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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I did a little zoom while looking at the teaser page, and the patch on his hat says "Militaries Sans Frontiers." Interesting.
  2. I definately don't think it's Gray Fox, Null never looked like that, and his model of Cyborg Ninja didn't look like that. I kind of like the idea of a grown up Sonny becoming a Ninja though. Being Raiden's kid is another possibility. Can't say I hate the idea of Johnny taking on a Big Boss role, but I doubt Meryl would let him get very far without her, and the only thing that would make any big degree of sense there would be if the Genome Solider project somehow worked on him. Don't see how that would happen with his fear of needles. Besides, he's definately not a clone, his grandfather was shown in MGS3. Ocelot however brings in the possibility for a new ancestor in "The Boss" line though, but there was never any indication he had kids. Though if he did, they'd be old enough to be the man in the picture here. Given the damage to (Solid) Snake's face, as well as the point he'd aged to, it's doubtful that its him. Unless somehow interacting with the real Big Boss, and passing along the Fox Die virus back to him somehow rapaired him. Or maybe Big Boss was loaded with super healing Nano's that transfered to Snake via cigar.... All I know is I want this game...now, and Snatcher, and ZOE 3 damnit!
  3. http://psinsider.e-mpire.com/index.php?cat..._articleid=1208 If the partial translation is right, then I edit my above comment to read "F U C K Y E A H SOLID SNAKE IS NOW BIG BOSS! " I want to buy both games right freakin' now!
  4. F U C K Y E A H BIG BOSS! I wonder if this will be the forming of Outer Heaven, but regardless, too freakin' sweet.
  5. Didn't think Frontier borrowed too much at all, though all Space Opera's are derivative of Uchuu Senkan Yamato, and all super robot anime of Mazinger Z. Naturally Gundam set the benchmark for suedo-real mecha series. With that said, Evangelion shares very little in common with Gundam, it borrows much more heavily from Hideaki Anno's first two projects, Gunbuster & Nadia. Me thinks you're just too jaded to differenciate.
  6. Last Exile did turn out to be a pretty fun series, didn't hear much about it, but I wound up picking up the thinpak because I liked the box art, and look of the series. Definately a pleasant surprise. Only thing weirder was that I watched it and Overman King Gainer in the same month, which fit together strangely well.
  7. If only Honneamise had waited until after MS Igloo 2 was out to fold, I'm fairly certain BE will bring out Unicorn, but what about Igloo 2!
  8. OMG just watched sub, freakin' awesome. Why do we get garbage like lost, when a significantly smarter show can be produced & told in a greatly shorter runtime, and animated no less. Will we foolish American's ever learn? This is going to be a long 4 weeks.
  9. Any Skynet interaction? Mayhaps its intentions for just whati t would do with all those machines if it did whipe out humanity. Really seems kind of inane, would it restore the invironement, would it just hang out pumping out more machines until it ruined the planet more. come up with its own mecha utopia...
  10. Nope, throwing extra content, regardless of similairty, is a huge sign of bad translation. It's the one thing that marred the AnimEigo Macross release.
  11. Char only goes for Loli's
  12. I'm going to go with a straight out of left field choice, and say Analyzer from Space Battleship Yamato. That little robot couldn't get enough of Yuki's panties.
  13. Really, they might as well just say ZOE3, why ask about interest, and then do nothing!
  14. No, Paul lost all rights to being the Walrus for being a douche, John reclaimed it during his solo years
  15. Only saw the raw version, but so far it feels like no time has passed at all. Nice way to weave back in, and sell more DVD's with the first season & second season episodes mixed in? Do I care? No! Although bluray would be better...
  16. Almost any scenario would be acceptable. -Metal Gear/Metal Gear 2 remake -MGS 1,2,3 upgrade with MGS4 engine. -MGS5 Starring Raiden -MGS5 Starring someone else -MGS5 somehow starring a fixed Solid Snake (maybe Big Boss had super nano's that defeated all that repaired Snake's DNA why not! Or Sonny did it!!) -New re-entry of Snatcher into the MGS mythos, all new tactical espionague action, mixed with crime scene investigation & dating sim. AWESOME! As for those who don't want more, Metal Gear is a surprisingly not pimped out franchise considering its age. And really, the MGS4 engine is too perfect not to use again.
  17. And Lunar Harmy of Silver Star!
  18. It summons the power x 100 Yuki Nagato's!
  19. For finding a Yoko I don't like, an internet curse on you!
  20. That's definately a 5, besides, if it were Snatcher, it'd be Snow, not lightning.
  21. I hope it is a new game, MGS 4 engine is too good to waste.
  22. He was in disguide, der! Or perhaps she wanted to give him a chance to repent whatever they did. Brought back to life with scars? Not terribly likely, those were scales, take a good look. I've said it in reference to anime, and the same applies to video games as well, if you want to play something "american" then play a game made in america. There's no need to "change" content just because something was originally in a different language. Did you honestly find the gameplay better in SSS with spells being called out in English? Was either version a better game because it had a town full of inbred hicks? The notion that a story has no "heart" unless its tailored for a spefici culture is inase. Take Grandia for instance, everybit as good as Lunar, none of the WD's "localization" changes made to it. Same goes for Xenogears, or did you not care when the mystery behind Id killing Fei's mother, who was possed by Miang was revealed. Also, Robotech's changes spanned far further than simple scene edits, oversaturation of exposition in the dialogue, dumbing down of technological terms, music entirely replaced, ham fisted voice acting. Do I realliy need to explain all of this on this forum?
  23. 3 possabilities! -New Jim Kirk actually "is" George Kirk!!! shocking! -George Kirk was erased by previous time travel episodes of "Enterprise" -George Kirk was adopted!!! Actually, just thought of a couple more Scandelous explanations. -George Kirk "does" exist in this timeline, but he has a different mother (these are "Kirks" we're talking about) -George Kirk was from the future in the original timeline, and now has been erased in general. -George Kirk was an alien who hypnotized the Kirk family into believing he was one of them. See, there are plenty of possaiblities here, NEW MOVIE RULES, OLD TREK DROOLS!
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