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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You will never find it, it's in crazier rights hell than Macross.
  2. ..why for not send it in for repairs before selling?
  3. Natural first question, what kind of ventilation did you give it? Also out of curiosity, was it a launch 60 gig, or a tail end 60 gig? I picked up mine right when they went oop, and the price dropped. So far, haven't had any problems whatsoever (aside from the web browser occasionally crashing with high content, but that's to be expected). Of course I haven't put a ton of mileage on it either, but I play a fair share of MGO with it.
  4. There are much better shots of Ishtar than that.
  5. Hmm, Macross II was curiously left out of the HD remaster fest last year, that in itself speaks volums of its chances of seeing a sequel.
  6. Wow, those are awesome playdoh renditions!
  7. Whoever decided that sounded anything like Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late is obviously a sadistic deaf person. Bad song remix impersonation gets a negative on the existence scale.
  8. But if Macross II is a sequal to DYRL, and Macross II also completely rips off the story structure of DYRL nearly scene for scene, then wouldn't a sequal to Macross II be Macross II?
  9. As obscenely long as it is, I'm suedo obsessed with NNSM Special Serving. The regular just doesn't do it for me anymore
  10. At this point Im' not sure with all the system registry whatnot. Although I suppose as long as you login with the same profile on both, you should be cool.
  11. Uncharted 2 definately, never played GOW, so I'll have to think about that one.
  12. Well, it'd be more akin to giving characters the last name Lincoln & Washington, which does happen quite a lot. When all is said & done though, I'd rather get interesting works like Eva, than crap like Constanine.
  13. But Grace's group (who we can with some degree of safety assume) did develope the VF-27, and were pretty damned evil. Why bother with pleasantries?
  14. Since the Protodevelin already used EVIL (going back to the Shao Pai Loon reference), the Messiah had to slay something, so Lucifer works quite well. Besides, that's a pretty badass fighter all around, and well deserving of the name.
  15. :::cough:::Frontier:::cough:::
  16. Woah there chief, you seemed to have entirely missed the religious origins of "Valkyrie" (origins in Norse "religion/mythology.") Excalibur was from the legend of King Arthrur, etc. So by your rules, Macross has never felt like "real Macross," which would make Frontier just as real (or non) as any other Macross.
  17. Considering the equal amount of fantasy & plagiarism that lies in the religions that said references are based on, it's hardly anything new.
  18. Stupid topic is stupid.
  19. Cover art for season 1.
  20. Keep in mind, Bandai's video masters are in better shapes than HG's were. All comparisons I've heard still say that Bandai's recent release still looks better than AnimEigo's remaster.
  21. I'd settle for a DS original GB game adapter, even if it required an extra battery to poewr the games.
  22. Just out of curiosity, was removing the hard drive before sending the system in an option? While that may not have helped in this situation, with the whole music rights thing, it at least would have left you not having to redownload everything.
  23. That is weird, you didn't register a new profile did you?
  24. Ulysses 31 has also been released in Australia in a similar set by madman ent, which unfortunately is still PAL, but R4 instead of R2, not that it makes a ton of difference.
  25. While I never watched it, I remember it being all the time on Nickalodeon, along with the Star Trek animated series. In that sense, durring broadcast it wasn't obscure. After it went off the air, it was obviously quite difficult to find.
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