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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The information about AnimEigo getting audio masters direct from Japan came directly from Robert Woodhead on AnimEigo's mailing list while the remaster was going on.
  2. Just picked mine up, dong the HD install now.
  3. Screw scratches & MIB, that's what a good mechanic is for.
  4. ::sigh:: my pre-order shop didn't get them in yet ::sigh::
  5. What will anime invent next!
  6. Princess Tutu had a great balance of dark elements all through, especially the ending which I won't spoil for you. I'm about to finish up Overman King Gainer, which is some good post Turn-A Tomino, it's actually got a lot of Turn-A & Zeta elements mixed in, with some of the ugliest but somehow watchable mecha ever. It's a bit disturbing to see the character designs from Eureka Seven with these characterizations though
  7. Damn you guys with your malware & viruses sites! But seriously, I'd gladly pay sony for some kind of download that would legitimately let me play my legally purchased import PS1 & 2 games.
  8. Nope, the "Protodevelin" war was started when the EVIL got possessed. The EVIL themselves were a result of pre-existing Protoculture Civil war, being an advanced form of Zentradi. Also doubtful that the Vajra & Protodevelin are from the same place.
  9. There's no indicatin that the Zentradi ever ran into the Vajra, and even if htey had, the Zentradi would have been pretty sufficiantly owned. The greatest mystery about the Vajra would be their natural space flight & combat technology. Did they come by it before or after the Protoculture found them, the indication that Frontier gave being that the Protoculture based everything "they" had on the Vajra. Problem with that being, just who would the Vajra been fighting that they'd need such heavy arms, or was it simply something developed in retaliation to conflicts with the Protoculture. I guess what I'm asking, which adapted which's technology. Was what to do with/how to interact with the Vajra the source of the Protocutlure Civil War? Was higher end bio-tech like the EVIL & AFOS comparably powered with the Vajra?
  10. No PS3 demo yet, hopefully next week.
  11. I've yet to actually start playing much outside of MGS4, stupid online gaming!
  12. If that were the case, they'd have just dropped out of fold.
  13. Actually, Macross 7 may have shown us the first real instance of a fold fault. When Diamond Force uses the fold boosters to catch up to City 7, they have a pretty ruff ride.
  14. The warning my virus scanner popped up with when loading tha tpage that said "trojan removed" makes me somewhat warry of downloading anything from there, but thanks. As for the R2, I've heard it was missing something, possably the whacky races parody.
  15. Macross folds seem to be based roughly on 3 factors. The distance that needs to be traveled, the energy that can be gathered in the engines themselves, and the previous unknown (fold faults). These seem to be in direct relation to what type of fold is shown. Assumedly, if no fold faults are present, enough energy is gathered, and the distance is sufficiantly small enough. a fold can be done with no motion at all, and be relatively instananious. This is represented by the stock fold bubble all are familiar with. However if fold fautls are present, there isn't enough energy to cover the entirety of the distance, then the secondary type of fold, the one where we see ships actually moving into/through fold space, and the ships standard propulsion is used to navigate through that foldspace is used. That version obviously isn't instantanious due to the factors mentioned. Macross has always adhered to those two specific types of folding, again with the only mystery factor being why it was necessary to use the ships engines to navigate in fold space for non-instantanious trips. Now that we have fold faults, we know the other part of that reason. Btut even as the Vajra have shown, longer distances still require some propulsion to help nagivate a not completely folded distnance. As far as ST goes, pretty sure Voyager ruined any credibility that warp drive may have ever had. The imfamous voyager rear warp bump is still one of the most laughable forms of FTL ever shown.
  16. I had always heard Megazone 23 was concieved as a sequal to Mospeada in the early pre-production stages. As for the MG23 remake, ultimate letdown with that dating sim, such a tease. Unless uncourse you count the matrix.
  17. Speaking as a former kid who watched damn near anything, buck up! With that said, I watched the whole clone wars movie without turning it off after the first half hour yesturday, and really, it wasn't that bad.
  18. Say what you will about the prequals, and god knows Lucas didn't think anything through beforehand, otherwise Obi Wan's character would have actually been Qui Gon Jin, and lived through to ep IV, but Revenge of the Sith brought some really nice symetry in with Jedi, and sits up along with Empire as the top 2 films as far as I'm concerned. With that said, I was perfectly willing to ignore that this series even exists, but thanks to you all raving about it, I picked up the movie (have yet to watch), and will start watching the series when it hits bluray later this year.
  19. Yeah, but they broke the cardinal rule, never kill the big breasted blonde characters, especially in the first 5 minutes!
  20. Sorry, but the very nature of the beast, planet sized battle fortresses are always succeptable t0 Some kind of invasion & destruction, as seen in Yamato 2, SRW OG 1 & 2., Odin, Galaxy Express 999, & Lensman. You might as well be lfoating through space in a wooden barrel.
  21. No, a remake is good, the first series drifted way off the mark of the manga.
  22. I don't know about that, I've always suspected R2D2 was a Jedi.
  23. Hmm, I'm gonna start off with on a slightly different route, as I'd most want to pilot Buster Machine 7!!! Aside from that.. -Macross: VF-19 Kai -Gundam: Hi-Nu -Super Rboot: GaiGaiGar -Smaller support/backup- Ride Armor -Base of Operations Uchuu Senkan Yamato!
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