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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Don't know if COPS would hold up as well, but almost assuredly better than the Police Academy cartoon did BTW, I'm only a few episodes in, but did anyone else notice an audio skip about 9-10 minutes into the first episode? Only problem I've noticed so far. That, and episodes seem to randomly be in mono & stereo, but I'm guessing that has more to do with whatever masters they were able to find after all this time
  2. Just played earlier, seems to be fine.
  3. Definately very similar to BGC, I enjoyed it too, not a bad show at all, just derivative of a lot of other things. Also an unconventional, & somewhat blunt ending. If you enjoy it, pick up the OVA, it's got a short animation previewing what a sequal series may have been.
  4. Got mine, probably start watching tomorrow.
  5. Haven't seen it, but right now rightstuf has the bluray box for 79.99, which is insanely cheap for what iti s.
  6. Because he has an asian PS3, and while PS3 games for the U.S. & Japan are in the same region, it still maintains the old region boundries for PS1 & PS2 games.
  7. Wait, it wasn't me was it? I have a nasty habbit of occasionally cursing like a sailor while playing. Also for those wondering, the officialy sony ps3 blutooth mic actually works pretty well with MGO surprisingly enough. Speaking of which though, where are all the MW'ers playing (or not) MGO. So far it's just me, Roy, & Dizman (my brother too, but he doesn't frequent the board).
  8. I'll stick with my copy of the Chinese Dragon Ball movie thank you very much!
  9. The good news is that 8 or so years ago they were released on DVD in Korea with english subs. They were only released that way in Korea, and the first movie is R3 (second is R0) so you'd need a region switchable player. Further, there was a box with both movies released + a bonus disc (didn't get that version), but not sure if it's even still in production. The shop I got my copies from doesn't seem to exist any longer unfortunately, but good hunting. There is one upside though, Crunchroll has the first 65 episodes of hte TV series licensed & subtitled from Toei that you can watch if you join with them.
  10. Yep, definately looks like a full remake, Hughes not knowing the Elric's is your big tip-off. So far so good, can't wait to see how it turns out.
  11. I've been playing MGO & SFIV, but it is about time I picked up Valkyria Chronicles. Probably in hte next couple weeks or so.
  12. Diebuster doesn't deserve any of that hate, It's quite a competent sequal that doesn't do anything to tarnish the original.
  13. ::Looks down at credit card::: WHERE DO I PURCHASE THIS!
  14. New trailer is awesome, very nice things are coming out of Anno's new production house. But damnit, I still wan't a Nadia redo.
  15. Besides, Nadia already perfectly fills that particular Nitch
  16. Proving yet again, Sheryl is the ultimate fictional diva.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zeI3MvSCMQ
  18. Clerks The Animated Series....
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