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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The site is pretty empty right now, Just a page on the mask game, and an image of "raiden?) for Rising. Another thought, even if it does turn out to be exclusive, that may just be in the US, there's always hope for importing.
  2. Hmm, IGN is reporting that it is 360 exclusive, timed maybe? Also no mention of the PS3 logo here. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage....;topic=49765656
  3. You forgot the best part http://blogs.ign.com/Next-Gen-Gamer/2009/05/28/121654/ I WAS RIGHT, IT IS OLGA!!!! cock, nevermind, just looked at the date, stupid ign! BTW, if it plays anything like Raiden in MGO, I'll be quite happy.
  4. Actually, going into semantics of a specific person being born at a specific time, etc, has always been a problem with Terminator. Any way you cut it either A: John Conner is "not" important to taking out Skynet, since he would have either had another father that was not Kyle in an initial set of events, or for some random reason Kyle would have had to have travelled back in time regardless & have a baby with Sara, in either event "the" John Conner would be a different person for the same reasons mentioned above about Kyle. or B: These Prophecy's are fullfilling on the basis of name alone. If you tell someone they are John Conner, and they will destroy Skynet, it will happen regardless of who their father is, or how they are born, since it's something that has to be done, and something their raised believing in/training for.
  5. Hmm, now the teaser is has a sunny day with a B or an 8 flashing...wtf!
  6. I don't know about the recieving part, but the FCC used to do it all the time to stop pirate radio broadcasts.
  7. Simpler solution, it blututh uploaded an image of Reese from Marcus, problem solved! Just saw the movie earlier, and honestly, didn't hate it like I thought I would. Doesn't fit at all with the feel of the first 2, but it's an OK action movie. Sure there's tons of crap that doesn't make sense, but we'll just assume this Skynet is too arrogent & smug to do logical things like instantly killing targets, and building new nukes to finish off resistence... Also, kudo's for making CG Arnie look significantly better than CG Patrick Stewart in Wolverine.
  8. Yeah, what would they even call it, Star Trek Nemsis? Oh wait...
  9. What about keeping your current PSP, not buying a PSP Go, playing your UMD's on your current PSP, and downloading newer content to a memory stick?
  10. Yup, first time I watched it, went all 14 episodes in one go. Truly an awesome show, btw, are your downloads in Kyon or Haruhi order?
  11. That's a specific type of cyborg ninja design, one that as of yet seems original to Petrovich Modnar's work. Therefore it's not Gray Fox. There would also be no reason to re-design Raiden so dramatically for a re-release of the game, so I think it's pretty safe to say it's not him. Maybe a mass produced Raiden type?
  12. What work around? It comes loaded with 16 gigs of flash memory, you can buy a 16 gig memory stick for your 3000, and use it just as you would a go.
  13. I initially heard that there were going to be 2 games, one for the PS3, one for the PSP, with Resistence style of interactivity between them.
  14. I just love the fact that not only do they reboot teh franchise by effectively erasing the entire pre-existing series (except for maybe Enterprise), but do it so well that everyone loves it, and the bulk of the fans willingly accept it. That's not just ballzy, that's Kirk ballzy.
  15. Olga had green eyes..until she was shot in the head and became a Modnar modified cyborg ninja...
  16. Not that surprising, we already knew the current generation of cyborg ninja's were Modnar's work.
  17. After 70 years he will assuredly choose sweet sweet death.
  18. Hmm, I forget, how dead was Olga? Sure she got shot in the head, but given the appearance of the new Ninja's head, I'd say this is a somewhat likely theory.
  19. Pre MGS2 Soldus had 2 eyes, when he lost an eye it was the left one, and after Raiden took him out, he was used for spare parts for Big Boss, until Ocelot barbequed him.
  20. Yup, that's a secondary seller, looks like it was pretty limited.
  21. Looks like a super LE (out at amazon jp too) DVD/CD combo set, with this video, maybe some other stuff, voice actor interview, cd soundtrack with song, and an artbook with sketches & storyboards from the aforementioned video. Best of all, it was only $30, which is like finding something for $10 here, seriously, things are that expensive in Japan
  22. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CRUEL CRUEL OOP! Man, why couldn't you have found this 2 weeks ago, I totally would have imported it! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=ANZB-2784 Your penance shall be to keep a vigilant eye out for a bluray release!! ::sobs:: Stupid Bandai with their no chance in hell of ever bringing the awesome little stuff like this over...
  23. If only they had made an ending where humans prevented the Judgement Day from ever happening, and Skynet from ever being created....oh wait!
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