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Everything posted by Keith

  1. While extremely green, that is a nice box. Here's hoping for a half set released later.
  2. I'm hoping they pu tall the blurays/DVD's out in complete boxes eventually, as I hate myself for missing that first box.
  3. Even though she can be switched from suck to blow?
  4. Flying Omega Supreme is the easy part, it's landing him that's hard
  5. I'm just mad we never got that last OVA, though really, if they'd stopped after teh 2nd/3rd movie it would have been fine.
  6. Bah, I was just looking at the pre-order for Frontier Vol 9, noticing it came with a first press box. I was planning on waiting a while before snagging Frontier, then picking it up as it went along. But reading the details, the box that comes with is just for the last 4 disc's, the 5th disc had a box for 1-5...! Did anyone manage to get that box, and if so, how cool was it?
  7. Bought the box set years ago, plus Earth Chapter & New Era, stuff like this you've gotta hop on when you see it. As for thinking somethin's worth $5, that's just plain stupid, anime is almost never sold $5 a disc, aside from low price collections. Do I need to go back into the whole "in my day we paid $30 for 2 episodes on 1 VHS tape for premium subtitles, and we loved it!)?
  8. Tekkaman Blade turned out much more awesome than I expected, the little inbetween the series & OVA bit was cool too. While my internet was down for the past month, I watched Last Exile, Ergo Proxy, & most of Golion (only 9 eps left). Last Exile definately surprised me, didn't expect that meaty of a show, and it fit together strangely well watching it after Overman King Gainer. Ergo Proxy was good too, though the open end left things a bit too unfinished. And Golion is a surprisingly violent show, but the story doesn't really pick up until its nearly over.
  9. Any bets on the next episode having flying motorcycles, flying kids in overalls, and Gil Gerard?
  10. There are a "lot" of ground attack misssions. There are some stupid "find the radar dealy" missions, there are some "don't fly inside the super radar deally before you ground bomb the other dealy" missions. And of course there's a healthy helping of "protect the air or ground thingy before air or ground troops shoot it up" missions. Ace Combat 5 & Zero this is not.
  11. Not to say the Ace Combat stories were epic, but HAWX is just plain garbage. If anything, they'd have been better off throwing in some AC 5/Zero style ace conflicts, instead of badly mimicing the trench runs & bombing missions. When will game designers learn when playing a flying game, we want air combat, not ground bombing!
  12. Try your local fry's. Mine s till has an ammo tin box set sitting around, so others may as well. If not, they may be able to get one for you from another store.
  13. Should hopefully (finally) be back online sometime this week. As for the controls, once you get used to them, and or play through the campaign, you'll understand & appreciate the change. The hard part is getting used to the multi-purpose triangle button.
  14. Unable to download the demo right now, I picked it up yesturday. It's definately "ok," the assistence off mode is equal parts stupid & useless as all hell, but aside from that, it's not a bad AC knock-off. It definately doesn't feel as "tight" as any of the Ace Combats though, it's hard to explain, but the level of feeling in the control just isn't there.
  15. Ok for a fanmade Gunbuster, but it's no Gunbuster.
  16. What Macross II were you watching where the characters had such deep motivations?
  17. She ain't got enough meat on her to place hello nurse.
  18. And none of it explains how Ishtar popped up with lyrics & muisc seemingly out of her ass. Point being, Macross II is already broken, including the whole ALUCE thing, just one of those minor necessary tweaks.
  19. The PC term is "more than meets the eye"
  20. Kaifun created Fire Bomber American, he still trumps Grace in the evil department.
  21. The design of the ship itself betrays being the original Macross. Being another of the Macross class ships (like the Global) gives them the luxury of having the different canon design that employs the legs & ARMD carriers, explains the TV coloring with DYRL styling, and makes up for it being destroyed at the end. It doesn't have to be "the" Macross to be "their" Macross that headed whatever colony fleet that would have taken them to that planet.
  22. I'd love to watch it, and keep pestering Funi to license it. If only Japanese companies would waste a little time to put english subtitles on thier blurays...
  23. Look up AD Police, ADV re-released the 12 episode AD Poilce TV series & Parasite Dolls in a 2 pack last year, should still be pretty easy to find for insanely cheap.
  24. Not really, considering the ALUCE looked like a Zeppelin, and the Macross was a Supervision Army gunboat (TV canon), & Meltrandi gunboat (DYRL canon), there was never any chance that it was the AlUCE to begin with. Ishtar's just a little crazy.
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