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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I forget who here coined it, but "Fairy Bomber" is still the perfect name for said album.
  2. I can't believe you've never heard of Gall Force!
  3. I'm pretty sure it's an automatic ban from Macrossworld to reference any ship ramming something as "The Picard Manuever", enjoy your ban!
  4. Again, not having seen the show, just reading what you guys have posted about, parallels with Gall Force seem more obvious. -Age old constant cycling conflict with the Solonoids (biological all female race) & Solonoids (bio-mecha male race) that almost always results in a complete whiping out of both, with an eventual union of both (then subsequent seperation restarting the cycle). -Catty, the secret android ally, turned enemy, but really an ally who pops up through subsequent generations of characters. -The last survivors of Eternal Story Progenate the human race on Earth, and despite leaving behind all previous technology, humans later stumble upon Paranoid reckage (I think on the moon), use it to engineer new AI, which results in an all new conflict, which eventually leads to the destruction of Earth & the setting out of what would likely become a new Solonoid faction (leaving behind an AI/Paranoid faction) etc. Sure Gall Force at first glimps borrows a lot from Macross & Alien, but its original story elements seem to be the major backbone for this new BG.
  5. Hmm, best part, this could mean the new SRW with Shin Mazinger Impact Z will also have Macross Frontier
  6. Any announcement of a complete bluray set?
  7. Bah, it was Totsugeki Love Heart, again, shouldn't post when half asleep.
  8. Still sad Basara never popped up in Frontier... And as cool as the Planet Dance duet is, I'd love to see May'n do Holy Lonely Light or Light the Light.
  9. I think we're all missing the important issue here. Where's the freakin' Jet Scrander!
  10. Don't forget Knight Rider 2045, the post apocolyptic Knight Rider movie... That clip is strangely compelling despite itself. Didn't they for one minute consider that building a car in the same colors using the same menacing voice as the first KARR might result in a similar end? Foolish scientists. And poor Peter Cullen for being dragged into it Hell, Val Kilmer was Mad Mardigan & Doc Freakin' Holiday, why is he being reduced to the garbage he's doing? Who'd he piss off in Hollywood?
  11. Super robot anime has nothing to do with what makes sense, it's all about how pasionately you can take out your enemy, for he with the most guts wins.
  12. Could also be a translation error. Regardless, this is the director of Giant Robo, whatever he does will be infinately awesome. Sure his Tetsujin 28 was a bit on the slow side, but it was still good.
  13. I always got the impression that the Marduk were another tampered with race, that came across the Zentradi, and like Earth defeated them with "Culture," but intead of cohabitating, inslaved them & stole their technology. The Aluse being their "Macross," also explaining their odd ties to religion.
  14. Mind you I actually haven't watched any of the series, but by reading these synopsis of the show and its ending, it sounds an awful lot like Gall Force.
  15. That pretty much sums up the game, I'm gonna try online multiplayer sometime soon to see if that adds anything worthwhile.
  16. That looks exactly as I'd expecti t to look from the creater of giant robo the animation, awesome.
  17. Yeah, it's down for me too, was about to go play mgo.
  18. LOL, Nemesis, should have called "Data the Suicidal Andriod" or "trying way to hard to recreate ST II."
  19. Raiden is pretty damn awesome. Hell, I'd love an all special character mode, as long as Mei Ling could be excluded Best way to dwal with those CQC guys is a quick blade jab, if you're lucky it'll connect before they throw you.
  20. I can still remember sunday mornings watching Exosquad, Teknoman, and Bucky O'Hare. I've now got Tekkaman Blade, soon will have Exosquad, and can do without bucky
  21. A prime example would be Arrividerci Yamato VS Yamato 2. The aforementioned movie (lead by Nishizaki) managed to do little more than kill off the entire crew, while doing little for much else. While Yamato 2 (this time with Matsumoto reigning things in) still had its share of death, but flowed a lot better (and not just because of the extended time of the story), and worked a whole lot better. Over the years since Matsumoto has had Galaxy Express TV & Movies, the various Harlock shows, movies OVA's, The Cockpit, and most recently Galaxy Railways. I'm not saying everything he's done has been absolute gold, but you can see the spirit in all that was good with Yamato in his work. Nishizaki on the other hand only had Odin & the failed Yamato 2520 (before going to jail for owning firearms), those works doing little lmore than treading too closely over what was already done, while retaining little of the actual spirit of what made Yamato great.
  22. Except that Nishizaki is a freaking loon, and can't produce anything entertaining to save his life. If Leiji Matsumoto was involved, I'd be much more optimistic, but Nishizaki on his own can do little more than boring character slaughter fests (I'm looking at you Odin).
  23. All the fun of the Gundam Battle series, Plus PS3 Graphics, Plus beefed up online PSN play? that's absolute crazy talk, who would ever pay money for that!
  24. Internet fix was a fakout, back offline again, full of infinate woe as my signal dies down & I don't get to play MGO tonight.
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