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Everything posted by Keith

  1. That sihrt sir, is full of win. Kudo's. Curiosity, where did you find a shirt shop that let you use licensed images?
  2. Totally forgotr to mention that, but that was very awesome.
  3. Believe it or not, the way fighters handles in Ace Frontier "was" a vast improvement over the way mobile armor's handled in the Gundam Battle series. If elements from M3, VFX2, & Macross II pop up this time around, it'll probably be in the same way Zero was shown in AF, and F91 in Gundam Battle Universe, i.e.. ex stages with a couple unlockable mecha. Not that I'm complaining, they have to save something for the next one. I like the idea of passangers in cockpit though, hopefully that means we'll get the VF-11D Jamming Birds varient. I also hope one of those Konig Monsters has "Monster Girl" painted on the side. New hud is very pretty, and I wonder if they'll add any new pilot skills.
  4. I love machine translations.. http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/english/w...+%96%7C+%96%F3+ Confirmed, there will deifinately be seperate campaigns for Macross TV & Macross DYRL. Also looks like it says all campaigns will incorperate more direct story elements. Sweet. Oh sh!t!!! Looking at that above picture from the Zero campaign, you can use Shin's F-14! I want this game now!!
  5. Hell, I'd play through a whole Gundam Battle game with just Char's theme song from 0079 TV .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzrPQbzJK6o&feature=related
  7. I have yet to watch my copy of Ebichu, but I think I'll support your choice of Mackey, not even direct blood relation could hold him back! Boo to 2040 for setting him up with Nene.
  8. Or maybe it was Kycilia.
  9. If they decide to stretch out TV & Movie into completely seperate campaigns, this may very well happen. I just hope they pop for full songs + lyrics, more expensive yes, but the first one sold well enough to warrent it.
  10. I tried watching Spectacular Spiderman, I really did, but teh animation style killed it for me. Mind you you're talking to someone who absolutely loves Leiji Matsumoto's tales despite potato-ey hero's, the story & atmosphere conquers animation style there, but didn't for me with waify spiderman.
  11. From the attnetion to detail sidestory character/mecha that they put into the Gundam games, I think we can expect a more thorough Macross experience this time. This first game with tis unfinished (yet still highly polished)-ness was most likely a test to justify the budget into this game. Considering Gundam Battle Universe includes a ton of outside animation details like Johnny Raiden, Various RX-78 production models, Mk V, Blue Destiny, Penelope, etc, we should get some very cool unlockables in this next Macross game. VF-4 anyone? I also though about the VT-1, couldn't remember if someone was complaining about it in this topic or another one, but it'd be a perfect mecha for Minmay to pilot while singing Sunset Beach
  12. Wait a minute, VFX-2 means we get to see the VFX Ravens again, sweet. I wonder if we'll get that sweet red sound jamming VF-17! This game can't come out soon enough.
  13. Christian Bale is the male Nichole Kidman, i.e. an emotionless block of wood that does more harm to any film he's in than good. He has too acting modes, ass, and raspy, nothing inbetwen. Dark Knight should have just been called "Joker," with Heath Ledger running around Gothum killing people & blowing sh!t up!
  14. This movie will be fail unless it has Charlie Murphy as Donkey's brother!
  15. The name Spectacular + the animation style = Gay. 90's Spiderman forever!
  16. You know, I was certain they'd do Gundam first (been maxing out some of the couple hundred MS stats in anticipation), but I'm even happier there's more Macross on the way. Just from the pic's -Sound Boosters! -Sheryl & Ranka! -Minmay -Quarter Looks like most if not all of our checklist is being added. As for controls, if you expect anything other than the scheme included, you're just flat out playing the wrong game. These games are about hero mecha, hero attacks, and awesomeness. not about sim realisticnicity. This is so pre-ordered as soon as it pops up. VF-19P Awesome, I can't wait to whale on Protodevelin with Angel Voice, & OMG, Graham, you're there too! Damn, maybe I'll switch back from Gundam to levelling up the series character pilot stats, just in case those carry over too. And for those who think the YF-21 was too powerful, try going against it with the VF-19 Kai, speedy enough at top tune (without special boost) to actually dodge the YF-21's special.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzxZ7kIhG94
  18. Sweet, this worked awesome, also go the Daicon opening animations. I know great things can be found via torrent, but I've yet to actually trust the software enough to test it. Someday! I miss the old days of decent ftp sites with straight files.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5RyKfgOYPI Does anyone know a trick to saving video's from youtube?
  20. I loved portable ops, and it looks like they made it so you don't have to drag troops back to the truck anymore (my #1 gripe) which makes this a big plus. As for Rising, I agree with Togo, looks like the 360 couldn't handle the MGS4 engine
  21. I seem to remember it getting some good licks in before going down, but its most important job was buying more time for the Yamato.
  22. http://media.photobucket.com/image/yamato%...toAndromeda.jpg Finest battleship design ever created! The Andromeda trumps all.
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