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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Final volume of the bi-langual Gurren Lagann release is out, Special Edition has the Best Sound 2 disc sountrack, and first volume of the Manga.
  2. Cold war is over, replace Omega Red with Mu Brown, Middle Eastern Super Soldier!
  3. Transformers + Indiana Jones = Win? We'll find out this summer! Also, why isn't every freakin' thing on youtube in HD, I had no idea it could look like that.
  4. Any news on new Macross Ace or Gundam Battle sequels any time soon? I've played both to death, and need my bi-yearly fix!
  5. A joke reference to ep 42 2:30 in, Sparkplug's illegal chopshop!
  6. Is this really a big surrpise for a movie that was produced by Hugh Jackman in the middle of filming Austraila?
  7. Any scan sof the LE box that came with bluray 9? I need to scrounge up more cash to fill in the rest of the series, subtitles be damn, this is a pretty show on bluray.
  8. More accourately, what anime mags are left to take otu ad's in?
  9. Nah, that was all about Soundwave thinkin' he could mix beat's better than Blaster. Plus I think they f'd up Bluestreak's paint job, what the autobots did in retaliation was totally justified. Plus the Decepticons got dangerously close to discovering Sparkplug's illegal chopshop.
  10. Divergent timeline/reboot origin.
  11. Afro Samurai reminds me a lot of Ninja Scroll, but tends to be on the slow side.
  12. I just wish the anime had been more "kojima-ey"
  13. Non 7 bashing... Wait a minute... :::checks url:: this couldn't possibly be Macross World...?! Been Just finished Exosquad & Freedom, and I was really surprised by Freedom, almost sorry I wanted for the bluray sale at rightstuf to get it, really should have picked it up sooner. Now I'm slowly making my way through Fruits Basket, not a bad show by any means, just doesn't reach out and grab me.
  14. And that right there is why I'm glad I imported the Gurra-Para DVD.
  15. on the making!
  16. Confirmed dub only? Weak. I don't feel better about importing it now, I'll still pick this up to support Gundam though.
  17. Just watched the first 2 episodes earlier, also liking it so far, I suggest anyone interested pick up the bluray before its gone.
  18. Here's hoping guy with chocobo chick nested in his afro is a playable character!
  19. Meh to comics. First 2 volumes of the 90's X-Men cartoon are out in a week.
  20. Looks like Rightstuf is having a clearance sale on the Daichi's for anyone who hasn't pickedi it up, or is interested. It's a nice little Kawamori how, no real resolution to anything beyond the basic character story, but an interesting piece of Kawamori history none the less.
  21. Main OVA included is a prequal, but it also have a few minute mini-sequal preview.
  22. I've been bouncing between 10-11 for months, I think that's the barrier unless you're using a lag switch. Stupid laggy bastards! With that said, I've been playing through the normal campaign for the first time in almost a year. Currenlty back in Shadow Moses, and damn, this game is a thing of beauty. Next stop, back to the Metal Gear fight!
  23. Burst Angel Infinity.
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