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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Robotech is bad, the dialogue is crap, I dare say the dialogue is sub thundercats, it's that freakikn' bad. And really, how anyone can favor mr exposition over Claudia's gentle narration I'll never understand, nor would I ever want to.
  2. Did everyone forget the comic con trailer?
  3. Speaking of The Black Hole, any more news on what's to come from the cocktease trailer that was Tr2n?
  4. Macek may be many things, but a Macross fan isn't one of them. He saw the story as something that needed to be "fixed" to weed out those whacky Japanese culture concepts, seriously, reed or listen to any interview with him. Though to be fair, his megalomania isn't limited to Macross, he does it with everything he touches.
  5. I'm pretty much sold on this, now the hard part is tricking the girlfriend into going...
  6. Quite clearly what this means is ORE NO UTA WO KIIKE! BOMBA! & of course RADICALLY FIYA!! I will personally stroll down to the Bandai Ent offices, and hug each and every employee there if they license 7 or Frontier.
  7. WTF is soundwave supposed to be?
  8. Did anyone else pick up Afro Samurai? Not by any means the deepest game in the world, but a worthy successor to the Double Dragon/Final Fight genre, without being impossibly difficult like Ninja Gaiden. I'm only a couple stages in, but it's pretty cool so far. Closest experience that i can relate it to is Evil Dead Regeneration, i.e. incredibly fun alt take if you love the story, maybe not so fun if you don't.
  9. Very much so, provided you enjoy fan service & super robots in equal amounts.
  10. Kyon wakes up, goes to school, notices, and just slaps himself on the forehead..perfect!
  11. Hmm, Anime Mila Jovovich is kinda hot.
  12. Hmm, I can settle for some FMP for now, but we definately need sequal, not remake. Not that a remake would be entirely out of character...
  13. Aren't they working on a second series right now? Though I thought it was supposed to premiere this past season, may pop up after 00 is finished. If you haven't watched it, School Rumble is pretty damn good too, and a good tide over until more Haruhi pops up.
  14. OMGF there are other Basara supporters now? When the hell did that happen? And for the record, Yoko = Sivil (mind you Sivil is hotter, but is still an older woman who is fond of screaming in public, but seriously, I love Yoko I always took Basara as more of a combo between John Lennon & Jimi Hendrix, as out of the 2, Jimi would be the far more likely one to jump into the middle of a battle & start singing. Project M (assumedly short for Project Minmay) was in not so many words explained as being concieved of by Max. He sponsored Dr. Chiba's research in hopes that it would lead to peaceful resolutions. After Stephan died, Ray wandered around drunkedly until he came across Basara singing to mountains. This lead to a similar ephiphany of someone being able to peacefully solve disputes without the risk of friends dying, but he didn't know what to do with him. He called up Kinryu, who had been assigned to the M7 fleet, Kinryu talked to Max, who assumedly put the two idea's together, and there you have teh fully active Project M, just waiting for the chance to be tested. Max ok'd Ray to train Basara as a pilot, Chiba assumedly modified the VF-19 design, and all was go. It was always a sanctioned action. The notion that Basara got anyone killed on the battlefield is idiotic. While it's a mystery why he wasn't given a Friendly IFF code, showing as an additional target on a battlefield of hostiles woiuldn't make much of a difference. Being allowed to broadcast on military channels looks to be intentional, since aggressors wouldn't have been on just one side, and as was shown, he didn't play over normal comm traffic. As for why Speaker pods penetraded where normal rounds didn't, the damn things had burrowing ability, as well as independant propulsion. They were more like missiles than pod rounds. And indeed, Basara may be many things, but a hippie isn't one of them. He had just as much to sing at an enemy, as any other pilot had to shoot at an enemy. And as was shown in the end, not even reaction warheads were effective against an enemy that can fold them right back into your ship. An unconventional enemy requires unconventional means.
  15. Halfway? I marathoned the whole thing in a day, and truly, highschool is wasted (like youth) on the young. I'm just 6 episodes away from finishing Batman TAS (never realized that show was so long), and after that, either Last Exile, Ergo Proxy, Overman King Gainer, oh who am I kidding, my queue is overbooked right now Maybe Code Geass, it's so damn hard to decide.
  16. I love those guys. Same answer as always, if it was your kill, you would have made it already. I'm teetering between 10-11 right now, and keeping a sharp eye out for dizman's croc cap! As for your router, check the manufacturer page for it. All have a reset button that clears out any passwords, but you'd need the first log in information from the manufacturer to make sure you can set up new ones.
  17. Check your router's settings, sometime's changing the broadcast channel on it (goes from 1 to 11 I think) can fix interference problems. I had a similar problem when first using my blutooth headset, it'd knock out my router's connection.
  18. Frontier opened a big door for it, and watching the live feed of ep 24, when the Macross 11 fleet was shown, I misread it as the Macross II and thought he did.
  19. Of course you're enjoying 7, it's an awasome show, and only haters hate on it!
  20. Oh I disagree. One of the best shots of Ishtar is at the end of ep 5 with short hair, as she's being sent back to earth in that pod dealy. About 7:20 into this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai_6joajgPc&NR=1 And as for Ishtar's body
  21. Damn you guys for buying at the same time as me!
  22. Hey now, those are quite healthy thighs, you just can't appreciate curves! OMFG I FINALLY PROGRESSED PAST MACROSS II SURVIVOR, IT FEELS LIKE IT'S BEEN THERE FOR YEARS!!!
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