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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Second series? I'm assuming its a reboot that sticks with the manga, since the preivous one wrapped up its story pretty tightly.
  2. Can't get either link to work. Any chance of someone saving & re-uploading the images for all to see?
  3. The Mazinkaiser OVA was awesome, especially the instances of "I wish I could have done that in the 70's" parodies they pulled. It's just too bad they went back to super violent Go Nagai for the Vs Dark Shogun movie.
  4. I'd just ship it to yourself, an extra TV dont' hurt.
  5. It's definately "Interstella", and if it were done as a music video or no (SW), Galaxy Railways proved Matsumoto still has the old stuff. And hell, why isn't Interstella 5555 on bluray yet? If anything screamed BR, that does.
  6. Horse crap & cow crap are different, and yet still crap.
  7. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, let Leiji Matsumoto remake Star Wars, it'd be the most awesome thing ever!
  8. Just checked out the FX set, and it is pretty nice for what it is. Obviously still a TV rip, and as such, the picture is somewhat soft, but it's better than the others I've seen, if by no other virtue then it doesn't push the eps per disc past 9. With that said, there are some flaws, the subtitles have a lazily huge font, and so far rushing through the set, looks like the timing on episode 8 is off, they forgot to account for the pre-ep advertisement. But it uses a good translation (I wish they'd taken a script that good for the old FX 7 set), and things look like they stay pretty consistent. Only oddities are the first disc it seems, aside from the timing issue on ep 8, the first disc doesn't seem to like responding to the menu button, and I've no idea what anime the silkscreen image is taken from.
  9. As much as I love Basara, I had to vote for Sheryl, truly the greatest performer to grace Macross, or any other fiction for that matter.
  10. Wouldn't be so bad if the series was subtitled, but damn, Japanese blurays are expensive. With that said, I imported the first disc, am planning on importing the last disc, and will fill in from there unless a box is released.
  11. I think it's actually Full Metal Panic, not Fullmetal Alchemist.
  12. Only one word describes my feeling on this matter, COCK!
  13. Mari actually sounds a lot like she did in the original recording, definately older, but the performance is similar. And hell, she's the only one who can pronunce any of the names correctly in the whole dub. With that said, what little I've watched of the Macross dub, it's bad, but not nearly as ham fisted as the original robotech dub.
  14. Comfirmation that it's being made into an anime, or it didn't happen!
  15. You guys forgot the best part. Before exitting, the robber was heard yellong "Mog, Charlston Chew!"
  16. Pretty sure it can only do one output at time, though who knows, maybe if you reset the video defautl settings while staring up, it'll detect both.
  17. WTF is with these production companies & their secrets. First Frontier was kept under wraps until late in production, and now Haruhi. I wish this article was less cryptic about the who's & what's whill be involved in this, and whether it will be a sequal or reboot. But if the original writer is involved, and they pull back the seiyuu, it should still be cool.
  18. That's still one of the most packed full of extra's disc's I have. Hopefully they'll port everything over if/when it goes bluray.
  19. Nope, you start off with a brand new character at level 0 with no levelled up skills. For the most part, I think the extra slot is used by higher level players to try & get revenge on lower leveled people who out gun them/bring down their levels. Last week I took some pretty good snipes at some level 14's, next thing I know there's a level 0 player who knew a little too much about the midtown maelstrom map, tried to sneak into an alley corner to shoot me off the roof, and wound up dead everytime they tried Also, beware Dizman & his croc cap!
  20. Question, how does that FX set subtitle "Ginga no Yosei." ? And, have any of the bootleggers started doing bluray boots ripped from bluray sources yet?
  21. Sure robotech exists, right now it's called "The Shadow Chronicles," and if that's what that fanbase wants, more power to them. Meanwhile, I'll watch Frontier.
  22. She's pretty much useless in all levels, and obnoxious as all hell. On the flipside, Ocelot is quite awesome.
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