass window. That'd be absolute trailer gold. And why not Liv Tyler as Faye, she's got the right build, and isn't too skinny.
  7. While he doesn't have even close to the right voice for it, I honestly can't say I hate the idea of Keanu Reeves playing Spike. I'd be more concerned with who they'd cast as Faye & Ed at this point, fearing token big fake titted starlet actress, and Dakota Fanning, or sometihng equally as inane. It's just too bad we don't have a young Gary Oldman, or type casted Heath Ledger to play vicious at this point. Mark Walburg might have been interesting as Spike, but he's getting on in years too. And f^ck it, at this point, why not go full assed cheese, and have Samual Jackson as Jet.
  8. An amazingly honorable stance. Can't argue with that.
  9. Damn, I never tracked down a copy of A1 or 2, I'll have to wait until they get around to 3.
  10. Speaking of JMS, any word on him getting to do anymore B5 movies?
  11. Bamco sold out to microsoft, so no Ace Combat for us, which is why I'm looking at HAWX for my fix.
  12. Hmm, and where's the U.S. release of Ulysses 31!
  13. Wait a minute, they never said he rode the thing many times, now you guys are talking crazy talk!
  14. So, what's been going on? Any luck, should we take an MW donation drive so you can ship it back to get you up & running?
  15. Probably Voltron (Golion) or Tranzor Z (Mazinger Z), followed by Macross's bastardization.
  16. Considering it's been out a year nearly to date, how many years was it on the new release racks?
  17. Come to think of it, I don't think we've had more than a 3-4 MW's on together at a time. mayhaps when HAWX comes out, we can start some kinda crazy F-14 clan.
  18. Now that makes no sense, he came to the village from where? There's on indication that the village had contact with any previous outsiders. And again, if he wasn't Rossiu's father, that would have made Rossiu an orphan, i.e. instant beastmen bait.
  19. Sadly, not as of yet, but hopefully someday.
  20. 5th, (while not original Macross) the actress who played Gepelnitch & Sayla in Gundam died before Kaifun.
  21. It's been a few months since I've watched, but aside from their resemblance to each other, fact that the elder saw orphans as death fodder, and general tone Rossiu took after he found out the elder intentionally chose to "send off" his own wife, I think it was more of an implied relation than a spoken one.
  22. ... Are the stickers LE? I'm not planning on imporitng anything until Frontier Vol 9 BR comes out. Shipping is a bitch.
  23. Keith

    Game Glitch on MAF

    Nope, used Misa as an operator with maxed out hearts while maxing out several other co-pilots hearts (damn that took a long time).
  24. Hopefully not for a couple years, we need to wait until BV pops for some kind of grain reduction technology, and a proper audio remastering. The latest remaster seemed intentionally designed to bring out all of the films flaws.
  25. Hmm, still no PM ::tapping foot::
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