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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Lol, I'd love to see their comments on some of our epic Macross 7 discussions.
  2. The main problems with Macross II, aside from borrowing way to much from DYRL's story structure, were the drastic ship style changes in the Macross, sparseness of the "earth," and overall lack of contact with any colony fleets. Macross Frontier gave us mass produced Macross types, of which the ship in Macross II could now be one, privatized colony fleets with independent Valkyrie developement (which now could explain the style choices of the Valkyrie II & Metal Siren), the planet it takes place on now could be a distant one cut off by fold faults, inhabited by a colony fleet that has an odd penchant for recreating lost landmarks. It really hit me when the Macross 11 fleet was shown, my first thought was that it said the "Macross II" fleet, and everything just fell into place. With a little story tweaking, Macross II now easily fits into the Macross universe, with the Marduk being nothing more than a misguided race that was also left altered by the Protoculture, just one who attained a similar level of technology to Earth.
  3. All those "alternates" are shown after the main problem is "solved." Given the way they're shown, in dream montage as opposed to literal, it's pretty safe to assume they're nothing more than "what if's." There's really no room left in the ending for anything like Orguss 02 to occur, it's as non canon to Orguss as Macross II is to Macross. If not more so since Frontier opens a bit of a window for Macross II like events to occur.
  4. Lol, I posted the same thing over at the AOD boards a month ago when the topic of Sandy Frank losing Gatchaman came up
  5. Has a Yoshiki Fukuyama & JAM PROJECT song been announced for the theme song? This series deserves no less! Even if it's just a remake of the original song.
  6. Same as any other fligiht game where you've got missiles on your ass. Boost & bank. That's actually a feature I wish would have carried over from VFX-2, it gave you the option of switching to Battroid & using the gunpod to take out oncoming missiles. Can't remember if it was in the PS2 game.
  7. What 4 possabilities was Kei facing? -Kei & Olsen travel back to just before they set off the dimensional bomb -Past Kei & Olsen & Future Kei & Olsen all shoot & kill each other because they're that badass -Dimension bomb never goes off -Divergent timeline with those half dozen or so dimensions intertwined never happens -Future Kei has a nice dream before he fades off, the end!
  8. I try to stick with Akuma, Dan, & Sakura, Ken really is a bit too easy, and while Akuma's pretty powered, a decent player can defend against him.
  9. Really? I thought Orguss 02 completely flew in the face of the Orguss ending, contradicting the sacrifices involved in setting everything straight, implying that there was still at least 1 screwed up universe left. That, and needlessly bringing back a fallen character for no real plot reason other than to say "oh, look, we have this character. And spoilers be damned with 20 year old anime, if Kei & Olsen set everything straight by killing themselves before the set off the dimensional bomb in the first place, how the hell could Kei & Mimsy still have a child, and why would that child "not" be back in the original timeline of her mother if all the dimensions were set back straight (and she was still somehow able to exist, which she wouldn't be able to). I call shennanigans!
  10. Nice, but I think what everyone wants to see is Mai in action!
  11. ...What scale!?
  12. Orguss 02 is essentially the same as Macross II, i.e. has nothing to do with the previous series before it, so don't put too much stock in it.
  13. Oh come on, are you guys serious? I thought it was all pretty obvious that Wong Dai was I mean just look at his knowledge of With that said, Part III is my least favorite for that very plot twist, though it does have some of my favorite songs in the series. If anything, that awful twist explains why the Matrix ended as it did. With all that said, Part II is my favorite out of the series for pure story content, as well as the way the events leading to the return to Earth are handled. Character design change be damned, that's some damn fine anime right there.
  14. Silly question, have you connected online since purchasing the game? When I first went online there was an update of some sort, could be related to that issue.
  15. The easiest way to get Akuma & Gouken is: After unlocking Sakura, Dan, Gen, Fei Long, & Rose - -set the game to very easy, 1 round Get at least 2 perfects & 2 Ultra's, obviously you won't be able to lose a battle since it's set to 1 round. This should unlock Akuma. Play through a regular game, and clear it with Akuma. Then go back to very easy 1 round, and this time (not sure if Akuma is required, but I used him) play through with at least 2 perfects (I got 3 to be safe), and 3 Ultra's. Not losing a round, that will unlock Gouken. And really, why isnt' there the option to play all characters with their original names yet? I want Balrog to be M. Bison, Vega to be Balrog, and M. Bison to be Vega. But mostly, I want Akuma to be Gouki damnit!
  16. My connection is shiite right now, hopefully will be fixed sometime this week
  17. After playing with Gouken, Akuma, Ken, Ryu, & Sakura, I've decided that Dan's Saikyo style is far superior in this game to all!
  18. Macross DYRL belongs in 2031.
  19. That is f^cking awesome news. R1 license GO! Looking at the director, I think it's safe to assume that the fanservice will be present, and the story epic. Giant Robo still stands as one of the finest pieces of anime.
  20. I'd like survival better if they removed level raising/falling for those matches. Nothing better than falling in against those ringers, and losing 2 levels before you realized what happened.
  21. I liked Aquarion, but I think it would have benefitted from fewer training episodes, and more history of the shadow angels & plot episodes. It was kinda like an Escaflowne light. Or maybe it was closer to Arjuna, some really great potential that wasn't full utilized, and then token Kawamori "ha ha, it's over now, and you don't get to know what happens after" style ending. Which isn't to say I didn't like Arjuna, I really did, but I would have preferred a more in depth story for all the great characters that were introduced. Take Kare Kano for instance, awesome story, great characterizations. Probably one of my favorite Anno works. Even though in the end it doesn't really go anywhere, you don't care, because every episode you somehow wind up really caring about the characters & what they're doing, even the ones who pop up for only an episode or two out of nowhere. That's more of the type of stuff Kawamori needs to focus on, keeping his characters in focus, and not drifting into training montages. We know he can do it, but some times he runs amuk. Aquarion had the potential to be every bit as rewarding as Overman King Gainer, but fell a bit short. Mind you I haven't seen the OVA/Movie yet.
  22. Because Ryu doesn't have a shoryu related super, bastards!
  23. I'm sure someone keeps copies of those mailing lists somewhere, but I wouldn't be that person. Might just want to e-mail animeigo, It's not like it's a secret.
  24. Dan's ending was worth the price of admission. I'd also have liked it better starting out with everyone unlocked. This isn't freakin' soul caibur. I will say I'm having more fun than I thought I would, but these games just lend themselves better to beautiful handrawn 2D.
  25. Seth is the cheapest character in any video game ever. With that said, it's definately not up to par with Street Fighter III or Guilty Gear in a lot of ways, but it's still fun, just "simpler." Also, shame for not giving Ryu a shoryu super or ultimate.
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