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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I think that only works with a Japanese PSN update, but I've no idea where in the Japanese playstation store it is.
  2. Gunstar Hero's is up for sale at the Playstation store. Only downside, isn't downloadable to PSP. Hopefully that's fixed in the future.
  3. Perfectly fine with me, not like I haven't watched 7 several dozen times already...
  4. OMG, I just foiund an exclusive sneak peak at the cover for the new Metal Gear Game!
  5. I am so going to put up a site about you!!! Also, ORE NO UTA WO KIIKE!
  6. Sweet, I'm still public enemy #1 on robotech fan lists almost 10 years later. Truly I am an uber Macross fan
  7. But if there's a reference in final to the Bolar Wars, and Yamato 3 was the Bolar Wars, the TIME PARADX!!!
  8. Are you sure Final was supposed to replace Yamato 3? In Final, Desslor's new/old Gamilus planet gets toe up by Aquarius, that new/old Gamilus empire was from Yamato 3.
  9. Let me know when you guys finish the whole project. I'll gladly pay someone for a perfect sub of the DVD remasters in DVD quality on DVD's. Also, DVD! Sucks being an old man who doesn't trust torrent software...
  10. Yamato 1 was a trip to Iscandar to retrieve the cosmo cleaner to take out all the radiation that Earth had been bombarded with. Yamato 2 (my favorite of the series) was an all out brawl between Earth & the Comet Empire, with a Ressurected Desslor thrown in to boot, while Yamato 3 had yet another new race decided to blow the shite out of Earth by firing a bigass missile at the sun. There was also an inbetween Yamato 2-3 movie plot (I think 2 films?) with the Black Star empire nearly pwning Earth as well. And then Final Yamato had a race who evolved on Earth & left before humanity rose, divert a huge space water deally to flood Earth so they could take it back over.
  11. How many more weeks until the next new ep, this is freakin' murder!
  12. Yuki's Panties, an uber powerful mystical space babe, Analyzer completely falling apart, and sweet sunglasses to shade from the Wave Motion Gun. In lieau of all of these, I think we'll only get the gruesome crew deaths. Seriously, was i necessary to kill Shima? Also, if it's only 17 years in hte future,k where the hell is Sanada!
  13. Any sign of the OVA's hitting bluray in Japan?
  14. No, Dai Ginga Yamato (Zero?) was Matsumoto's blunder, though he apparently didn't have much budget to work with on that. The Upside, he did make up for it with Herlock Endless Odyssey, & Galaxy Railways.
  15. I hate to be the continued wet blanket, and I know I've bitched about Nishizaki quite a bit already, but damn: -All Earth ships besides the Yamato are ass -Blue Noah should be reserved for Nadia! -Cosmo Panthers look a little too loaded down with wing missiles -Character designs are ass -Alien ship designs are ass -WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE JUST MADE UP WITH MATSUMOTO TO MAKE THE PERFECT YAMATO!! With that said, I do hope this isn't anywhere near as borring as Odin, and that Nishizaki has finally learned to "not" kill off his entire cast for no reason. Also, where's the Yuki /female type character? Is that supposed to be Kodai captaining? Is that the Yamato re-launching from frozen remains of Aquarious? Does Matsumoto own the Andromeda design? Because if he doesn't, for shame on Nishizaki for not using the most beautiful ship design ever. Other minor complaints, cannon blasts should be "bigger," they look too thin and not flashy enough. The Wave Motion Gun barrel should also be bigger/wider on the hull. And really, the Earth fleet looks like something out of Legend of Galactic Heroes, a great series, but the ship designs leave a lot to be desired. With that said, and for all my complaining, I will watch/buy this if it ever becomes available in the U.S., but I'd much prefer the second season of Galaxy Railways. for anyone who hasn't, check out the first season, it's dirt cheap from Funi, and some of Matsumoto's best work.
  16. And seriously, I'm up for a bluray of Season 1 + 2 in just as decadent a special edition as the R1 DVD, bring it Bandai!
  17. My professional analysis of this....are you sure she's not pregnant? Seriously, a chick crying at Terminator + severe break up mood swing + Just as random get together - smoking/drinking = high probability of pregnant. Congratulations! Also, quick quit smoking!!!
  18. The most reliable source imaginable.
  19. Suggestion, Aim for the Top! should be above GUNBUSTER.
  20. Maybe I'll have to see all this stuff animated before I understand it, but all of that mentioned from the later novels seesm a ibt out of step with what's been animated so far.
  21. And solved the miystery on how to sure fire kill the Borg. Holographic tommyguns!
  22. Hmm, Mayhaps I'll pick up the first novel to help inspire further official translations.
  23. And of course another nice curveball, What if Mikuru is Kyon & Haruhi's descendant?
  24. BRUCE BOXLEITNER NOOOOO!!! Someone needs to save Captain Tron Sheridan before he winds up in another one of these movies!
  25. I don't know, I still have a sneaking suspicion that Kyon is actually the one subconciously controlling the universe, and Haruhi was created to keep him entertained.
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